Journal Journey


Hi TwistedFae,

Its really knocked my enthusiasm for it, especially when I went on the forums for help and basically because its the free version they weren't interested. I don't understand why the database lets you take backups but not put them back into the database again if you have a problem.

I did download the programme again but the only way I can get at my first database info is by using the back-up file so what I have done is to print out all the stuff I've got in it and put it into my binder journal.

I am having alot of fun with my paper Journal - which is now a two ring binder,in purple my favourite colour with dividers for all the different sections and sorts of spreads but the section I like best is the one where I just let myself ramble about the card images. :)


Wow, I love that song!!! Nice to see someone with the same taste as me. Oh and my middle name is Dianne, so it looks like we have a few things in common.:grin:

Yep I do that, that is how I read usually, just look at the card's imagery like and inkblot, make notes on all the little parts that point themselves out to me and go with what it feels like each means...then put it together into a coherent whole. Except for the Faeries' Oracle where I just meditate on the faeries and ask them outright what they want to tell me. LOL

I don't do that in my journal though. I like to be spontaneous and for each card to mean something different each time. If I journalled what they meant beforehand that might stick in my mind and set the meaning in the back of my mind. I want each time to be new and fresh. I'm up to 24 decks now, and I alter between them as much as I can so that I don't have any clear memory of what each card meant the last time I use it each time it comes up.

But my journal does contain all my readings (I have 11 now, in 2" binders typed [in Word] and indexed) so it is easy enough to compare readings with the same deck adn where the same card came up. Along with any techniques and methods I learn along the way, AND any interesting Tarot articles I read on the Net.

It fascinates me how it never means the same thing twice. I find it magical when each card is so different between one reading and the next and yet the readings are still accurate.

Do you know, that happens to me sometimes? When I am doing a reading with music on, and thinking on what the card is telling me and suddenly something in the music is so relevant. I usually include it in the answer then. I figure that if the universe had it came up at exactly the spot in the reading where I needed it too, that is relevant info. I wonder if others do that???

Anyway, after all that, I am truly happy for you that you found what works for you. And isn't the freedom of doing it that way and having good music behind you just SO freeing? :grin:

Doesn't freedom feel wonderful? It's just so freeing. LOL

I like reading that way cause it makes you really feel your inner magic. You just know the answers are coming from inside you, you can feel it so deeply.



Glass Owl said:
All of this talk of Mick Jagger as the Emperor has got me wondering if there is a thread somewhere linking singers to other cards. I think it would be very interesting to see where people would place Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Elvis, etc.

--Glass Owl
There is a Rock and Roll Tarot. All the cards are singers. I think that is its name of something like that. I always see it on E-Bay, never bought it though. LOL
