How accurate are questions on others?


mistypaws said:
I agree. The couple of readings I have already done so far on a third person has been pretty much accurately confirmed later on by them verbally. The cards were accurate, though I wondered whether trying to extract their thoughts, prior to them telling me, might be morally wrong!
In my view - if you wouldn't be comfortable reading their diary, it is perhaps even more intrusive trying to read their mind. If you want to know something like that - ask. If you don't feel OK about asking, then you know in your heart that you ought not to ask the cards either.

In my view.


gregory said:
In my view - if you wouldn't be comfortable reading their diary, it is perhaps even more intrusive trying to read their mind. If you want to know something like that - ask. If you don't feel OK about asking, then you know in your heart that you ought not to ask the cards either.

In my view.

Fair enough.


gregory said:
In my view - if you wouldn't be comfortable reading their diary, it is perhaps even more intrusive trying to read their mind. If you want to know something like that - ask. If you don't feel OK about asking, then you know in your heart that you ought not to ask the cards either.

In my view.

I respect your opinion Gregory, it is well stated, but I find the logic odd.

Your perspective suggests many limitations that contradict the utilization of Tarot itself. It suggests time is completely linear, and each spirit or soul or fragment or whatever as fully individual to the point of absolutely no interconnected with a greater whole. It is possible I understand that Tarot is absolutely only a self-help tool to you, similar to Rorschach, etc.
When doing your readings do you ever get any, and I mean any, information about other people? What about circumstances or situations that suggest complex human interactions, and the individuals actions as well, future or present?
Suggesting gaining insight on another person is akin to the naughtiness of reading a diary is, to me of course, the type of thinking that is demonstrated by people who claim Tarot is wrong in general. The knowledge we gain is demonized as verboten, rather than a tool we all can use to a certain degree.

Ask my last boss why she was a miserable beastie? Not likely. Gain some understanding to perhaps show some empathy -- much more like it. No one has every been wronged or harmed by my remotes. Nor has my moral fiber ever felt shaken.

Interesting discussion.


In that case I would ask what I can do to make it easier to work better with my boss.

How my boss feels is not my business unless she chooses to tell me. What I can do to make our relationship better IS. It's not as if I could DO anything about the way she felt, just by knowing how she felt. If she is in the middle of some ghastly family situation, say - I can't fix that. But learning from the cards that she needs an hour's peace before she is approached in the morning would be something I could do that would make life easier for us both.

That isn't the same thing as using the cards as a self-help tool - it is more using them as a general advice tool. IF the cards - when asked how I could help her - said unequivocally, as part of the reading, that she was cheating on her husband - that would not - in my view - be the same as asking the cards directly if that was the case.

I think tarot is of most use as an aid to living the best we can. Knowing things that other people choose not to tell me is no particular help to me. That's like the old "eavesdroppers never hear good of themselves."

ETA the OP asked how ACCURATE such answers would be. THAT I don;t know, but I have always suspected that if you ask a question about something that another person is hiding, the answer is likely to be dodgy, coloured by the very fact that they are hiding something. I haven't had the opportunity or the inclination to test this, though. :)


we come from two very different perspectives. Thanks for sharing yours.

I hope students reading found insight, regardless of their practice.



I agree totally with Lokismile. I do readings on other people that I'm close to and perhaps haven't heard from for a short while. Invariably when we do get together they do reveal some information I already was aware of. If I can see difficulty within the reading, it prompts me to give them a call. I always keep a wait and see attitude though.