Has anyone had this happened to them before? (warning: disturbing post)


I believe that this tarot deck, is not for you.
I think maybe you should consider to use another one.

Tansey Ella

"don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy :)

I have had similar experiences with some tarot decks. I used to put decks under my pillow too. I no longer do this. The DM does not frighten me at all, in fact I find it amusing but very accurate. I got rid of the Konoxi cards(spelling) b/c they disturbed me a lot. This may be due to the fact I do believe that evil spirit entities do exist . the Geiger deck is frightening to me as a woman as I have experienced sexual assault and thus it just horrifies me. I had an experience with the Thoth deck that I will not put on a Internet board. The deck is not scary but the author is. ( to me anyhow).
Was your deck new or used? I have gotten some decks that came to me with negative energy. I know they are just cards, but the energy was just bad. Other decks I have opened up and they were just delightful." waking the wild spirit" by Poppy Palin a delightful deck that feels so fun and happy.
Soooo. for whatever reason this decks scares you. The Dark Grimore scares me too. I can't explain exactly why but it is just a bit frightening. There are things you can do if you feel very frightened. Sage the house and I have used the Lesser Banishing spell. It is a very nice ritual that seems to protect you from negative energy . You can find it all over the net and I'm sure it is on this site too. here is just one Link, I don't know anything about this site it is just the first one that came up.

The Eagles had a song a long time ago and a line in it went " Take it easy"
" don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy...".
for fun here are the lyrics

Take It easy, take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own wheels
drive you crazy
Lighten up while you still can
don't even try to understand
Just find a place to make your stand
and take it easy


The closest experience that I had to this was once using a friends deck to do a reading. It was the thoth deck. Loads of information came to me but it was all negative. I felt there was a strong energy to the deck but never wanted to go near it again.

You don't have to stick with this deck. I don't believe that they cause nightmares but if something doesn't feel right or comfortable to you why use it or have it around?

One helpful way to work with nightmares is, while you're awake, close your eyes and imagine going back into the dream and asking questions this time. You can imagine a guardian spirit/ friend/ angel going with you to protect you. You can ask questions of things as well as people. Write down what comes up. So you can ask the building why are you here or what do you represent and imagine what it would say. It might give you answers in a direct and simple way. You can ask what the corpse or again the building what it can teach you. If you're frightened imagine your angel/ guardian coming in at any time and defending you and open your eyes again.


after removing the DM deck from under my pillow, no more nightmares!!
weird isnt it????
DM deck images doesnt even scare me...i like the images..i thought its quirky..


Ever since i had the deviant moon put under my pillow, i had nightmares every single night...Now i rarely have nightmares that felt really real and i was literally shaking and got woken up!
It was about my baby got kidnapped, then the other night was that i shot someone..and then yesterday i saw a woman's corspe that got wheeled out from her own home...she was all dressed up and had make up on..and it looked like a suicide! omg..it was so scary i have to tell someone..sorry guys :(

I been sleeping with ALL of my decks next to my bed (on my side table nightstand) never under my pillow but they are quite close to me, one of this decks is the the "Deviant Moon" This is a very strong deck (has blood in it and some very strong images)....I haven't put much use to it yet...
I don't think is the deck itself but your subconscious.

This is quite a strong deck, perhaps you should sleep with the "Tarot of the White Cats" is a very cute and adorable deck..very happy.


I sleep with decks all over and around my bed and never get nightmares. I have the Dark Grimoire and the Ian Daniels Vampyres and all sorts of decks, but it's not the decks that do it. It can be the power of suggestion and/or many other things, but the decks don't do it. If you believe Tarot has the power to give you nightmares, it will, but it's your own mind not the deck that does it.


Those cards creep me out. There is something about them that haunt me, I just don't like them at all and I usually like creepy things. Hope the nightmares have stopped.