I have a client...


...I just feel so badly for her. She is, & has been for quite some time, seeing a married (& RICH) man, who is not going to leave his wife.

The cards, of course, were always very ambiguous. They did show him attempting something - going to a lawyer, etc. - but evidently the money is his wife's.

She still comes to me wanting to know about this man. Quite honestly, the cards have been quite dire - all these Majors, Death included!! - & saying that her life is going to change abruptly; I even see another, younger man coming along.

But I'm not sure she is paying attention to what I tell her. I feel the stagnant hopelessness of her situation (as she is approaching it now) & being empathic to a degree, it brings me down.

She is my best client, however, & I do not relish much the thought of somehow dropping her.

This is Kasamba, btw - all online.

Any words of support out there, perhaps from others who have been there?


This is an opinion.

I feel that our job is to read the cards. That’s it.

We cannot make a person listen, nor can we judge them. Just read the cards.


I have done a reading like this before actually and it was for a close friend.

Sadly some people ask for a reading and then don't much want to hear the response. I have to agree with Umbrae, as much as this is a unique type of Client-Professional relationship, you have to be able to distance yourself if you feel it is distressing you too much to see someone do this to themselves.

At the end of the day, you cannot force people to see the bigger picture. Sometimes they just don't want to know, because that will force them to confront it.

As hard as it is, I think if she is asking you to read the cards, then read them tactfully but honestly. I think is all you can do :)


Yes, of course you guys are right. That's what I've been trying to do, really trying. Trying to maintain my objectivity & not get too caught up.

Well, it is a little like a soap-opera, I guess you could say - it's like, sitting by & watching all the drama unfold. I guess what I really wanted to do was to vent - thank you for listening (reading).


blackroseivy said:
I guess what I really wanted to do was to vent - thank you for listening (reading).

No worries :) I think we all need to sometimes... Some days, just reading other people's experiences of reading really helps as it can be quite a strange little world and it's nice that I'm not the only one in it :)


Yep, that's fer sher!! ;)

I get to feeling VERY closed off - especially as my own world consists mainly of the computer. A shame, but something that cannot be helped right now.


It's very frustrating to have a client request to be read on the same issues over and over, and who have so little willingness to do anything to change the detrimental situation they're in.

It's up to you if it's worth still reading for her. You can say no, you do have that right... even if you just tell her, "I think until things have changed, you're going to keep seeing the same results."

Of course, that doesn't put money in your or kasamba's pockets.

Some people don't want to be read for, they want to be told what they want to hear. She sounds a lot like one of those types... willing to be read on the issue until she finally gets the cards to "tell her what she wants to hear." The fact that responsible readers such as yourself are going to tell her what the cards say, and not what she necessarily wants to hear, put you in a difficult spot.

You do have a right to refuse to read for her though.

And remember, the closer we are to an issue (even someone else's issues and not our own) the harder it is to remain objective during a reading. Just a caveat, as it seems your sympathetic side wants to give her "good" news, even if there's none to give.


I tried to think of it as though I were selling clothing. I wouldn't approve of the clothing choices made by a lot of the customers, but it wasn't my job to pass judgment. It was just my job to take their money and provide pleasant customer service. That way the company made money, I made a living, and the customer got what they paid for.

The way readings are done here isn't the way a whole lot of Kasamba clients customarily expect readings to be done. The clients don't want to waste time having the cards described for them or a counselling approach taken. They just want to know what the cards say in the interest of saving time. And granted---they often want to hear what they want the cards to say. That's beyond our control, so all we can do is tell them what the cards say as our individual conscience will allow.

They're also very anxious to keep the minutes down because they're paying so much for the reading so they just want to hear the cards and get out of the reading.


Absolutely, both of you... :(

I know - I know, I should really "crack down"... But she is my best paying customer, I live on SSI which has been reduced based upon the $200 dollars I happened to have made THAT month, & somehow I do think that being there for her might be a help of sorts; I don't mince words & when the cards stink (as they did last time), I tell her so.

I will keep it in mind, though - maybe get a little bit tougher with her until she gets the message, or maybe even tell her what you said Alissa, about the cards not changing because things aren't changing in her life. (I.e., SHE must change!!)

I'll do my best, absolutely thank you much for the advice, I appreciate it! :)


I didn't mean to crack down on her. I was just saying that things aren't done on Kasamba the way you're used to being advised to do them here. There, the idea is to serve the customer in the best way you can, take the money, give Kasamba their cut, and away you go. They don't care about "ethics" and counselling and all that. They just want you to do what the customer wants---read the cards in as quick a way as you can so the customer won't feel you're stalling for time to get more money and keep the customer as happy as possible.

You're there listed as a tarot reader, not a counsellor, and that's what the customer comes to you for. A reading. You're not there to "fix" them and set them straight about whether or not the man in question is worth waiting for. You're just there to read the cards, say what the cards say, take the money and there you are---you're richer, they're poorer, and they'll probably come right back for more of the same real soon. :)

It's not her you need to crack down on, it's you. :heart: You need to develop a thicker skin and a more business-like attitude about it. I don't fault you in the slightest for working there and I certainly understand your need of the money.

They do have counsellors on Kasamba, though, for the people who do want to be counselled.