Has anyone had this experience with decks...?


The only deck I intentionally doubled up on is the Boiardo.

an accidental double order got me 2 copies of Shinpi no Tarot Uranai: Big Arukana Card 22 which I don't mind so much since they're beautiful, hard to get and won't be in-print forever, however, another double ordering also left me stuck with a 2 copies of the LS Secret Tarot which I don't like at all. :rolleyes:


At one time, I had acquired 5 Gilded sets. I loved the deck so much I hoarded them by making trades for them, thinking to give them as gifts and keeping one as a backup to the one I used. Thing is---I don't know anyone as into Tarot as I am to give them to as gifts. :rolleyes: So then I traded two of them and gave one to my daughter that she never uses. Now I've just got the one set I started with and I don't use it so much anymore. Just now and then.

I get a backup of my favorites that I use the most because I know almost all decks go out of print and I can't afford to pay OOP prices if my favorites wear out. If they don't continue to be a favorite of mine, then I trade the extras provided they're not out of print. Rarely, I've traded an OOP to a friend if it wasn't one I connected with particularly.

I think when I stick with what I have and don't venture outside the box, it's just laziness on my part. I've stuck with easily identifiable RWS clones for years now because it's taken me so long to really feel confident with those. Finally now I'm venturing into the decks that may be based on RWS but not very closely and now I even have a few non-illustrated pip decks I'm going to try to learn. (gasp :bugeyed: )

Maybe you're like me and just afraid to make the leap to extend your learning.


I do concider myself a collector, but one thing that I decided on early is not to have the same basic deck twice.


I'm a Marseilles fan who came to Tarot after the Dusserre Dodal had become unavailable. So I'm very conscious of decks going out of print, and then going out of reach.

When I realized how much I liked the LS Burdel version of the Marseilles, I got backup copies. I think I have four at this point. But Tarot Garden lists this deck as out of print now, so I don't feel at all bad about laying in a long term supply.

This isn't to say I don't like Lo Scarabeo's new Universal Tarot of Marseille. But I'm glad I have my old faithful around, even if it's not being printed anymore.


I have not purchased copies of favorite decks, but after reading this thread -I will. I had never really thought about it, just assuming my faves would always be available.

You all have made me re-think that thought.