making a magic circle


To make a magic circle I have read that you have to do it N.E.S.W if you want to increase or invite. But in other places I read the opposite to create the circle ( same direction as clock) and rhr oposite ( N.E.S.W) to close it.
What do you think?


In doing magickal workings, I always advise picking a single author or tradition, and working with it until you are adept enough to step away from what is taught and go your own way.

If you find yourself more drawn in general to one source than the other, choose to work solely with that source/tradition and see what happens. If it works for you, continue on that path. If not, try the other way. But be work with one source or tradition at least long enough to see if that method works for you.


Ok thank you. If is not wrong I will do it with the movement oposite to the clock as is for increasing health


Also I have found the Paul Huges blog and he says is not need to make a magic circle. Is a very interesting post.


Clock wise is a misnomer. The tradition goes; to 'bring in' an energy move / set up "deosil" (with the path of the Sun which is clockwise in the northern hemisphere ) and to banish or 'send out' move 'widdershins' (against the path of the sun, anti-clockwise).

It is reversed in the southern hemisphere.


Clock wise is a misnomer. The tradition goes; to 'bring in' an energy move / set up "deosil" (with the path of the Sun which is clockwise in the northern hemisphere ) and to banish or 'send out' move 'widdershins' (against the path of the sun, anti-clockwise).

It is reversed in the southern hemisphere.

Thank you!

Lil Red

Are we talking about clockwise or counterclockwise?
Usually when I go to wiccan rituals the pries/priestess go clockwise to invite the spirits. When I'm doing the casting I go by clockwise since for me it means going forward and inviting the elements one by one.


We were talking about both ; clockwise and anticlockwise ... which is a misnomer ... because a clock has nothing to do with it. It became a handy reference but does not translate when one changes hemispheres.

As a practicing Wiccan you should know about deosil and widdershins ; going with the path of the Sun and 'against' the path of the sun.

I dont understand why one has to go in a specific direction around a circle to 'invite' the elements 'one by one' ... one can still go the opposite way and invite the elements 'one by one'. :confused:

Briar Rose

Here's a medicine wheel my friend made, outside.


  • circle.jpg
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If you dig through the archives I think somewhere on AT we actually wrote out directions for 'The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram' and 'The Rose Cross' ...