

Tell me all you know about the Magician?


I suppose my most in-depth knowledge has come from the Magician's appearance and position in tarot readings, but also informed by readings of literature, anthropology and mythology.
I've also learned a lot from comparisons with other forms of Trump I.
There's a tremendous amount of knowledge and information contained in threads here - use the search button to begin a voyage of discovery!
What's your thoughts about the Magician, LadyEcho?


Tell me all you know about the Magician?

Um ... all I know, from all the many readings I've done for many people in different situations, I've never once said the same thing twice about this card or any other card. It would probably fill a book, if I could recall now everything I've said and thought about this card over the years.

What is the nature of the information you are actually looking for? Are you having difficulties reading this card in a particular reading, or in more than one readings? Or are you testing our knowledge-base? Or something else? If I knew what you were looking for, I might be able to help you.


About the Magician

I'm not sure how well Tarot Cards yield up their secrets when considered in isolation. A Tarot reading is a dynamic event: the meaning of each card depends upon, and is modified by, each of the other cards in the spread.

Having said which, each card has, of course, its own intrinsic meaning, without which we wouldn't be able to see how it influences any of the others!

If other cards in the spread suggest negativity, then the Magician is a trickster; if he represents a person in the reading, then that person is not to be trusted, but will be duplicit and two-faced. If he represents an event, then be careful! Nothing is quite what it seems. In business there may be fraud; or at least some shady dealings. In love, the magician is not to be trusted, even when found with good cards. There is too much of Mercury in him. If he shows up with the Devil, in a query about a relationship, don't trust a word he says. He will lie, and amuse himself as he does so.

With positive cards, the Magician is a completely different character. Charming, ingenious, and inventive. He's the go-to man, the trouble shooter who sees a way straight through the problem. A great communicator, he will talk himself out of situations which looked hopeless with ease. He is an initiator, and an ideas man. He gets the ball rolling. He is fast thinking, smooth talking and always charming. Some people instinctively mistrust him and perhaps with good reason; he can be just a little bit to clever for his own good.

With the magician, the chances are that something new is round the corner - but its unlikely to be quite what you had planned. Expect the unexpected - he's always got another trick up his sleeve!


It means you have all the tools in your hand required to do something important. It screams "you're ready" to me.


It means you have all the tools in your hand required to do something important. It screams "you're ready" to me.

It's never come up for you for what clients need to work on or develop in themselves? It's never come up for "why so-and-so always seems to do better than me"? It's never come up to point to manipulation, or politics, or emotional blackmail, given or received? It's never come up relating to illness/wellness, or megalomania, or electricity? Oh, DeepSoul, it means that certainly, but so much more!


It's never come up for you for what clients need to work on or develop in themselves? It's never come up for "why so-and-so always seems to do better than me"? It's never come up to point to manipulation, or politics, or emotional blackmail, given or received? It's never come up relating to illness/wellness, or megalomania, or electricity? Oh, DeepSoul, it means that certainly, but so much more!

I agree! Reading this has helped me think about it more. Thank you.



...which does not always portend something agreeable or disagreeable. Depending on whether this card is upright or reversed (if you deal with reversals). It means the ability to make things happen, manifest, create without limitation...but on a darker side could also mean the manifestation of disagreeable circumstances. Reversed, a trickster...yes to a degree. To me, this also depends on how you view the trickster. Is the trickster setting you up to take a fall, or serving to be a teacher? Even in the cruelest of lessons, there is something to be learned. Just my one and a half cents! :)


Has the original poster read any of these replies? I'd still like to know why she asked - perhaps we could help her better if we knew.

Lucas Prince of Cats

The magician is very Airies. It is about talent, mastery, but self-discovery, and focus on the self as well. It is also very masculine and they often go down the path of power. IT cna represent manipulation and decepion as well.