I hope this question doesn't upset people...


As the title says, I hope this doesn't upset people but I am interested.

I've noticed on a lot of tarot sites that when reading for people, especially over the internet, quite a lot of information is asked for in the question section and all sorts of details like names, dates of birth etc. From the information asked for, you could get quite an accurate picture of the person and once their question is in there you have quite a clear picture of everything.

What is the difference then between this and cold reading? Is such detail needed?

I am feeling a smidge disullisioned lately with the tarot, inaccurate results, too general information that could be twisted anyway I wanted to apply it etc etc.

I actually suspect that I am cold reading people myself, not consciously or on purpose, but because I already know the details. Even strangers on here, from reading the posts I think I could accurately read them (not that I would ever do this!) even without a deck of cards. And it bothers me!

I'm genuinely not trying to offend people, I am just beginning to doubt whether I actually believe in this anymore .... :( Has anyone else found themselves asking questions like this??


Asking for names and such is just a way to make a connection over a long distance.... If your an experienced tarot reader you may or maynot need to do this (whatever feels right i am assuming) ((I am still a newbie at reading tarot)) but the biggest thing that stuck me is if you believe or not and inacuracy in readings... my theory is that what you put into the cards you get out of the cards... its a balance nothing more nothing less. If you are not in the proper mind set, you have to be open and willing and ready to recieve the insight that is sought, then you may not get the full reading or an inaccurate one.

Maybe you simply have to put them away for awhile, or if it comes to it altogether. It's your choice really

I have had readings that i felt were inaccurate... and i know how disheartening it can be. i merely took that as a sign of my own shortcummings which makes me want to strive even more! i know the tarot is a wonderful thing and when used right and knowledge is applied what wonderous things it can show you.

Hope this helped :) and I wasnt offended or upset in the slightest. ;)

Good Luck!!

le pendu

MissCW said:
As the title says, I hope this doesn't upset people but I am interested.

I've noticed on a lot of tarot sites that when reading for people, especially over the internet, quite a lot of information is asked for in the question section and all sorts of details like names, dates of birth etc. From the information asked for, you could get quite an accurate picture of the person and once their question is in there you have quite a clear picture of everything.

What is the difference then between this and cold reading? Is such detail needed?

I am feeling a smidge disullisioned lately with the tarot, inaccurate results, too general information that could be twisted anyway I wanted to apply it etc etc.

I actually suspect that I am cold reading people myself, not consciously or on purpose, but because I already know the details. Even strangers on here, from reading the posts I think I could accurately read them (not that I would ever do this!) even without a deck of cards. And it bothers me!

I'm genuinely not trying to offend people, I am just beginning to doubt whether I actually believe in this anymore .... :( Has anyone else found themselves asking questions like this??

These are excellent questions... and I DO fear that too often it really is as easy and simple as that. It's when we go beyond the "pat" answers, and move beyond the obvious symbolism.. into a relationship with the imagery that I think we can move into service that really is interesting and helpful.


I have never had a reading done for me by one of the online sites (only by people here) so I might be way off, but I think sometimes the additional information is asked to ensure that the person asking meets the minimum age requirements for a reading and that they have the ability to pay for the reading.

I have found that when I am inaccurate with a reading, it is because I really wasn't paying attention to the cards - I was trying to fit a reading into justifying what I wanted to hear. When I have gone back with a more objective eye, I found that the cards were totally accurate. OR it was because I was trying to arbitrarily apply a traditional meaning of a card within a context that it didn't fit.

Most of the time, if I let the reading flow, no matter how off the wall I sound, those readings are the most accurate - and they take the greatest leap of faith.

I am curious about your inaccuracy - is it because you are applying the meanings to the cards that you have been "taught" (the more traditional ones) or are you reading intuitively?




That's a pretty hard question. I have a story that really did take place. Hope tarot-enthusiasts will understand one of the miraculous things that could happen if you tell the reader your DOB and such like.

One time I bought the cards along for the ride when I met up with my mates. I did a few readings on my Gilded just for the hack of it. The atmosphere was light! A new girl (or rather old, because I was actually the new one there) I've never met before, much less knew, entered the room. Her name is Ashley(name changed for anonymous reasons), tall, long, really long, black hair cascaded down her back, a bit quiet. So I did a reading for her with the Gilded. As I shuffled the cards, I asked her casually what sign was she born in. A Leo, fire sign, a "Wands" person. She's age *hidden*, young, and so I determined her to be a Page.

Her significator is the Page of Wands.

The spread I laid out was the Wall of Ice spread (as per Ashley, after browsing my own book of spreads that I bought). The card on our left hand side represented the person she had issues with. After the cards are all laid out nicely, it was time to flip them the right side up. So I flipped the card on that left hand side and there it was, curiously, the Page of Wands!
It was weird. Ashley had the same significator card as did her friend, but I wasn't that confident a reader yet and thought the cards were saying the two (Ashley and friend) were like the same person.
Gingerly, I queried Ashley, "you and your friend, are you two alike? I mean personality wise..." She cut me off, "how do you know! That's true! That's so true!" And there off continued with the reading procedure. Ashley nodded eagerly in an upbeat way I didn't expect from the quiet girl earlier. She opened up and said she'd doubted the tarot earlier, but me and my cards have scared her, how accurate we were she said. However, it was me that had the doubts now. I didn't believe my readings would be spot on until I see the real thing, it's kind of like ghosts, most people question the existance of ghosts until they actually see one with their own eyes. I had to find out!

After that, a few days later i met up another mate from the group, one that knew Ashley better. Us being girls, we gossiped a bit. I was careful about the tarot reading I did for Ashley, made sure I didn't give the gist of the reading, nor the details. But my friend didn't think it was a big secret. She said "JANE!* Jane and Ashley are soooo alike!"

A few weeks later her friend Jane (real name withheld for privacy reasons) rejoined the group. Me being the new one, I hadn't met Jane before. She had long black her that cascaded down her back in a long ponytail, not so similar facial features with Ashley, but the fiery spirit in her eyes were alike. She and Ashley were fans of the same TV show title, had the same music taste, favoured almost the same music artists, in other words, had thr same personality, they're like twin sisters! I couldn't believe my prediction hit the nail. "They are alike," I parroted my earlier words.


wow that story was great!!

I have been stusying tarot on and off for years but recently now have i started to really focus and get results. I actually feel very intimidated when reading for some friends of mine because is almost like they want me to be wrong and so I start doubting myself and of course the reading is wrong!

Back to the original question though I usually ask the persons last name or think of their complete name so that I can focus better and I've noticed that the lady who reads for me sometimes asks me my name and nationality so I think it depends on the reader. The internet though I have never gotten a reading like that and honestly doubt it works. I have yet to have a readong from a member here though so who knows.

but if you are doubting yourself or losing hope like they said before give it a rest for a while until you feel more open or ready speaking from personal experience sometimes it takes some time for things to "click" or fall into place. :)

Just my two cents hope it helps :D


I think the moment people start asking me loads of personal questions it is a complete turnoff. They are trying to get a feel for the person before they lay out the cards and do a reading so they can "adjust" it to that particular person's life, sex, personality, job, etc. It is too fixed. That would be like doing a reading, here online, and before telling what you came up with, first you search their profile and follow certain posts and threads they have been active and basically-that is cheating!

Go to someone you don't know and who doesn't know you. Say straight up that you will not be revealing anything about yourself and simply ask your question. Pay by cash. Ever notice how the person at the register isn't the one who reads your cards? Pay with a check or credit card and they already have some info on you. By the time the "reader" is ready she may have done a bit of research on you.

Going for a reading is always trial and error. There are good and honest readers out there. There are many who are excellent. There are also those who are both readers and pyschics-real ones-who can blend these talents together and do an amazingly eerie and accurate reading. And there are those of us, like me, who will reveal what the cards say as well as blend my intuition with traditional meanings. I think a bad experience can really turn one off to tarot for good. The best way to stay with it is to do your own readings for a while. See how good and accurate you can be. See what comes up. If it doesn't seem to make the least bit of sense, don't toss that reading out the window. Analyze it some more. Give it a chance to play itself out. Imagine what it will feel like if you did that and suddenly things did fall into place. Would your feelings for tarot then become more solid?


MissCW said:
As the title says, I hope this doesn't upset people but I am interested.

I've noticed on a lot of tarot sites that when reading for people, especially over the internet, quite a lot of information is asked for in the question section and all sorts of details like names, dates of birth etc. From the information asked for, you could get quite an accurate picture of the person and once their question is in there you have quite a clear picture of everything.

What is the difference then between this and cold reading? Is such detail needed?

I am feeling a smidge disullisioned lately with the tarot, inaccurate results, too general information that could be twisted anyway I wanted to apply it etc etc.

I actually suspect that I am cold reading people myself, not consciously or on purpose, but because I already know the details. Even strangers on here, from reading the posts I think I could accurately read them (not that I would ever do this!) even without a deck of cards. And it bothers me!

I'm genuinely not trying to offend people, I am just beginning to doubt whether I actually believe in this anymore .... :( Has anyone else found themselves asking questions like this??

I have been reading online for a while, and I am starting now to read professionally online. I don't think most of that is necessary. The only things I need to do a reading is the name of the querent and if the question is about a relationship, the name or even first initial of the other person. Period. I don't need more. And the only reason I ask for those is so I can phrase the question properly.

I.e. You can ask "What does E. think of Caroline?" And get a perfectly valid answer.

But you can't ask the universe "What does "X" think of "Y" ?"and expect it to know who you are talking about. That would just lead to a nonsense answer.

Otherwise I do not need any info in the querent.




I've been doing professional readings online for over seven years now, the only question I ask is their name, so I know what to call them, their date of birth to ensure they are over 18 (as I do not read for minors) and their question. I don't ask any background information, nor do I even try to get anything else out of them. I don't need their name nor DoB, I simply use it to establish a connection and to make the reading more personal. I have however done countless readings without those details. After all it isn't needed the cards will tell you what you need to know.

As for the question, well I have done many readings where the client just asked for a general reading, which is fine, but I believe that if people want the best out of a reading they should ask what they want to hear about. After all, life has a lot of different path, unless you know what the client has got on their mind, how can you advice them to your best ability. I always welcome 'Test the psychic' clients as I know I haven't got anything to hide, but you know, psychics are no mind readers, if people want to just ask for a general reading, well then that is fine, but if their most important question isn't answered it is purely because that question is not what they should be focusing on ... I hope this made sense.... :) The way I see it, if you are going to get a reading from a psychic there is something that is on your mind (in my opinion), and so to ensure that you get that question answered it is important that I know what ones question is. At least, relationship, finances, job …

Love and light

PB x


MissCW said:
As the title says, I hope this doesn't upset people but I am interested.

I've noticed on a lot of tarot sites that when reading for people, especially over the internet, quite a lot of information is asked for in the question section and all sorts of details like names, dates of birth etc. From the information asked for, you could get quite an accurate picture of the person and once their question is in there you have quite a clear picture of everything.

What is the difference then between this and cold reading? Is such detail needed?

I am feeling a smidge disullisioned lately with the tarot, inaccurate results, too general information that could be twisted anyway I wanted to apply it etc etc.

I actually suspect that I am cold reading people myself, not consciously or on purpose, but because I already know the details. Even strangers on here, from reading the posts I think I could accurately read them (not that I would ever do this!) even without a deck of cards. And it bothers me!

I'm genuinely not trying to offend people, I am just beginning to doubt whether I actually believe in this anymore .... :( Has anyone else found themselves asking questions like this??

Well I like to have 2 things from my clients, Name and Birth date. Name cause I want to address the person by there name and make that connection with them. Birthdate So I know what age, I dont look up what Sign they are from there Birthsdate unless I know already what sign is for that month.