How do YOU handle Bad Readings?


I am pretty new to reading people than my family. And I have had some negative readings in the past couple of days. I was not really fully prepared for that. I know the emphasis should be empowerment even if the spread is troubling.

But what I don't know is how to pull that off. Does it get eaiser over time? Are my assumptions incorrect, and I should just read what I see and if there is nothing to help empower them then "so sorry..."
Have youever had a spread you just did not want to read and you didn't. Just so sorry, I can't do that right now.

Here is a link to my latest bad reading -

I just don't know if I should touch that situation at all.



Hello Kelly, don't tie yourself into knots about this! Lots of thinking and emotional involvement muddle the intuition and cause stress, which drains your energy making it even more difficult to deal with tricky situations. It's not easy and I'm still learning how to do that myself.

About finding things to say to balance the negative aspects of the cards: There's always some advice there. Even if the situation looks really bad, the cards have something positive to offer, be it a change of perspective, or a way to dealing with the problems. If you look at the spread and all you can see is doom and gloom, then say to yourself 'Hold on. I've seen the situation. Now I'm going to look at the cards afresh and ask what advice they have to give about it.' I've found this to work for me, just 'forget' the bit I've seen already and ask a new question of the same spread, focusing on positive energies. Pulling a couple more cards looking specifically for advice on how to turn this around is an idea too.

Another thing is phrasing. Rather than saying 'you're sad and desperate and it looks like it'll get even worse!', saying something like 'I see some sadness that could turn into something nastier if you don't take care of yourself. Focus on enjoying the moment, give yourself a break and do fun things' :D

About your other question, I've never refused a reading once the cards are laid out. I believe that if we got that far, I'm meant to be a medium for help and support for this person. However, if I got a really strong feeling against it I might say sorry, the cards refuse to speak today ;)


great advice elvenstar and you are so correct. CLRC, elvenstar is correct and we've all come across readings like this. it's never easy, but do as elvenstar says, and it becomes a bit easier. good luck


Hi CLRC....

You might want to read this thread...part of umbrae's Process threads...all of which are, too, Mary's comments about "empowering"...scroll down after umbrae's opening.

You want to empower your's an interactive process of helping the sitter to recognize what will empower them to move forward....

That involves more listening than talking on your part....


Takes practice in communication.....good skills in communication...empathy...

Readings aren't "negative"...unless we ourselves perceive them as such...then that is too easily what can be conveyed.

Doesn't mean you won't deal with some tough stuff...not at all...I have had many sitters break down and cry...but cry with a sense of feeling that they have opened doors, that they can face some things, that they are "empowered" to act .....

It's about giving Hope....not about "postive" vs. "negative."



Kelly, one thing I can strongly recommend right off the top is to stop using reversals for a while. I still don't read reversals, and I've been reading for many many years. I'm still learning the Tarot just like you even tho I also read for money.

Learning to read the cards is ongoing, it never stops. No two people are the same. The decks change, some people keep to the same deck for years, others switch decks like they change shoes!

The only hard and fast rule I can think of is to be willing to be wrong. We can't always be right. We can try to read the cards to the best of our ability and we can still miss something.

Strange things will happen on your Tarot journeys. You might use an expression, a turn of speech that you maybe never used before while doing a reading. And suddenly your sitter looks at you and says, "My Dad used to say that to me all the time." That is all it takes to turn around a reading. What happened. Did your study of the cards bring that expression to you? Are you suddenly a medium because you said the one phrase that Martha's father used to use? Who the hek knows. But you said something that clicked. Thankyou Angels!

Your commitment to bring the highest and best information possible to the sitter is what will carry you thru your readings. Don't be afraid of silence. NObody said that you are the reader so you do all the talking. Think to yourself, what can I say, how can I say it, what will help him/her, what will help him/her to heal?

Ask your angels what/how to say things.

Part of my shift into reading mode includes a series of prayers. I sort of clear myself, I ask for my vibration to be raised, I ask for Angels to be in attendance (I think they are there even when I don't ask) and I ask for the highest and best good of all parties involved be available to us. I ask for the highest and best information be available to us during the reading. And I do most of this in the car on the ride to the bookstore!

You may be dealing with folks who are in pain or in trouble, but you won't necessarily always get bad cards for them. I have continued to be surprised by the fact that someone whose cards I thought would be "bad" have been beautiful, and it shows me that even those humans who we might judge as a particular way are seen as lovable and beautiful by Spirit. The same love and light and positivity is available to all of us, regardless of the deeds we may have done.

I have learned not to pre-judge the sitter, but to accept the people in my chair as souls on a journey, just like me, and I am lucky enough to be playing the role of Tarot reader this time around. Who knows what might happen in the next incarnation. They might be the ones flipping cards for me!

Good luck on your journey!


Please re-read Elf's post.

Now re-read it again.

Now read Tmgrl2's post a couple times...

The only thing I really have to add is that when you're learning (and this is an opinion, I know its gonna get flak - but it's my opinion and I mean it), you cannot learn to read for strangers over the net.

That comes later with much experience.

Face-to-Face. That's where the real student learns. You get to (have to) look them in the eyes.

Reading is not a monologue. And via the net - that's all it is.

If you really really wanna learn to be a good reader - get out into the public.

On the net - you're not a reader - you're a typist.

Now I'll just stand here and smoke while typists toss eggs my way...



No eggs here. I see your point, completely. Since my ability to get out in public is very limited (my day job is four kids), this was the practise pool I had available to draw from. Also it still takes me some time to mull the cards over and find what they are trying to say. Wow that would be difficult if my sitter was right there.
Although it might put enough pressure that I would get out of my own way enough t let the cards have a say.
I do appreciate your comments and advice. You are right those who have responded to this point have all given me something to think about.
And disaagree with myself about and then chew on a little more..

I wonder about the reversals thou... I only just stared to see there usefulness. Part of the second guessing is "Does'nt that make it a much different reading"

thanks again all


Forget reversals.

I've been reading since 72, sometimes a card is reversed - and sometimes its simply upside down. It's an art, not a science - and it takes a while to get there.


Hi CLRC- When you are typing out a reading- or just reading for yourself in some rare moment of Peace (4 Children???) try speaking out the description of the card out aloud. Say out loud what you think the card is saying. When your own ears hear your mouth talk, you will feel a whole different take on the cards. This way you get used to reading for others when your choices are limited. When I am reading the posts here, I read them out loud- especially the readings. Get used to your own voice talking about the cards- there is lots of ways- Take one card and speak about it for three minutes- which is a long time- you will see things there to answer questions when eyes and mouth get into synch. Your going to be fine! ~Rosanne


Oh I am sorry I did not answer your question- How do I deal with bad readings?
Sometimes there is just nothing there to say- so I go through the cards with the querent and talk about them, and 99% of the time the conversation starts up again. I never blame the cards- it is that I, for whatever reason am not up to the job- so its a bad reading, but there is always something to give, that makes sense for the querent- I just have to find it. This has taken lots of practice.
As to the reading appearing 'bad' I do not think there are such things- even if you draw all the so called 'worst cards' 9 Swords, Tower, Death, 3 Swords, ect ect.... I try my best to find the words to tell the querent about the cards, and why they appear negative and what it is in their life you need to tell them about. A querent may not see the same thing as you, and you will talk and discuss it. Quite often I have learned from the querent more than they have learned from me- so I stay open to what they say- there are clues in there also.... and relax, you have not got your finger on a red button while you speak. ~Rosanne