Exactly when is a deck considered "too worn to use"??


Something that was said in a previous thread has got me thinking about when exactly is a deck considered to worn to use? And how long does it take to get there??

I've been reading for a long time, quite often, and none of my decks (especially the one I started with) I would consider to worn to use. Do some decks become more worn than others? Is it shuffling method that makes a difference?


@FaeryGodmother: my RW is more than 10 years in use now, thte colours have faded, the white borders are grey now but the cards are still in use. I had to replace the 2 of cups because they got lost 2 years ago.

My Legend Arthurian is also in use for at least 7 years. I now and then clean the cards with a moist micro fibre cloth and fanning powder and that's it.

I think the decks are too worn to use when the cards are ripped and torn beyond repair.


I guess it can depend on which deck you use.

I have the World Spirit deck (which has black borders), and after only a few weeks I noticed the borders were starting to get a little frayed. I ended up trimming the deck (not that the fraying bothered me, but it was too large and I didn't like the titles).

I quite like the idea of having a 'battered' deck, rather than something pristine. It gives it a bit age, character and makes it more personal to me.


I love the feel of a well used and worn deck - the softer egdges that the cards have, and I feel I have more 'control' (if thats possible) of the shuffling.
I have an old RWS deck - which is probably 20 years old that Ive used on a regular basis. It it worn and the colors have scratch faded. I was realy suprised recently when I looked through a brand new deck of RWS how bright the colours were are the black lines were so definate - it wasnt until then I saw how 'used' my regualr deck of RWS are.
I have a heavy hand when it comes to shuffling - so I think I really put cards to the test.
I cant remember not using a deck or a card because they were too worn out.
I think they last well given the treatment I give them.
Its taken a year of weekly use for my Gilded deck to start to show the sign of a 'used' deck - the black is starting to scratch wear from shuffling and the edges are finally starting to thicken up - they're not as slippery as they were when I got them - so I guess another couple of years and i'll be happy with them.
The Da Vinci Enigma deck - because of the board they're on - will wear very quickly, but may also loose their strength - pity - I like the cards, but not the board they're on. They will possibly loose their 'spine' before to long and start to bend or fold on shuffling.

I find it difficult to think of just replacing a card for the worn decks, as the new card is so obvious when shuffling - much too new and slippery for the old deck.

I think a deck would have to be retired if there were cards which had been damaged (folded or started to bend beyond repair, torn or edges totally missing) started hindering the shuffling, or were very obvious amongst the deck - especially if the cards are chosen by fanning the deck.

Elven x


I think it's entirely up to the person using the deck what the answer would be to both your questions. One person might consider a deck too old to use when the next person would just be considering it broken in. And the same thing for how long it would take to get there----it just depends on how much a person uses a deck how soon it takes to get too worn to use. :)

September Pixie

When the cards can no longer be shuffled. :D

To the questor the more used a deck looks the more experienced the reader seems.. odd I know but there are tons of theads about this :) If you have a deck you are ready to retire... then replace it with a new one but by all means, keep your beloved! :)


Elven said:
I find it difficult to think of just replacing a card for the worn decks, as the new card is so obvious when shuffling - much too new and slippery for the old deck.

Hey, Elven, of course I made sure the replacement card looks also used. Gave it some shuffling and rubbing. Now it really looks as worn as the other ones ;)


I recently bought a very (very) used deck,
and I had to wonder what was I thinking?!

78 cards with 'everything' wrong with them
that you can imagine, but something called
to me ~ maybe it was the hand made card,
The High Priestess~I had to rescue them...
what would happen if I just left them there?

It was a Rider deck of the sort I collect and
my feeling was, am I so fancy that I do not
care about something that otherwise I love?

I've made this deck a comfortable home now
in a box decorated with Chiron~ The Healer.
And this is kept with my collection, and I will
read with it. Yes, I can feel the magic is has.


Interesting question, and one with a special pertinance to my current situation; I have a much handled Morgan Greer deck that I did most of my reading with years ago, and several virtually unused decks.

The Morgan Greer is wonderfully familiar; but it was the deck that was used by a scruffy kid in jeans and a leather jacket, if you see what I mean; I'm not quite the same as I was back then.

I do have a copy of the Dali, and I think it would be quite fine to use that - it's a lovely deck - but the meanings are much less obvious and the deck would require more study. ( I am finding that I can usually remember the M.G. and Waite images for each card, though, and I'll use that)


I'd never had a really used broken in deck mainly because I'd never stuck with a deck long enough to get it that way - but now all of that has changed slightly.

I've been using the Old Path daily for around 7 months now and the white edges have gone gray and for some reason I have little black dots on the bottom images of some of the cards. I'm not sure where this black dotting has come from because I use a cloth and the cards don't get used on dirty surfaces and I don't use hand lotion but they add to the charm of the deck and don't interfere with my shuffling.

I'm pleased because its getting the look of a broke in and much loved deck. :)