List of tarot myths


Good grief! I forgot I ever said this. I just read it and laughed out loud and then saw I was the one who said it----- :rolleyes:

Someone had said that "children are born naked aren't they?" I can be so silly it's embarrassing sometimes.

this was one of the best ones of the entire thread.
thank you X)

Tansey Ella

They may seem nice but jws are a hate based religion.They believe everyone but them will die at Armageddon. Anyway, I am surprised that telling them you practice tarot or are a witch or anything remotely related to that would not scare them totally away. They are like frightened children when it comes to what they consider demon activities.
And yes, just telling them you are an apostate or involved with the occult should get you on their do not return list. Sad really.
Btw, most of them do not know they are off shoots of the adventist religion, but they are.
I can speak with some authority on this b/c I wore that Tshirt for a long time and it left it's tracks in my mind.


Dumbass Myth #1- You must recieve a deck as a gift. They cannot be purchased by yourself .
<frowning> This one led to a rash of shoplifting of Tarot decks in the 1990s, I believe. After all, you didn't buy a deck you stole. <scowls>


Seriously, as a relative newbie to the tarot world, ivebeen feeling a bit criminal in that I keep my decks in homemade beanies, Ive never performed a cleansing ritual nor conformed to turning them over like I would the page of a book. Glad to know my practices aren't that bad, after all.
That said, I do like to share my bed with a deck, every now and then


Seriously, as a relative newbie to the tarot world, ivebeen feeling a bit criminal in that I keep my decks in homemade beanies, Ive never performed a cleansing ritual nor conformed to turning them over like I would the page of a book. Glad to know my practices aren't that bad, after all.
That said, I do like to share my bed with a deck, every now and then

Oh you hussy! I can't imagine it! (Ummm, forget I ever said I sleep with my Shadowscapes, folks. :p The Devil made me do it!)

Asbestos Mango

I bought my Gilded when I was going through an emotional crisis, and I slept with it, wrapped in its bandanna, like little kid sleeping with a stuffed animal for a couple of weeks.


They actually make pretty good colouring books. Lots of nice lines to stay inside :D
Kinda like the religion, really.

Now, is anyone making a master-list of the fantastically funny myths in this thread? It's been a joy and a delight to review it.


Strangest one I heard..... That if you get a reading with a bad omen, remove the offending card from the deck. As long as it stays out of the rest of the deck, that future would be kept from happening. If the card goes back in, the future is unfrozen and will happen as perdicted

Wow, I like that one, it's really spooky ;-)) It's a bit like reversed magic isn't it? When you put cards together that represent your wish and make this wish. I do that sometimes even if that's another myth. I think it makes life colourfull to apply myths of your choice.

Here is another one, I thought it was quite common to the Tarot world but as I found out maybe it's more Eastern European. Interesting.


Tarot Myth:

That a sitter doesn't actually have to tell their reader the question they want answered. They just need to touch the cards while concentrating and the cards (and the reader!) will receive the "energy" of the question. And obviously a reader who needs to be TOLD the question just isn't very good!

I was taught that the first time I ever touched a tarot deck. Ironically, the person who taught me that you can't voice the question didn't have a problem with me touching and reading for her with her deck (breaking two other myths). But when I dared to ask how I'd done my first time, she seemed affronted that I would hint at the question.

I also read in a book recently that you shouldn't read with illustrated pip decks because they cloud your intuition to the real meaning (which according to this book was usually opposite traditional meanings, i.e. the 5 of pentacles was financial fulfillment according to him). He also insisted that you shuffle with the non-dominant hand. Since I'm ambidextrous, I wonder which one that is supposed to be?

I've also been told that if I give an accurate reading, it's not really that the cards worked, it's just that I created a self-fulfilling prophecy . . . never mind that things that were not in my control still happened or that the past was described with an uncomfortable degree of accuracy or that doing three readings in a row yielded the EXACT same cards, even after thorough shuffling.

Edit: these have been hilarious to read through! They made my day so much better.


Tarot Myth:

That a sitter doesn't actually have to tell their reader the question they want answered. They just need to touch the cards while concentrating and the cards (and the reader!) will receive the "energy" of the question. And obviously a reader who needs to be TOLD the question just isn't very good!

I first encountered this back in the '70s when I read Eden Gray's books. I never thought of it as a myth, just the way I first learned and have been doing ever since. I kind of like it . . . the reading becomes an adventure of discovery and a revelation for both the reader and the querent. In my experience, it does make for a more free-ranging and creative interpretation that sometimes uncovers many other (usually subconscious) angles to the querent's reasons for seeking the reading. But I can see where it would be less appropriate if all you do is on-line readings. And I suppose if I read professionally and "on the clock" I'd be less intrigued about exploring interesting "side-roads."