Hermit as relationship potential


I'm thinking there would be none??


Bronwyn1 said:
I'm thinking there would be none??
The Hermit will interact with another person only if pestered, and only briefly, and usually only to dispense information. Like a grumpy scientist, you have to dig him out of his lair, then plead with him: "Doctor, thousands will die if this isn't stopped and only you know the answer!" :D Once he's given you the information, he'll rudely shut the door and go back to his precious work.

I'd say this card says that a relationship at this time would be a bother and a distraction. That might change in the future, but for right now, no. The only relationship potential might be if one or the other person involved is willing to be a lab assistant ;)


I think that depends, too on where you are at in the relationship. Have you been in it for a long time?

I got the Hermit for my husband and I recently in a very positive relationship reading. I read it as we will be spending some time together being introspective, and shutting out the rest of the world. Nothing wrong with that every once in awhile ...

Also depends on surrounding cards. Like I said, the Hermit for me was in a very positive 4 card spread.


The thing that occurred to me is that it could turn out to be a Svengali-type of relationship; with the Hermit controlling or attempting to steer his (or her!) partner's spiritual or inner beliefs.... manipulates by subtly undermining them, until they finally start to believe that his way is the truth.



Spiritual Manipulation = Hierophant, not Hermit

Elnor said:
The thing that occurred to me is that it could turn out to be a Svengali-type of relationship; with the Hermit controlling or attempting to steer his (or her!) partner's spiritual or inner beliefs.... manipulates by subtly undermining them, until they finally start to believe that his way is the truth.
Interesting interpetation, but I'm having a hard time seeing it. What you describe--essentially a psychologically abusive partner--would far more accurately be indicated by 4/Pentacles, the Hierophant, or the Emperor. Most especially an ill-defined Hierophant who usually stands for religious types who manipulate or brainwash others, partners included, into sharing their spiritual beliefs. In a bad relationship, the Hierophant's one and only desire is to make the other person see things their way, and acknowledge that their way is the best and only way.

The Hermit, however, by his very name, wants nothing to do with others. His "arrogance" if you will, is not in getting other people to say his way is the best and only way--it is in knowing that he possesses the secret knowledge and no one else does! All spiritual secrets that he's discovered are his, his alone! That's what he glories in. If he manipulated someone else into thinking as he did, then he would no longer be the one and only person with this special knowledge. And to me, that's just not the essence of the Hermit. He seeks spirituality *alone* with his lantern. And he is very reluctant to share with others what he learns.

Hence, I'd say that if the cards wanted to offer the message of a relationship potential as being spiritual manipulative, the card that would have come up would have been the Hierophant rather than the Hermit.


Psychological abuse with 4 pents?

i can see how the emperor or the Hierophant can suggest psychological manipulation. How does 4 pents reflect psychological abuse? i do see 4 coins as indication of some possessive traits, if really badly aspected, may also be regarded as hoarding. However, most times 4 pents speaks of consolidation, putting what has been earned into a solid investment.

Perhaps the hermit implies looking inwards, or within the couple to assess whats abundant and what is lacking.



indianstorm said:
i can see how the emperor or the Hierophant can suggest psychological manipulation. How does 4 pents reflect psychological abuse? i do see 4 coins as indication of some possessive traits, if really badly aspected, may also be regarded as hoarding. However, most times 4 pents speaks of consolidation, putting what has been earned into a solid investment.
Ill-defined 4/Coins. Obviously, 4/Coins can be positive as well as negative, as can any card in the deck. As 4/Coins means holding onto something, I'd say that as a relationship potential it *could* indicate that the one person was going to keep the other like a possession, one that could not be allowed out, or allowed to interact with others.

In other words, by itself, the 4/Pents wouldn't say "spiritual manipulation" to me, but if I saw it as relationship potential, I would warn the person I was reading for to watch out. The person they were getting involved with, *potentially* might be the jealous type, wanting to hold tight to them as a prized possession, control their money, movements or even them. And control of such things usually leads to the controlling person becoming even more controlling as the relationship goes on. Including wanting to control the other person's spiritual beliefs.


I always see the 4 pents, though, as someone who is protecting their own boundaries, not those of others. They are drawing a circle around themselves. Keeping private. Holding on to whatever they have for themselves.
Hermit is busy Seeking answers, truths. I do not see him involved with others, unless he is digging around in the backround like a detective:)


balenciaga said:
I always see the 4 pents, though, as someone who is protecting their own boundaries, not those of others. They are drawing a circle around themselves. Keeping private. Holding on to whatever they have for themselves.
Hermit is busy Seeking answers, truths. I do not see him involved with others, unless he is digging around in the backround like a detective:)

I can see the Hermit busy seeking answers as this a very very new relationship for this person (s),.finding out what the other person is like I think before proceeding.


Bronwyn1 said:
I can see the Hermit busy seeking answers as this a very very new relationship for this person (s),.finding out what the other person is like I think before proceeding.

Actually no. i think that The Hermit goes within himself to check if he wants to
further the relationship. The Hermit is for himself/herself alone. Sure there is
another party (hence the chance of a relationship) but The Hermit says first
Do I want to do this, what will happen if I do this. It's a me me me card in
relationship potential. Once the Hermit works it out within himself/herself they
move forward. No longer are The Hermit.