I thought I was IN, then OUT, now definitely IN

flying black kat

dodging housework

Dear Valeria:

Congratulations. Enjoy yourself. You will do great. I hope you pick up some steady clients.

May the rest of your week be profitable.



Congratulations! :party:

I don't know if you've ever done one of these before but be prepared for a heavy load and non stop reading. I've done 2 of them so far, the Connecticut Women's Expo. This event is huge, they hold it in the Hartford Convention Centre and there was an estimated 20,000 people turnout. (Not all of them wanted readings, thank the Gods!) We had a phlanx of readers there, about 14 of us. There were lines backed up out into the corridors for the readers. We offered $10. for 10 min, $15. for 15 min. We weren't doing any 20 min readings because there were so many people who wanted readings. I had my handy dandy little farberware digital kitchen timer and that thing kept me on schedule. It was hoppin! I don't seem to have any trouble reading accurately in these situations, for some reason I'm more energised at the end of one of these than I am when I get there, but some of the readers were seriously tired out.
Be prepared!
Have enough water on hand so you don't dehydrate, and you may want to pack something to eat in case the turnout is very heavy. Promotional materials will help you, even if you can just run off some flyers telling folks who you are, with contact information for setting up future appointments. You can get good repeat biz from an event like this.
I had the best time, but it was busy.

Wishing you all the best and lots and lots of fun!


Thanks everyone! :D

OMG! Dark Electric! :bugeyed: At other venues here, I have averaged over 10 readings a day (hundreds of attendees - and not the only reader). I have heard that they get an average of 6000 attendees at this event, and I am concerned that I am the only reader (despite what someone else told me) because of how she has interacted with me... like she doesn't know how to deal with a reader (like where to put me. She never said she would put me with the "other" readers, or something like that!). :bugeyed: I just sent an email asking where the packet of info was she was going to send me. Her response was "oops! I'll mail it Monday!" :bugeyed: I just don't want to find out I am going to be charged $300 for a space or that I have to go out and buy a bunch of decorations and stuff at the 11th hour. The hours are from 10am to 8pm on Friday and I think 10am to 4 or 6pm on Saturday. I am hoping that I will be busy, especially due to the Halloween season, and will get some repeat business afterwards. But if tons of people want readings... :bugeyed: :eek:

I'm not going to have my son's girlfriend helping me (she was great to ask people if they wanted readings and to keep the queue organized), either, so I'll be going it alone, but I'll have a signup sheet there and am practicing to keep my readings to the 15 or 20 min. they are supposed to be. My son has offered to wear a wig and help me if I am desperate! :bugeyed:

:love: valeria


Oh my goodness it sounds sooo exciting. You are so brave and quite an inspiration. When's the big day? Keep us posted so we know how it all turned out.

Best of luck to you!



Oh, this sounds so exciting for you, Valeria! But...The Only Reader There??? Oh, man!

Of course, you will be great, and I hope not overwhelmed. As everyone has said, pace yourself and drink plenty of fluids, etc., etc.

Do let us know how it goes!


valeria...that is really exciting!:thumbsup:

If you do end up being mobbed with querents...you could always just do a
"one" card reading...and maybe let them draw one more for clarification...

You can tell a lot about someone like that and I think works especially well
when pressed for time.

That is what I have done in the past...and it worked out great for me and
the querents are happy. Of course they will want MORE...so you can get lots
of future customers that way too.

Just a thought in case you get bombarded!:bugeyed:



Just work at a comfortable speed even if you have a long line of impatient people. It's the fault of the organizers if you can't get to everyone, not your fault. If you get complaints, just send the buck to someone else's desk. :)


Congratulations, Valeria! :CL The sitters at Expo are lucky to have such a great reader as yourself!


Thanks for the tips and good vibes, everyone! You all ROCK!

I just got the information packet today. The space I am in is normally a $275 space (10 x 10). She told me she would give the space to me free if my readings are free. :bugeyed:

So, now I have a dilemma. Do I go and give free readings for 2 days and use it as an opportunity to get my business "advertised" or do I counter offer for payment. Actually, I had decided that all the money I would raise would go to the Women Helping Women charity that I'm involved with (seemed appropriate at a Womens Only Expo :D). So I wasn't planning on pocketing anything anyway... and I will still be able to advertise my business to the thousands that show up. I guess actually, I'm not out anything except having to pay for space. Is this a crazy gig or what?!


Free readings for TWO DAYS?? I'd NEVER!!!

Seriously, I think that would be too much of a free thing. My own experiences with giving away a service for free are very mixed; often people get the wrong idea that if it was free the 1st time around, it should at least be very cheap the 2nd time around... or they don't count it as a serious business any more and think it's some sort of party gimmick.

You could think about special promotional offers - discounted price to lower people's purchasing threshold while at the same time announcing the actual price, for example. Maybe free one-carders or gift coupons. Or readings where people get to donate for your cause.

Good luck, I will follow this saga and I'm really excited for you!! :love: