Language of the deck


I'm thinking about buying a new deck. However, at the moment I am on a holiday in Germany. I have been looking at different decks but the names of the cards are all in German with some advice in German on each card. Although I speak German fluently, my language of preference is English and my preferred deck is RWS.

If I were to buy a German deck, would this influence the energy of the cards? Anyone have any experience with that?


Personally, I've found that it doesn't matter much even for the languages I don't speak fluently. I have decks in French, Italian, and Russian (not to mention the LoS multi-language titles), as well as English, and I don't really feel any differences in the energy, other than, perhaps, that decks in the languages I don't know well somehow have a more mysterious air to them. :D And that's only when I do look at the titles. :)


I have a few decks that are different languages. What I have found is that they become more sentimental. I have a deck from Israel, too me this is very special :) so much history and Biblical.

Buy a deck from Germany, take it home, go through the deck, and attach your trip events to some of the cards. :), which then will give that deck a special place in your heart, which will give it lovely energy.

I have had no problem, with decks that have different languages, really all you need is the images, you will know which deck is right for you. plus google is wonderful for it's translator.


I have decks in JAPANESE and Finnish, among others....

I don't find it makes ANY difference at all.


I have decks in many languages I don't speak, including RWS versions in several languages. It doesn't adversely affect how the cards feel to me, in fact I like it like that. Besides, not all decks come in english anyways. I didn't even realize there was a 1jj swiss in english until just recently.


If I were to buy a German deck, would this influence the energy of the cards? Anyone have any experience with that?

l have decks in German and French and not found any influences as to their energy other than an air of mystery which l and the people l read for rather like. l don't speak those languages.

As you speak German the mystery would probably not be there for you.
The energies would be like any other deck you buy, finding ones you like and are drawn to.

So enjoy buying your deck as you would any other :)


To be honest, my preferred "tarot language" is English. :p It's quite odd since I've lived my whole life in Sweden, but I guess the internet does that to you...

I've noticed that it annoys me that my Osho Zen is in Swedish, and back when I used the Thoth that also annoyed me. With the RWS I don't know if I was mostly bothered by the computerized font or that it was in Swedish, but I liked the deck much more when I got it in English with the handwritten titles... Does it make the decks impossible to read with for me? No definitely not. :) It's just a little "minus" in my book, that's all...


I'm thinking about buying a new deck. However, at the moment I am on a holiday in Germany. I have been looking at different decks but the names of the cards are all in German with some advice in German on each card. Although I speak German fluently, my language of preference is English and my preferred deck is RWS.

If I were to buy a German deck, would this influence the energy of the cards? Anyone have any experience with that?

I have decks with Italian, French, German and even Finnish titles, all of them languages that I don't read or speak, despite possible family origins.

It's never stopped me. I read mostly from pictures, and even if you need the titles to read the cards, it will be easy enough to work out what words mean "Queen of" and "Ace" etc after a while.

Buy the decks that appeal to you - don't miss out because of a fear of their titles.


I read in English and in French. I don't have a French deck (I guess I could head over to LoS and fix this, come to think) and instead stick to my English ones. The words don't matter all that much because I recognise the pictures anyway. I don't even read my LWB for every deck anyway because I want the decks to speak to me themselves.

The Tarot is primarily based on pictures and pictoral cues. The words are there as an assist but they are not mandatory. You learn to manage without them just as you learn how to say "The Devil" in another language. It won't be a big deal but you'll need to experience that yourself in order to believe it, I expect.


I'm thinking about buying a new deck. However, at the moment I am on a holiday in Germany. I have been looking at different decks but the names of the cards are all in German with some advice in German on each card. Although I speak German fluently, my language of preference is English and my preferred deck is RWS.

If I were to buy a German deck, would this influence the energy of the cards? Anyone have any experience with that?

Why on earth should it? :)

There will only be a reading influence - if for some reason you find a different personal influence yourself from reading in German... say for example getting into a "German speaking mindset" makes you more "serious and with little sense of humour" (now German speakers - don't mind me! I'm just using an example. And - humour can be so different in different cultures) :) ).
- for instance. Then your readings may follow a pattern more in this vein.

I would imagine there will be no difference in the cards themselves.
The power and interpretation is all in you.
(as you have seen - some people find any of the languages they use are equal - while other's find that they prefer one over another. It's to do with the individual - not the cards themselves).

I'd love to have cards in a different language - French or Italian.
But - I'm not fluid enough in these. So I'd probably find myself reading and thinking "Dang it! - I can't remember what that is now... where's the dictionary". Can't have that going on whilst I'm reading. :joke:
A couple of weeks back I saw an OOP deck with lots of written explanation on each card in French which I rather liked...
Tempting. But it will just sit there unused if I buy it.