Jan. 2015 Oracles Monthly Study: Animals/Native American


My exchange was not one of the best but OK in a general way and I'm going to carry on studying the Druid Animal Oracle past the end of this month. I'm planning to get further ideas by comparing it against the cards showing the same animals in the Wildwood, Druid Craft and Sacred Circle Tarots.


As we are nearing the end of the month, I have to say that it has been a good month and I am very happy with the deck that I am exploring. I definetly see that I could be using this deck after the month is over. It was a good purchase.

I really like the messages that I am getting and there is something to this deck that leads me to think that there is more to discover. I am not saying that this is a fancy, nice, fluffy deck there is some edge to the deck. I didn't see that edge at first. When I say that I like the messages it seem that deck speaks consistently. Sometimes there is a sense that some decks don't really have a voice. But this one does so I see that using it long term means that I will get to know it better.

Moving throught hte month with the deck i have been holding off on doing what seems to be the Celtic Cross spread for this deck. I say that because the "Red Road/Blue Road" spread is the spread that really fits with the deck. It was created for the deck and it is used to find messages from the Ancestors. So I think it is kind of a big deal with this deck. I am going to be working on that spread this week as a finale with the deck.



Because of some family concerns (illness) I didn't get to post as much in January as I would have liked BUT I did like trying to focus on just one deck for the month....it helped clear my mind.

I feel a deeper connection with the animals from my work with the cards and from reading everyone's posts here, This deck will definitely still be used well past January! The messages are spot on and the lessons are definitely ones that seem to fit whatever the concern is at the time!


Well, as I already told Smiling via PM, I was quite busy and did not have time to say anything much. I am teaching a lot these days - Native Studies in schools and Native spirituality and frame drumming workshops in adult education. Then there are my patients - maaaany with SAD and or depression....
Ad to that, that I was a bit "under the weather" and so quite a bit behind on the stufffff I wanted to do....
For the next month I will stay with the Medicine Cards. I chose them, because I wanted to realllly review, which cards/ Spirit representations are still missing in my reading deck to make it more personal and effective. I already had quite a number of extra cards made up but there are still others that I would like.
A list of all of these is coming up....
It is another one of those things that just got half finished and are not ready to be published....


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Well, as I already told Smiling via PM, I was quite busy and did not have time to say anything much. I am teaching a lot these days - Native Studies in schools and Native spirituality and frame drumming workshops in adult education. Then there are my patients - maaaany with SAD and or depression....
Ad to that, that I was a bit "under the weather" and so quite a bit behind on the stufffff I wanted to do....
for the next month i will stay with the medicine Cards. I chose them, because i wanted to realllly review, which cards/ Spirit representations are still missing in my reading deck to make it more personal and effective. I already had quite a number of extra cards made up but there are still others that I would like.
A list of all of these is coming up.... it is another one of those things that just got half finished and are not ready to be published....

Wow, love your photos, and love those cards you made! Thanks for sharing. :)
I'd like to continue, too, studying the Medicine cards deck in this thread.


Adding extra cards to your deck is a great idea Mi-Shell. It's very promising that people are interested in the spirituality of the land they're living in. :)


The last card I drew from the Druid Animal Oracle was the Stag, shown in front of an archway formed by the branches of two silver birch trees leading to a beautiful landscape. Now my new decks have arrived I have been looking through them for stags and birch trees to find out more of their meanings -

The Green Man Tree Oracle lists Birch as the first letter in the Druid alphabet and the message of following a good start through to a successful conclusion.

Apart from the antlers worn by the Lord in the Druidcraft Tarot, the birch appears in all four aces due to its associaton with beginnings, together with the stag in the Ace of Wands, the stag being the totem animal of Fire. This again has the idea of starting a project and putting in the energy to complete it.

The Stag in the Wildwood Tarot doesn't resonate but the Ancestor card fits in much better - a woman with the head of a stag standing between two birch trees in the snow and beating a drum. This is about being led to a new path and passing through a gateway leading into the far forest, beginning a commitment from which you cannot turn back. This card is associated with the Druid festival of Imbolc, marking the stirrings of the first signs of spring. The date of Imbolc is the first of February - it looks like I had better carry on then ;).


I didn't get to post quite as much as I wanted to this month, but enough that I remember now how much I enjoy working with the Medicine cards. They really were the only oracle deck I used for many years and it was good to work with them again.

Mi-Shell, I love the extra cards that you added to your deck. I'm thinking that may be the next phase of my work with this deck.