

I'm just wondering if anyone has experience with Shamanism, specifically journeying? I've been working on practicing it for a little more than a year and have had good experiences. I wouldn't mind hearing others' experiences, if you don't mind talking about it.


I am not a shaman myself, but there are quite a few shamans who belong here on A.T. and I'm sure there are a lot of posts about this and some of the shamans also have links to their own blogs that speak of their journeys. Do a search here on A.T. for shamanic journeys.

I have been on a few shamanic journeys with the help of shamans. The first one worthy of repeating was a shaman who led me on a journey to find my power animal. It was amazing! I met my power animal who is still with me today--the black panther. I remember seeing his eyes glowing green first when he appeared to me, and then he came running out of the woods and I was sitting on his back as he ran through the forest at great speed! It was exhilarating!

Later after that experience, I'd begin to question if it was just my imagination, but whenever I would question it, I'd notice the black panther coming again to me to remind me that it was NOT my imagination. Once, when I was thinking it had to be my imagination, the hubby and I were on a road trip and we passed a school who had the black panther as their mascot and a HUGE black panther was painted on the side corner of their school. :laugh: Okay! Okay! I believe!

Then, another time, again, I was wondering if it was my imagination, again on a road trip and just as I was thinking this, a big truck passed us in the next lane and on the side of the truck was painted a black panther and the words "Black Panther Company". :D

So, I promised right then and there NOT to question it again. But, the real interesting part of this experience is that I had a tarot/psychic reading done for me once and the man who was the reader exclaimed to me how as he was beginning to do the reading for me, a black panther showed up and stayed there the whole time! It sort of unnerved him a bit, but he relaxed when I told him that the black panther was my power animal. I thought it way cool that the black panther would come through like that.

He has shown up for me many times in my own journeys and I see and sense him walking beside me when I do my journeys. I can also sense him often when I am not journeying, so I know he is always with me, and if I need to, I can call on him for his help and guidance. :D


The person you want to ask here is Mi-Shell, who is a practising shaman. There are several others who live the shamanic way.


Thanks for bringing this up, Jeh! I've been willing to start my journey with shamanism, I think this is the right time. I'll be following this thread :)

Interesting experience, Celticnoodle! I hope to find someone who can help me with finding my power animal one day.


Thank you.

celticnoodle, I've been approached by a fox, a lion, and a wolf over the past year. The fox is the main one, she shows up most often, and like you, I've had it corroborated. I do question it from time to time, but the things I see and the things my power animals and guides tell me are things I wouldn't likely imagine just on my own. I asked the fox if she was always with me and she said she was my sense of humour. That really struck me, as my sense of humour is one of my favourite parts of myself.

Marirowana - I wish you luck in your journeys! I wasn't very successful at first, for the first few months I couldn't get anywhere, but then I took a break and when I went back to it, all of the sudden everything opened up. I'm getting quite familiar with the configuration of my Lower World.


I'm just wondering if anyone has experience with Shamanism, specifically journeying? I've been working on practicing it for a little more than a year and have had good experiences. I wouldn't mind hearing others' experiences, if you don't mind talking about it.
I'm a shamanic practitioner. I do journeying work for myself, my family, and clients.

I do not call myself by the title of shaman, because I am not one by family lineage and I got called out on using that term right here in this forum before I even knew what a shaman was and that I could never be one. But I was called to the work by Snake, who would not let me rest until I went on to study Core Shamanism with a teacher who was a graduate of Sandra Ingerman's Teacher Training, and after that I went on to learn Curse Unraveling, Advanced Space Clearing, and Compassionate Depossession with Betsy Bergstrom as well.

Among other things, I do psychopomp work (leading earthbound souls to the other side), soul retrievals, curse unraveling, past life healing, power animal retrieval, energetic healing, and space clearing. I truly enjoy the work--as you know, shamanic journeying takes you into magical landscapes and provides a unique way of healing ourselves, others, and the planet. The very first time I journeyed to the Lower World and found myself in a place with three suns and a talking coyote, I was utterly hooked, instantly and forever.

If you are so blessed as to be able to join with likeminded practitioners and do group journeying, I hope you do so--that energy is something not to be missed!


I'm just wondering if anyone has experience with Shamanism, specifically journeying? I've been working on practicing it for a little more than a year and have had good experiences. I wouldn't mind hearing others' experiences, if you don't mind talking about it.

You might like this .... it has my shamanic teacher in it :) ;


Thanks for that ravenest! That was just fascinating. Utterly fascinating. And mesmerizing as well.


I'm just wondering if anyone has experience with Shamanism, specifically journeying? I've been working on practicing it for a little more than a year and have had good experiences. I wouldn't mind hearing others' experiences, if you don't mind talking about it.

I have one I can share.

At a certain time of year and place and eating of what nature offers at that time and place (a special mushroom) and doing the required breathing and listening to the music and chanting ... it all seemed well and good .

I noticed a wallaby nearby nibbling some grass, not unusual in that place. Then he noticed me and started staring ... moving in a strange way, sort of dancing ... then he hopped into the circle and started dancing around the circle (at this point I realised the preliminary stages had worked and I had passed into the other state) ... then other types of native animals appeared and joined in the dance and then they turned into aboriginal art versions of themselves and all danced together in a type of kaleidoscopic mandala . Then I came out of that stage and I was somewhere else, now it was night and I was out in the bush (the music I was listening too was still playing ( didgeridoo, a wailing chant and a rhythmic whooomping of many sticks striking the ground flat ... except now I could see the men making the music and I had to walk down a corridor between them as they all sat striking their sticks on the ground in unison. At the end was a clearing, here I didnt seem to know what to do. Some men surrounded me and started poking me with spears, I felt a bit threatened and confused but then realised I was being prodded with the other end of the spears, not the nasty end. Then I realised they were trying to get me to do move over to the far side of the circle where there was a rock with a Yoni shaped cleft in it. They started trying to push me in there but it was too small to get in. I tried anyway and somehow fitted through and came to a large cave inside this little rock.

Inside it was like my grandparents old loungeroom and in there was my grandfather, sitting in his fav chair, smoking his pipe. So I went and sat down at his feet like I used to as a small child. We had a great talk ... he is still with me today.

That was my first real and strong connection with my ancestors :)

Then there was the one with the stinging ants ... yoiks! Difficult, painful, nearly ran off ! ... but persevered and made it through .... it did give me a certain 'license' for the future though. I told my teacher and friends about this and they laughed ( because it was a spontaneous one that happened without them present) ;

"Oh ! You did it without the medicine ? "

"What medicine?"

"The one that helps numb the pain."

:rolleyes: - much laughter from them .


Thanks for that ravenest! That was just fascinating. Utterly fascinating. And mesmerizing as well.

Oh well ... here you go then ;

I love the place at the very beginning of this clip... Tjabulum Julingah Yowarl site - 'Uncle Lewi" holds a 'rainbow corroboree there occasionally for all people; I've met all types of indigenous people's there.

The river and rocks twist and wind through many channels , in places surrounded by bonzai bottle brush ( from the force of floods on the shrubs and trees), when they are all in flower the area is swarming with native birds.

Last time, I even had my own gunya ( nice bed and mattress, blankets , a little fire, even raked the river gravel floor all neat for me, views out over the river) ... I loved it.

Due for my spring trip there soon. :)