How important is the significator?


I've never used one either - I want all the cards in the deck to read with :)

And I second Lyric's advice to start with small spreads. The Celtic Cross spread is very complex, with loads of layers of meaning just to each position and that's without even starting on what the cards mean.

I think that I learn the most by trying go get as much info out of as few cards as possible. It's amazing how detailed your readings you can be with just 3 cards.


I don't use one. But I associate certain cards in the deck with myself or others, so when those cards come up in readings for me I pay a little more attention to them. They can take on a layered meaning sometimes, where I read them as significators and as that card in that position.



regarding significator

Is the significator an idea cooked up by Waite? Or where does it come from?


How important is it?

I lean towards saying "not at all". I want to tell you it has no importance at all, yet there are certain cards I identify with (I guess they are sorta like my sig cards) and certain cards I ID others with, and I can't help thinking of them as being more important cards in a reading if the people are related to the reading's subject.

But do I use them? Well- not really. I have never pulled a card out to act as a sig card- I don't see the point of removing a significant card from the possibility of showing up in a reading. That practice doesn't make any sense to me at all.



I never used any signi card,as i never felt the need to till a month back when i thought let me try and see how things differ but found it immensly complicated so gave up and secondly why deny one card to the querent.


WhiteWizzard said:
Is the significator an idea cooked up by Waite? Or where does it come from?
I know the idea has been around for a while. In several older oracle decks, like the Lenormand and etc, there are cards that are specifically the male seeker or the female seeker. I would be surprised if he originated the idea.


the way i was taught to use a significator was only in a reading for someone completely unknown to the reader to help focus the energy of the question. the "old school" way was that each suit has a certain physical look attached to it, for hair and eye color. of course, much of this is based on reading for white people as anyone of "dark coloring" is always swords. frankly, i find this restrictive if not completely racist. i don't use a significator as a court card for "cold" readings- if i am not getting a vibe off the person, i have them draw a single card from a spread deck and put it to the side, focusing on it as their initial connect with the reading. this is often a really revealing snapshot of the querent, and many times will end up actually being a court card.


My readings for other people tend to offer their own significators. Usually its the card that's pulled first. I either get a court, or occasionally a major. So my readings usually start with "This card represents you..." and then describe how the card represents the querant.

I don't pull significators on purpose. Occasionally, if a spread specifically calls for it, I pull one but I usually use the querant's soul or personality card.

My soul and personality card is the Chariot, and the court I associate with most is the Queen of Wands. Thus, if these cards come up in readings in specific positions, I take more notice of them, and they alter the way I do the reading. My significator came up within the reading. That gives those individual readings weight.

Hope this helps! :)

Incidentally, I love the idea of using a coin or ring or some such thing from the querant as a significator. The next time I do a reading for someone in person (rather than on the internet, as rings are a little hard to send through the internet ;) ), I'm going to give it a try.


I occasionally use a significator, but I leave it in the deck.

Or maybe it's better to say that I choose a significator, after I've had a short chat with the person. Based on the conversation, I mentally choose the card that I think corresponds with the tenor of the question.

So it's left in the deck during the shuffling and layout, and may possibly show up in the spread. I'd consider it all the more carefully if it does appear.


I never ever use one.

I know there are two schools of thought on this subject, but I don't feel it has been to my detriment not using one.
