GO AWAY 8 of Cups!!


Thank you all for your replies :) i think i am hiding from myself a little in regards to certain aspects of my life. It is high time I did follow my dreams instead of plodding along making do etc...so that is probably a major factor! But yes i shall join one of those study groups and learn to look deeper into it, i am still very new to the tarot and i think i am limiting my perception of the card by what i know, not what i could learn new from it. Thanks :)


I have had this card come up in spreads for many reasons and not just about love issues.
I'll give you an example, hopefully you will be able to put it this card into perspective.
All cards are intricate and it is only by working with them, time and time again that you can start to read them intuitively and really get a feel for them.
Unfortunately when you try and read for yourself and very close family members is when it can all go to pot. Even as an experienced reader!
The example Would like to share with you is one concerning a client of mine who has been trying to sell her house for some time. To begin with the Magician was everywhere like a rash!. True to form this situation begun to take a few steps forward only to go 10 steps back, the trickster at work, however the 8 cups then suddenly come out in the outcome slot.
I knew instantly she was not going to sell. Not so much because he house its self was not sell-able but because she would, at some stage give up on the hope of ever selling and move on.
A few months down the line, sure enough, she informs me that she is fed up of constantly showing the house and not getting anywhere, so she decided to take it of the market and rent the house.
The figure in the card is shown walking away confidently, but sad. She knows its time to stop investing so much of her emotions on this, she wishes it hadn't turned out this way, but it has and now she feels it is time to move on to new horizons. She has taken responsibility and taken action.
As always, this card needs to be read according to its position.


Eddie said:
She has taken responsibility and taken action.

I think that is the perfect description of the way those cups are neatly set up. BEFORE the figure on the card walked away, she took responsibility for what was currently going on, making sure everything that needed to be done had been done.

I'm going to second Mary's suggestion that the original poster try the 21 Ways Study Group with this card. You can do the first few steps while you are waiting for the book to arrive. And even the first few steps will probably teach you a lot about the card.


This card can tend to be a bit of a screamer... it is elusive and does have this happy knack of following you around. What, what, what??? But the more you seem to worry about it the further away it seems to get. It is I agree maddening!

When I feel like I really got this card was this... I made a decision to move away from my family (the neatly stacked cups) in search of... hmmm love, a sense of past, perhaps a past life, karma, destiny, my roots. I couldn't see far enough to know if I was making the right choice, but yet something inside of me told me that this was something that I had to do, regardless. So sometimes I see it as that, not the easy choice but something that you have to do.

But this is what it means to me, not to you. The advice to work with this card is good, as I think it is a bit tricky. Do an exercise with that where you look into it and write down everything that you get, no matter how silly you think it is at the time. Everything! It is an luminating exercise. Best of luck! :)


i had this happen to me w the lovers and 5 of cups for a while.

what i did with the lovers you can see my post on here.....13 gave me a great idea, so if you would like to try it...give it a go!


Yes i have just had a look on amazon for mary greers book 21 ways and it is on my wish list! As soon as payday is here next week and i have some money i will buy it :) Thank u all.
To be honest there is not just one but quite a few aspects of my life that i feel i need to leave behind to be able to go forward. Stuck in a rut is putting it mildly! I am just not in a position to do it at the moment. Probably why the 8 of cups is following me around, especially because i kno that i should do what itn tells me.
The universe will see me as being the only one keeping myself prisoner not able to walk away...even tho everyday matters means that for now i cannot!!


I hate to say this because one of our members just made a thread saying she hates the phrase, but it could be telling you " just get over it, already!" if you've been asking the same kind of questions a lot or obsessing over one area of your life a whole lot. :p


Solitaire* said:
I hate to say this because one of our members just made a thread saying she hates the phrase, but it could be telling you " just get over it, already!" if you've been asking the same kind of questions a lot or obsessing over one area of your life a whole lot. :p

Hahahahahaha that is such a good point!! And totally what ive been doing :p bet thats what my recurring death card is about too, telling me to change my questions for new ones already!


Solitaire* said:
I hate to say this because one of our members just made a thread saying she hates the phrase, but it could be telling you " just get over it, already!" if you've been asking the same kind of questions a lot or obsessing over one area of your life a whole lot. :p
I do really relate to this and not pertaining to your situation in particular harmony1985, so please don't take it that way. But for the this particular card in general.

A relative of mine likes to say a lot :rolleyes: (but in the most loving way possible) "build a bridge and get over it". Now, I have taken this phrase, meant with the best of intentions and not some insensitive remark, to link more with the 5 of cups where there does seem to be a tendency to wallow. Hell been there! :( But because on the RWS 5 of cups there is a bridge in the background. That made a connection with me.

The 8, I don't see the wallowing of the 5. But I can relate to the wanting to "get over it". Like can I get past this and move on, it's rocky, it's hilly and I don't know what lies on the other side, it's a climb, it's gonna take strength in a physical sense to climb and get through this (I'm now seeing the Druid Craft 8 of cups) where it is a mighty big hill. But it is also gonna take courage because you don't know what lies on the other side of that steep incline. I guess what I am getting at, is that I don't necessarily see it as
"get over it" but more "how can I get over it?" I see it more in a questing capacity, a question without answer.

I had an experience with this card recently, in my own readings it hasn't come up for quite some time. I was asleep and I heard the lyric "we can't go on together" then I awoke, not bolt upright but wide eyed and finished the lyric "with suspicious minds", then plain as day, as if in front of me was the RWS 8 of cups. Needless to say I got out of bed and wrote it down in sloppy, sleepy handwriting. Anyway, I've come to the conclusion from this that my higher self/spirit guide whatever you like to call it, is actually a tad annoyed at me, and wants me to trust more. I share because this is my experience, not because it may or may not reflect your own.


I see the 5 of Cups as being in the mourning stage, but the figure on the 8 of Cups has already made the decision to "get on with life". That person has begun his/her journey. It has only just begun, but s/he cleaned up what needed to be cleaned up, made the appropriate plans, packed up, took up his/her staff, put on his/her cloak and started walking toward the future.

I think my point is that the figure on the 8 of Cups did everything they needed to do BEFORE they left whatever was going on in their lives. They cleaned up after themselves so no one else needed to do it for them. They made appropriate plans for anything they were leaving behind.

And maybe that is what the card means in an advice position in a spread, or when it keeps showing up time after time. It might or might not be time to turn away and walk off right now, but it might be time to make plans, clean up whatever is going on, and get ready for something new.

(I frequently learn something about a card or about myself when I write out these posts, and oh boy, did that just happen, or did it just happen? I guess I'm taking about me as much as anyone else.)