I found a new deck: Arcanos Argentinos


This week I went to a library here in Rosario, Argentina, and to my surprise I found a national Tarot deck!! (also to my surprise, tarot decks weren't placed behind the counter, but in a shelf, so I could browse through them without any problem).

The deck is called "Arcanos Argentinos" (Argentine Arcana) and it's based on a TdM deck. The deck is a reproduction of an art exposition that took place in Buenos Aires, in which 22 artists took part. One per each mayor arcana, and 4 of them were chosen for each one of the suits. There are many representations of national topics. For example, the cups look more like urns, and it's related to Perón and Evita (and the urn is very significative, because there has been certain fixation with their dead bodies). The swords represent people of the "villas miserias", which are like the favelas in Brazil. The suits of wands and coins are more traditional.

I wish I could scan some of the cards, but I don't have a scanner here. However, I found some links about the deck (they are in Spanish, but you can see the images):


The devil: http://www.artealdiaonline.com/var/...s/220771-1-esl-AR/Arcanos_Argentinos_nota.jpg

The hanged man: http://www.artealdiaonline.com/var/...tino/237577-1-esl-AR/Tarot_argentino_nota.jpg

The high priestess: http://www.artealdiaonline.com/var/...220786-1-esl-AR/La_Sacerdotisa_nota_slide.jpg


How cool! I love the colours, The High Priestess is beautiful!


The LWB explains more about the cards. And it says that the face of the High Priestess is of a girl who was dissappeared during the last dictatorship, and she had a baby while she was in captivity, and took it away from her. They never found her, and her kid doesn't know his true identity yet.


It's beautiful, Missycab, very colourful.

I also like the HP - she certainly has a mysterious air!

Dusk Till Dawn

I really like the Hanged Man!


Very interesting story about the High priestess, sad though. She does look so beautifull, and i really hope the child finds out the truth one day. Thanks for sharing.


Very interesting deck. Thanks for sharing.

And uhmm.. where could I get myself a copy??? :D


I'm really taken by this deck, missycab. I think it's a marvellous idea. Great thing to have!


Thanks Missycab! I got one on order, not through Amazon though, because they don't want to ship to the Netherlands again. But I got it from the same Amazon seller through ABE books. Silly how that works. It sure is a lovely find!