Ever Regret Getting a Reading?


I regret every one i ever had, i think thats why i started looking into it myself, every reader i had just ended up confused lol hmmmm...

Lula Jing

Yes, I've regretted a couple of readings!

A tarot reading at a fayre. The guy kept clapping his hands together saying he felt like giving me a slap because I was just not doing this or just not doing that and driving my guides crazy apparently! He then asked me to 'close my eyes and focus on the tip of my nose' to see my spirit helpers. By this time, I just wanted to run the hell out of there! The very first thing he said to me was 'why has the ring come off?' to which I shrugged. What ring? He was trying to imply divorce which made absolutely no sense given that I've never even been married and wear no ring for that reason. Mind you, he did say one thing as he swept his arm dramatically across his layout of cards (at least 15 as I recall) and said 'you could do this'. He then proceeded to charge me £40 and asked me for my hotmail. :D

More recently, I went to a mumbo-jumbo type fayre with tarot, clothes, jewels and all sorts and missed two opportunties in favour of one dud. I saw a lovely angel carved out of wood, went back 5 mins later to buy it and it had gone. I then dilly-dallied over a tarot deck, went back later and it was gone. I then wandered past a guy who claimed to draw spirit guides. Feeling a bit sorry for his obvious lack of custom, I sat down. He said close your eyes and I'll draw. I closed my eyes for a good 15 mins, and he said absolutely nothing. I began to think that it must be a hoax and that when I opened my eyes the room would be empty, he would be gone and my bag, coat and scarf would all be snatched. :p When he was finally done, he startled me by speaking all of a sudden. I opened my eyes, keen to see what he had drawn and nearly burst out laughing. It was utter cartoon crap - and probably the most expensive piece of paper I have ever purchased. :D


Yikes Lulu!

What lousy experiences, but I guess we learn something from everything we do, whether it winds up being a negative or positive experience.

I am definitely a bit of a skeptic, NOT a pessimist, biggg difference, but skeptical. There is so much under the metaphysical umbrella, not all of it worthwhile and there are so many who just want to make a buck. Then there are those wonderfully sincere people like those of you I have met here, that are so giving, generous, supportive people, I know help my journey (some of the charlatans or let's be nice and say those who don't know.....(read in your own adjective, are just bumps in the road of my path).



I have mused this one for a day now, and decided I haven't regretted a reading.

I have had some lousy ones but you know what?? I learned from them as a case of "what not to do" so in a way they taught me more than the excellent readings I have had. How can you regret an invaluable experience like that?

Funny old world for sure.

The worst case was when I went to a fayre as they were opening, so I was first through the door. One of the readers was sitting at her table, eating a salad out of a tupperware type bowl, and smoking a cigarette. Not a problem, after all we all have to eat etc and she had probably been busy travelling and getting set up and hadn't had chance to eat. However, someone asked her for a reading and she carried on eating and smoking as she did it. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or have my hair cut so to speak, but.... she did teach me how first impressions count and I have tried to make sure my own appearance and stall set up gives the right impression. If I have to eat (and having just done a 2 day festival I know how busy you can be where you don't have chance for a break) I discreetly eat so as not to make it obvious.



I've had readings where I did not like hearing what the cards had to say. It doesn't happen often to me but it does sometimes. But in the end I was ultimately glad to know. Things aren't always heading in the direction you hope of course, BUT you can usually change the direction with some forewarning. So to me it really is best to know.



shadowdancer said:
I have mused this one for a day now, and decided I haven't regretted a reading.

I have had some lousy ones but you know what?? I learned from them as a case of "what not to do" so in a way they taught me more than the excellent readings I have had. How can you regret an invaluable experience like that?
My point exactly - we're on the same page.

Oh, and the comedy-value I pointed to earlier.


I too regretted a reading I had last summer. She told me a lot of things that I already know, like my past and personality, nothing special. At the end of the reading, she told me that someone had cast a black wish on me, she was willing to help me clear it by burning candles. The whole process would cost me about $1000.00 to $1500.00. Instead, I invested my money in Tarot books and Tarot decks......Black wish or not, I am happy with my little Tarot collection.


Wow DoggiePaws

It's people like that that give tarot and anything metaphysical a bad rap.

Hustlers and scam artists, no matter what their angle, really tick me off!

Those who prey on people, well, they should be (fill in whatever thoughts come to mind here).


Nisaba you are right. The key is to learn from it and laugh it off.

Easy to do with most of them, but those who come out with the "you've been cursed and it will cost XXXXX amount to clear it" etc should not be laughed at. They should be dealt with for being the con artists they are


Lula Jing

greatdane said:
What lousy experiences, but I guess we learn something from everything we do, whether it winds up being a negative or positive experience.
Yes, and on reflection and as nisaba also says, you can have a really good chuckle about it years later! :D