is Vampire Tarot ofthe Eternal Night delayed?


I cant seem to find this deck anywhere.

is it avalible ?
or does anyone know WHEN it is ?

F.M. Tarot

I do think the deck only is now available in Europe. I know a few people have bought and received it.

The deck & book kit was supposed to be released in both Europe and the US at the same time October 17th I think it was? Not 100% on that.

I have it on pre-order at Amazon and a few days ago they asked if I wanted to extend it as the Oct. 5 original ship date came and went. But they gave me no new possible ship date, Amazon said in a the coming few weeks. So they're keeping it vague! I am hoping to get this before Halloween!

Has anyone ever noticed how most Halloween type decks or decks geared towards that dark Halloween feel attempt to be released before Halloween and it mostly ends up completely missing the mark? :laugh: I say be set to release Halloween or dark decks in September then at least you will have some time to be working with them within the Autumn or Halloween season!

Golden Moon

Exactly what I wanted to ask, if this cards have been delayed:(.


Due to shipping to the United States from Italy I have found in the past that nearly every Lo Scarabeo deck is later than any pre-order date I find.

I have learned to be patient while others have learned to order from European sources if they can't wait.


Golden Moon

Published on the 24 of October, 2009... Wow... Who knew... :(


That's odd. I've seen it. Like, for real.... :D How long does it take from being in huge piles to the stores ?


I'm surprised it isn't out at Alida yet. Usually it is there for a few months before it hits the US. Hmm...


Seriously - it isn't out for sale anywhere yet - not even at LS. That was where I saw it.

My SO has a copy which Ric personally assembled in the back room as a gift when we visited LS last month - but I have it pre-ordered from there direct and it simply isn't out yet. If THEY haven't shipped yet - who else would have ?

F.M. Tarot

gregory said:
Seriously - it isn't out for sale anywhere yet - not even at LS. That was where I saw it.

My SO has a copy which Ric personally assembled in the back room as a gift when we visited LS last month - but I have it pre-ordered from there direct and it simply isn't out yet. If THEY haven't shipped yet - who else would have ?

It must be out somewhere! Kanon in this thread said that they had received theirs but hadn't the time to go through it much. And that comment was posted over a week ago!

Here is their post

Let's all pounce on her to ask! :laugh: But again I am waiting for the book and deck set, I don't want just the deck.

And here Ric posted 3 weeks ago that the decks are out in Europe but not the US....

What gives?