Imperial Dragon deck

Le Fanu

Big cards, shuffles great; I got rid of it on a Trade Train. I'm not into dragons, plus it really is another system with associations. I just couldn't be bothered to be honest - but dragony types would like it, I think.
oops! er... discount this. I was thinking of another deck completely. I arrived tired from a long journey! :D


That is ok, hope your journey went well! Still planning on looking into a different deck though, this one just isn't doing it for me.


Just thought I would post this as it may appeal to those who do like the Majors only deck:

Imperial Dragon Oracle. Now before you jump, leap and scream "THIS IS THE TAROT SECTION NOT ORACLE!!" I should point out it is really a 22 card Major Arcana deck.

For those of you who have a soft spot for the Peter Pragownik and Terry Donaldson Dragon tarot deck you may like this.... the images are very, very much in line with the artwork of that deck, again having been created by Peter Pragownik.

Has anyone got this wee deck? I have half a dozen majors only decks I don't use so am reluctant to consider adding to the collection. Yet the 78 card dragon deck was my second ever deck purchase and I have such a soft spot for it :) These dragons would be part of the family really.
Thanks to your post, I now have it and yes it certainly IS tarot. I like it muchly :) Thanks for the heads up.


I like it too. I put it on my wish list. I've been doing readings at a local shop but since they are 15 mins long I have been using Oracle cards to stay in the time limit. I use to only use the Oracle cards for myself but am enjoying using them in these short readings.


I bought my copy because I love the art. I don't really use it, though. I don't like Majors-only decks for readings. But as a collectible? Absolutely.

I can just flip through them and stare at the pretty pictures for a while. ;)