Post your notes here


Every time I do a spread I learn something new. I thought it would be a good idea to have thread where we could post our notes on "new ideas" or answers that come up during a reading.



Chariot as outcome: Counselling
5 of Swords: New exercise program


Wow...the Chariot as counselling. That exactly fits a situation I recently read about and I'd never heard of that before. I read it as the need to take control, which counselling will help this person do (and he recently began counselling.) Nice, thanks kilts_knave!


4 of pentacles: I'm going to get sick. (and throw up) I guess it means that I'm holding to tight to my "digestive" possesions.


Hierophant was in "My role" for the day position yesterday.
And I realised it had to do with me "establishing a belief "about something.
I've always had trouble with this card and that was a nice note to add about him in my notebook...


Well, in a reading I was doing recently. The hanged man was recent past.
There are two crows standing above the hanged man. The crows representing two parents, the hanged man the child. The parents are realizing that the party is over and it is time to start acting like parents and not party people. :)


9 of pentacles: a cross road, but both choices have a similar number of advantages and "bad" things. (I read with a Marseilles deck and there's a coin between 2 groups of 4....) So to decide you need to compare each "coin" and see which one is more valuable.


Ace of Swords --last will & testament
2 of Wands --changing jobs

Little Baron

Bad_Calvin said:
Well, in a reading I was doing recently. The hanged man was recent past.
There are two crows standing above the hanged man. The crows representing two parents, the hanged man the child. The parents are realizing that the party is over and it is time to start acting like parents and not party people. :)

That is interesting Calvin. Could be about leaving someone hanging. The child is not getting what it is needing and is almost 'second best' to it's parents lifestyle.


Little Baron

kilts_knave said:
2 of Wands --changing jobs

Isn't it funny how the simplest and most obvious of ideas just slap you in the face and make you go 'of course'!