How someone is spread


this is a spread (some might call it nosey, I call it curiosity) to see where someone is at, or their current state/life. It can also be used as a self spread.

1                   2                3
          4                 5
10          7            8          11
       13           14        12


1- Their mental state
2- Their emotional state
3- Their physical state
4- Family life
5- Work life
6- Home life
7- Friendships
8- Relationships
9- How they feel towards me
10- What is ending
11- What is beginning
12- Success/rewards
13- Fears/concerns
14- Unexpected/unknown
15- Them overall


ooh, i gotta try this one out, i'm a very curious person as well :)



interesting spread! i might try it out later


heh... :)
very nice. :)

Give us an example of a George Bush spread. :) j/k

Nice work, thanks for sharing. :)


Thanks! This is a great spread. I've been constantly wanting to 'check up' on a certain person I can't see for a while--since I'm out of town--and, of course, I don't want to call them every time I want to know their entire status. Which is... at least ten times a day. =laugh=

I'm definately going to be using this spread a lot.. and I'm sure my cards will enjoy the extra use. ^^


I found this spread very informative, just what i've been looking for thanks.:)


I realised I forgot travel when I did this spread.
The one point I got was the person I was doing it on is busy with work and thats consuming him at the moment.


Also sounds like it could be used for figuring out your pet! I'll have to see how it turns out

Thanks anne_soulangel


Hi.anne_soulangel.I like your spread , it what i been looking for . Thanks =) I would like to ask what the difference between mental state and emotional state? And thanks for the spread =)


the mental state is how their head is at the present moment, how they are handling things logically and are they grounded.

The emotional state is how their heart is handling things, are they coping and all that.