For Those Who Use REVERSALS....


I was curious if those who use reversals use them all the time or part of the time?

I personally don't, just my preference. I don't think the way anyone reads is better or worse, we all do what resonates and works for us.

But I was wondering if a reader does use reversals, if they feel they should all the time or are there times or readings you don't feel they should be used? Do you feel you get an incomplete reading, something really lacking, if you don't reversals?


I was curious if those who use reversals use them all the time or part of the time?

I personally don't, just my preference. I don't think the way anyone reads is better or worse, we all do what resonates and works for us.

But I was wondering if a reader does use reversals, if they feel they should all the time or are there times or readings you don't feel they should be used? Do you feel you get an incomplete reading, something really lacking, if you don't reversals?

I used to use them all the time, for most of my long journey with the tarot, although I never did see them as directly contradictory to the upright meaning. Now I only consider them if I don't see enough in the upright interpretation to meld with other things I see in the spread; they can help tie up some loose ends and stray threads. (I just turn them upright if they don't add value.) But I never see them as absolutes in themselves, mainly as nuances of the upright meaning. So I'm OK dispensing with them if they aren't called for. That said, in some spreads I've started experimenting with the derived quint, so for those I treat the reversals as negative numbers even if I don't choose to see them as less positive qualities in the specifics of the reading. (I haven't thought too deeply about the implications of that yet, though.)


I typically don't use reversals. I would use reversals if I used the Revelations Tarot. If I encountered another double-ended deck or one that was insistent about me using reversals with it, I would. Otherwise, I'm happy to use upright cards and apply reversed meanings when intuition tells me I should. :)


Thank you RWCarter and Barleywine

That was very interesting and enlightening as to why and when some might use reversals. When I read about those who do and don't, it made me wonder if it was a kind of hard and fast rule for those that do. I now see when some readers would or wouldn't.


I like using reversals. I think they add a whole 'nother dimension to a reading. But I don't use them all the time. It really depends on the deck.

Some decks come with a book that gives meanings for both upright and reversed cards. In that case, I will definitely use reversals. But the books for some decks don't give reversed meanings. That's when I have to use my judgement.

If the deck is an RWS clone, in terms of the meanings for the cards, then I'll use reversals with that deck. Because I'm familiar enough with the ubiquitous RWS system that I think I'll be able to figure it out. If the deck is clearly not an RWS clone, then I won't use reversals. Because it would just be too hard to figure out what the reversed cards mean in a reading. But then what happens is I'll keep in mind the Elemental Dignities.


Hi GD.. :)

I read with and without reversals but it all depends on which deck I'm using. I started off learning reversals because I thought I was supposed to! :joke: When I figured out that it wasn't a must in the tarot world, I began to keep the new decks I bought upright. So basically if I'm reading with reversals you'll know I'm reading with one of my beloved starter decks. Sometimes I'll accidently shuffle one of my newer decks the wrong way and the cards will come up reversed which is no big deal. I'm glad I can read reversals and that they don't throw me off when they come up unexpectedly.


I read reversals. I don't think EVERYONE should, but for me, that is a lot more information than just straight up. I think the key is consistency. If you read reversed, then ALWAYS read reversed during a reading which you have decided to read reversals during. If you don't, then don't.

I think the key is to never ignore the info that comes in AS IT IS. If you start in NOT reading reversals, then read the card as though it is upright. and Vice versa, otherwise, I think, you are ignoring or trying to change the message you are getting from the cards.

I see Reversed as "Not __________" whatever the upright meaning is. It may say more, but that is where to start.

The same about which way do you turn up cards: I turn them from bottom to top, others from side to side. Again, consistency is the key. I won't let the client turn the card, so I can control how it is turned over. And NOTHING irritates me more than a client, who picks up the card, looks at it, turns it upright or upside down then puts it down. At that point, I feel that all information about the card is lost.



I read reversals. I don't think EVERYONE should, but for me, that is a lot more information than just straight up. I think the key is consistency. If you read reversed, then ALWAYS read reversed during a reading which you have decided to read reversals during. If you don't, then don't.

I think the key is to never ignore the info that comes in AS IT IS. If you start in NOT reading reversals, then read the card as though it is upright. and Vice versa, otherwise, I think, you are ignoring or trying to change the message you are getting from the cards.

I see Reversed as "Not __________" whatever the upright meaning is. It may say more, but that is where to start.

The same about which way do you turn up cards: I turn them from bottom to top, others from side to side. Again, consistency is the key. I won't let the client turn the card, so I can control how it is turned over. And NOTHING irritates me more than a client, who picks up the card, looks at it, turns it upright or upside down then puts it down. At that point, I feel that all information about the card is lost.


I used to be a literalist about it, too ("as it lays, so it stays"). But I've felt for decades that it's usually more accidental than fated, so I backed off my hard line (notably after starting up with AT). On the other hand, if the majority of the cards in a spread are reversed (the same as if a the majority of the cards are trumps, or courts or three's) I'll sit up and pay attention. As I said, I do read them but I can no longer see being dogmatic about it. I like the subtlety they add, but I keep that in perspective. If it fits into the flow of the narrative, fine; if it adds complication that isn't really essential, I downplay it.


I don't use reversals unless for some reason one comes out in a reading by accident. Then I will sometimes. But I do read them when I'm helping out in Your Readings. I just don't like seeing the reversed images so I build into my spreads to allow for cards to fall where the reversed would generally fall.

Like for instance, a "what if I do"/"what if I don't" spread. Or what would be the benefit of doing this/what would be the drawbacks.

I have reversed meanings that I use, like blocked energy for that particular card or sometimes even an opposite meaning. It depends on the spread, the question, the deck, etc.


That said, in some spreads I've started experimenting with the derived quint,

What is the derived quint, as distinct from the quint? :)

I read with and without reversals but it all depends on which deck I'm using.
Me too, but not for GotH's reason; I find some decks want reversals and some hate them. And my Tarot Nova is hard to shuffle without getting them (I think this is small decks in general, not sure though). The Nova is the only deck I can use with or without - otherwise, each deck has to (for me) either have reversals or not have reversals.

I started off learning reversals because I thought I was supposed to! :joke:
Me too againly!

I never quite got the hang of what my own particular way of reading them is. A straightforward opposite meaning never rang true, and for a while I tried hard to use the images - with the picture upside-down, the 10 of Swords for example shows the guy supported, raised up like a hero, even, but on a bed of nails. But mostly I found I could only see an upside-down picture. :laugh: All this was while i was still very much a beginner, and as my reading became more subtle I ditched reversals. I tried out elemental dignities for a bit but I honestly can't agree with earth and air being enemies so I ditched EDs as well, though I'm very aware of the elements and their implications always.

Like Griz, I do read them when helping others out in YR threads, and then usually I read them as meaning the energy or message of the card is blocked, maybe the querent's in denial about it or similar.

I do feel the need to have another go and practice properly with reversals, and then make a final decision (or not so final?) whether they're for me. For the time being though I'm properly practising other things. :)