If there's someone you can't read for---


Well, I don't get comments on nice boobs because, at my age, they'd have to lift my skirt to admire them, but I was once a slim and foxy bartender/cocktail waitress and I grew a rather thick skin about those uncouth guys who make that kind of rude advance. I developed quite a repertoire of comebacks that kind of wilted their---ahem----ardor, shall we say?

But anyway, you can't always tell if someone is odd because of a medical condition or a mental one either. Once I sobered up, I went into a medical field and worked for awhile as a psyche aide in a mental institution before going on to work in physical health, so I got familiar with those things, too.

However, I think a reader has to set their own standards and if they're happy with what those standards are, then I'm happy for them. All I know for sure is that the older I've gotten, the more I know I don't know, and thank goodness for that. :) I choose to read as a means of helping those who come to me, whoever they might be, but then----I don't have anyone admiring my boobs. LOL


Hmmm, interesting thread. It's been a good long while since having someone tell me what a nice figure I have. Of course,........been a long while since I have had a nice figure, lol. Used to get that and all sorts of comments when I was in the music /entertainment field, singing my brains out in all sorts of interesting places. And yes, Umbrae I would agree with you, it is not only just women who get "hit" on.

I have not had too many experiences in my professional reader life to have said NO to anyone. Rather the opposite, I start to feel very empathetic to the needs of the querent and proceed. Then again, this past summer was unusual in that I did readings in a laundramat. Now I have just picked up a gig in the local coffee house for a couple of nights a week for the holiday season. We shall see how that goes.


PS. BTW Umbrae, sometimes the wedding band doesn't work either. :p :laugh: *Noted from personal experience of her days in the Village doing her chanteuse thing.*


In my early days as a reader, I would sometimes draw a blank. Now, I just push through any resistance. It's my job. I do this because I love Tarot, but also because I'm committed to working with 'spirit' and if they come to me, it's because they are meant to be there.

As someone said earlier, the 'bad vibe' is more likely to be me, than them. In fact, when I feel a reading starts off badly, with me not liking the person sitting opposite me, it almost always ends up with me feeling a great rush of love and empahty for the person when I push aside my judgements and just 'be' with them, where they are, in the moment.

The worst I have ever felt in a reading was one I did for a serial rapist and murderer. I will never forget it. The hatred in his eyes when he talked about women was chilling. He was recently out of jail (he didn't tell me his crime, but it was clear as day from the cards and my spirit friends who give me messages) and wanted to know how his arranged marriage would work out. He had converted to another religion whilst in jail.


i ahve just had probably THE worst person to ask for a reading, and i found it very hard to cope with him. :(

his language when he contacted me was extremely flowery to say the least, and i was sooooo shocked that someone would use f*** on the first email contact with a stranger.

first he wanted to know if his ex was going to be with her new fella forever, to which i explained that i can't do that sort of reading for ethical and privacy reasons.

so i said that i would give him a general reading about himself and whether love was on the way....which i would be surprised at considering how he speaks to people.

the language got worse and he demanded that i would see when his ex would come back to him.

suffice to say i refused him point blank and asked him not to contact me again with regards to a reading, and that perhaps in future it would be more polite to not swear after every word when contacting someone for the first time......grrrrrrrr.


How rude of him! Maybe he was drunk or something.

How unpleasant for you. People like that seem to leave an icky residue behind them.