How Long Did it Take you to Memorize The Cards?


Well, I've been reading about 4 years now and am now a professional reader, and I have never memorized any meanings. There are many many styles of reading, almost as many as there are readers. Memorization may be one of them, but not one I am personally fond of.

I do know the basic meanings of the suits and of the Major Arcana cards, but even that makes up a tiny part of the answer for me. I read, for the most part, by analysing the imagery in the cards and feeling what it is trying to say to me. Which is different each time.

As for me I was perfectly comfortable with my cards in a month or two. And memorization can be a method of reading, but it is not at all the only one.



Rainforest Elf said:
So, I'm very very new to Tarot and I've been gradually trying to learn the cards and their various meanings.

I know people study Tarot their entire lives, but I'm wondering... how long did it take you to feel totally comfortable with your cards? I mean, when did you feel comfortable enough to stop referencing a book for the general meaning behind a card? And what tools did you use for memorization?
I haven't read through the other posts, but decided to answer first before I do so.

I, too, did at first feel you had to 'memorize' the meanings of each card, and that at times seemed to be a bit too much for me. I never thought I could do it. then, I realized that you don't need to memorize the meanings at all that are contained within a book.

that said, it is a good idea to have a 'basic' idea of what the nos. mean, (aces through tens) and then work on the suits. also get a fairly good grasp of the majors as far as knowing that (1) the fool is a beginning, etc.

the courts were always the hardest, as they can be representing a person or an action for/of the client. so don't fret if you have a difficult time with them.

it's not a bad thing to have a book to rely upon, esp. for when you are 'stuck', which happens even to 'seasoned' readers. I would recommend you find a book that you seem to like a lot, and one that you can also add notes too. or, if your book doesn't allow for that--a journal then.

after you have a basic knowledge of what the aces thru ten mean, and then the suits, cups/swords/wands/pentacles then try some readings-and look at each card to see what first grabs your attn. it can be the colors in the card, or something specific portrayed in the card. go with your first impression--your gut impression, and try that. you'll get better with practice each time. don't fret about having to look up a meaning when you just cannot get it--it'll get easier as time goes on, but you'll still, every now and again have the blinders on with a card or two.

the important thing is to trust yourself and relax. have fun and enjoy it. soon it'll just come to you naturally!


For me, I started with the 'Universal Waite' 16 years ago... and it's still the only deck I read with (save the Hermetic from time-to-time)... The first thing that struck my mind was 'why'... Why were those words chosen to express the card?... Which, of course, led me down the rabbit-hole of occult-world, *lol*

But that's the way I am... I have to know 'why' a thing is said to express such and such... Delving into tarot was a journey for me... A deeply-personal psychological and spiritual journey... Learning the 'why' helped me in far greater ways than rote memorization... Indeed, I am of the mind that rote memorization is a kind of blasphemy that the mind rebels against... What our mind seeks is 'Understanding...

To me, 'Rote Memorization' is the naive approach...

'Understanding' the Wise approach...

Open Arms

I have a mnemonic for the pips...
1 - beginning of beginnings
2 - obstacle of beginnings
3 - completion of beginnings
4 - beginning of obstacles
5 - obstacle of obstacles
6 - completion of obstacles
7 - beginning of completion
8 - obstacle of completion
9 - completion of completion
10 - ultimate union

ie remember beginnings - obstacles - completion

Then what the suits are -
wands - action - fire
swords - thought - air
cups - emotions - water
pentacles - etheric and tangibles - earth

this applies to all decks...

then I look at the cards and see what sticks out..what appeals to my eyes..what draws me...

Then I let the cards talk to me...

All up..a new deck ooohhh....15 minutes maybe??? A quick look through the LWB to see if there is anything weird (eg swords and wands swapped when it comes to fire/air etc)

AS for standard book meanings...don;t go there...the cards tell me what I need to know!!



Open Arms said:
I have a mnemonic for the pips...
1 - beginning of beginnings
2 - obstacle of beginnings
3 - completion of beginnings
4 - beginning of obstacles
5 - obstacle of obstacles
6 - completion of obstacles
7 - beginning of completion
8 - obstacle of completion
9 - completion of completion
10 - ultimate union

ie remember beginnings - obstacles - completion

I LIKE that! *makes a note*

I'm going to add this to my mental "toolbox" of tricks to interpreting the cards. I enjoy having a few mental tricks to help my brain get "unstuck" and I don't have a book handy.


1 - beginning of beginnings
2 - obstacle of beginnings
3 - completion of beginnings
4 - beginning of obstacles
5 - obstacle of obstacles
6 - completion of obstacles
7 - beginning of completion
8 - obstacle of completion
9 - completion of completion
10 - ultimate union
...and give thanks to Manly Hall


Trying to learn someone else's pre-defined meanings stopped me from reading tarot for many years. I had the interest, but I just couldn't get those "meanings" into my head.

Then I realized that this approach was not going to work for me. I put the books away.

Finally I realized that the cards were the book for me. I let the cards themselves teach me what they meant. And they're still teaching me.


Umbrae said:
...and give thanks to Manly Hall
Who probably owes a bit to Papus. ;)

And as much as I loathe making "me, too!" posts, I have to reiterate what everyone is saying. DON'T memorise interps. They're just other people's opinions anyway, no better than your own and probably much less relevant to your reading.

Open Arms

Umbrae said:
...and give thanks to Manly Hall

Thanks Umbrae...I couldn't remember where it was where I first read it!