Knight of Wands as outcome


Like many people, I sometimes have trouble interpreting the knights. In a recent reading the Knight of Wands appeared as the outcome of a possible relationship. I'm puzzled. Any thoughts?



Hard to say without the rest of the spread or question, but the Knights usually tell me there is some kind of movement being made, and this one has a lot of energy and enthusiasm--ants-in-the-pants kind of movement in a creative way, you know? Sometimes he acts too fast, but generally, he shows up for me when there is some kind of movement into a new situation or even out of a situation the querent is now in.

As a person, he's someone who has a lot of irons in a lot of fires and isn't the type who wants to (or is even able to) settle down with just one of those "irons". He's a mover and a shaker :).


I always think of the Knight of Wands as an Errol Flynn type if you remember him ? Foot loose and fancy free. A bit of a playboy type but flashy and attractive. I sure would not bet on him ever rescuing me ! That is the personality I assign to him. Bright, smart, energetic, everything going for him. The type it is a lot of fun to spend time with, always something going on.

Knight of Wands

Here is a thread I posted about the Knight of Wands, I hope it is of some help.

I think that the Knight of Wands, as a relationship outcome, suggests an affair that is passionate, but short lived. It will burn brightly and hot, but not for long. Before long, the Knight will move on and try new things... (Remeber the pyramids in the RWS card ;))

I don't think it's a good sign for a long lasting relationship, but a very good one if you want a fantastic shag LOL :p


Thank you all for the ideas. Intersting interpretation. A great fling and movement could both make sense here. I like the rrol Flynn analogy--maybe the relationship will beturning summersaults!? I was thinking the card might say something about a relationship being exciting but unstable.

In the spread, this card represents the relationship itself rather than a person's attitude. Which is why I was having a problem with the interpretation--deciphering the qauilities of a relationship rather than the qualities of a person.



I'm not sure if this actually refers to the relationship rather than one of the people involved in the relationship. The Knight of Wands is fiery, darting off after adventure with flames streaming from him. He's very hot sexually and temperamentally. He blazes in and out of situations. He throws himself into something only to throw himself equally quickly out of it before he has to take on any responsibility or commitment.

Some people refer to this Knight as moving house or moving away from something. I think it depends where he is in the spread. For example, if he is facing or galloping towards another court or a situation, he is coming towards you. If he is galloping away then he is getting away from you. He is akin to a flickering fire with very little fuel and he will burn it up very quickly.

He is good or bad depending on the situation. If you or another are more a Knight of Pentacles, slow and plodding type, this Knight could be advising you you to jump in guns blazing. If you are hot headed and inclined to let your temper get the better of you, this Knight could be advising you to temper yourself and not act on impulse. To think things through.

As you can see, he is all fire energy. He is sexual, hot headed, a real fiery torpedo which is great if you only want a short term fling or a lover. He does not bode well for a long term relationship or with someone you want to stay the course with. You would be better off with the Knight of Pentacles.