Employee Suggestions


I had some ideas spring to mind and I asked my boss if she was open to hearing them. She said she was so I gave her my ideas/suggestions. Wondering what she thinks and if anything will come of them.

Delos Tarot/No Reversals

1. What does C think about idea/suggestion #1? - Hermit
2. Show me where this idea/suggestion goes from here: Moon

The Hermit might suggest that she thinks she'll have to find more information perhaps. The Moon might suggest that this idea becomes lost/forgotten.

3. What does C think about idea/suggestion #2? - Wheel of Fortune
4. Show me where this idea/suggestion goes from here: 7 of Cups

The Wheel might suggest that she thinks this idea/suggestion is something out of her/our control. The 7 of Cups comes across like she may not want to deal with it, and it'll simply go unchosen.

5. What does C think about idea/suggestion #3? - Queen of Pentacles
6. Show me where this idea/suggestion goes from here: 6 of Swords

She thinks the idea is a caring, practical one that would satisfy a real need. However, the 6 of Swords seems to suggest the trouble of implementing it is too great and we'll have to move on from it.

So, what I get from this is that my ideas are unhelpful and they're not going to go anywhere. What do you think?


Hi Amanda!

Some alternate readings--although some may be close to yours or tweaks of yours!

1. Hermit: Just time to think about it alone.
2. Moon: Added natural imagination and ingenuity perhaps renders it impractical?

3. Wheel: Surprisingly good idea OR thinks idea could be beneficial, fortunate.
4. 7 of Cups: Just wants to consider other options.

5. Queen of Pents: No change from your read--caring, practical, really needed.
6. 6 of Swords: Going for it. Making whatever transition is needed to implement it.


Thanks for the more positive pushback wheelie, I appreciate it! :)

I work out of the local Senior Citizens Center.

1. Hermit: Just time to think about it alone.
2. Moon: Added natural imagination and ingenuity perhaps renders it impractical?

Idea #1 -- To implement on-site Passport personnel; this person would travel 50 miles one-way to be within closer reach to our senior citizens and better able to work with my direct boss "A" when needing to resolve issues surrounding our Passport clients. They would likely do this about once a week, and our company would reimburse them for mileage while they maintained their employment status with the Passport office.

It might not be totally necessary; I think it would make for a better relationship between us and them, and between them and our clients -as long as this person came along with their own laptop to access their company stuff for our clients, I don't see any major issues surrounding "ingenuity".

Then again, there may be more to it than I'm aware of.

3. Wheel: Surprisingly good idea OR thinks idea could be beneficial, fortunate.
4. 7 of Cups: Just wants to consider other options.

Idea #2 -- To develop cooperative relationships with other programs similar to the one I work in. I find myself at a loss sometimes when trying to help my clients as much as I can when I feel our program isn't truly benefiting them the most. I want more information from two other organizations similar to ours, and to work together with them to trade clients, if necessary. I want to be able to confidently make recommendations to my clients if we are not doing for them what they truly need. Likewise, the other two organizations may come across clients that are in greater need of us. What this comes down to really, is we are out there daily M-F providing well-being checks with our services, while the other two organizations are only out there weekly and bi-weekly. They may come across clients that need something daily, whereas, I currently have clients that I think would benefit more (and reduce a small amount of stress on our efficiency) if they were to go to a weekly or bi-weekly program.

In terms of "other options" -- I'm not sure there are any; the current system isn't too broken, it works, and she may not want to mess with that. I see a need for increasing efficiency measures here, and shuffling people around to better suit their needs.

5. Queen of Pents: No change from your read--caring, practical, really needed.
6. 6 of Swords: Going for it. Making whatever transition is needed to implement it.

Idea #3 -- I've come across a lot of incidences where I've either been asked directly by seniors, or have noticed myself, their need for lawn care maintenance (but can't do it themselves or can't afford an added cost). I suggested to my boss that we work with the Department of Job & Family Services to utilize the Youth Workers program they have to get some of these young adults to take care of our senior citizens' yards. They would have to be over 18 to do so of course, but the Youth Program goes up to age 24. We currently have youth workers helping out in our kitchen, and they're not really needed there. If we do it this way, DJFS will pay the workers to do their community service and the seniors won't have to pay anything. The youth workers only work over the Summer, which is all we would need them for. These aren't "bad" kids; the program isn't for that -- one of them, for example, is a 20-year old boy that is on break from college as he studies to be a minister and is the "team leader" of his youth work group. Someone like that could certainly be trusted to mow some grass for an elderly person.

Of all three, this is the most practical and very real need, but perhaps the most difficult to implement. These youth workers would need equipment, a leader, background checks, etc. However, we recently got a grant and my boss, C, said, "We didn't really know what to do with it, but they told us we had to use it" so we (me and my coworkers) got some new stuff -that no one even asked us if we needed really- so I whipped up these ideas from things I've been perceiving for a little while now. If they do have some more money laying around, perhaps implementing this won't be as difficult as I anticipate.

I left my ideas with her today before I left, so she may say something to me tomorrow. When she does, I'll be sure to update. Thanks for taking the time! :)


Well wheelie, it seems your interpretations were on point!

I have to get back to work for the time being, but I'll be back a little later with the details for your interpretations. :)


Hi Amanda!

Some alternate readings--although some may be close to yours or tweaks of yours!

1. Hermit: Just time to think about it alone.
2. Moon: Added natural imagination and ingenuity perhaps renders it impractical?

I think maybe she has already been thinking about this option. When she talked to me today, it seemed like perhaps this is something she had already been thinking about and perhaps my suggestion of it provoked her to go ahead and take action on it.

She told me that, after she got my suggestions, she made a phone call to a man with this organization and discussed with him the possibility of coming around more often. I didn't really know what to suggest, so I offered the suggestion of once per week; I knew they probably wouldn't need to be there too often. She and this man discussed it and decided that "once per month" would be better, which actually, goes along with the Moon quite well. Sometimes it does come up for me to indicate a monthly timing cycle.

Additionally, she said there would be no need for mileage reimbursement. These folks will gladly come around more often.

So this is done -- idea accepted and implemented. Check!

3. Wheel: Surprisingly good idea OR thinks idea could be beneficial, fortunate.
4. 7 of Cups: Just wants to consider other options.

For this one, she seemed surprised, but not necessarily in a "good idea" way -- I think this one came from out of left-field for her and she didn't quite know what to make of it. Her concern is that these other organizations are our "competition" -- but this doesn't make sense to me since we're all social organizations. She explained that we want Passport people because this organization pays the way of these clients. However, I asked, "What about the people that don't receive Passport?" -- so really, this raised more questions, than answers.

You see, I went out to see some of my clients the other day, and a representative from one of the other organizations was just showing up as I was leaving. This raised a red flag for me because it's possible these folks are, essentially, "double-dipping" here. I think this is an issue that needs addressed and we need cooperation with these other organizations to avoid that with the folks that do not receive Passport services (because Passport kind of acts as a control when they give those folks an option of either/or- there is no regulation like that for other folks).

So, this one is a no-go for now, but it raised some good questions in both our minds I think.

5. Queen of Pents: No change from your read--caring, practical, really needed.
6. 6 of Swords: Going for it. Making whatever transition is needed to implement it.

You were so right on with this one, it's scary! :laugh: I'm glad too, because this is the one I was most excited about!! She absolutely LOVES this idea and got on the phone with the Department of Job & Family Services yesterday and spoke with someone there to get this in the works for next year!! :D :D :D

The person at DJFS was excited about it too, and they even believe they have a way to come up with vehicles/equipment needed for these youth workers to be able to go out and do this! So -- these youth workers will be able to earn their pay with this Summer program, while senior citizens will have the help they need without having another cost on their fixed incomes!!

I'm stoked!! :D

The only drawback my boss could see with this idea/suggestion is that it would need a Coordinator at the Senior Center to schedule workloads and oversee the youth workers, but she said, "I'm sure you could head that up, right?" :D :D :D

So, this one has been accepted, and we'll be working on it over the course of the next year to get it implemented by next Summer! :party:

Thanks for your positive pushback (again), I appreciate your time. :)


I am SOOOOOOOOOO glad things went well, Amanda. That's great news. :)

Reading the details of a different job than my own was interesting, too. :laugh: