Moon for Timing


If I ask a timing question (I know, they're tough) and The Moon card is drawn, what do you think that timing is? Something to do with the Moon cycle? The number 18 or 9? Or is tarot just saying, "It's unclear or too confusing to say" with that Moon card?



If you are using the elemental approach to timing, I believe according to the Golden Dawn (the correspondences could be different depending on the system you are using) the Moon is Water which corresponds to the Summer season. Astrologically it could be a little different. Like I said it depends on what the deck/system you are using .


Sun Moon Chariot....good time indicators

Moon - crab .....summer solstice....which we're in right now


That's true...isn't The Moon the card for Cancer? We're in that time period now, right?? The crab...Cancer. I guess July 18th will still be the sign of Cancer, so maybe it'll be the 18th. Wouldn't that be neat?

I don't use a system, per se. I read timing very intuitively, but The Moon is often confusing (ha ha, but it's true).



In my experience, the Moon has meant either a lunar month, or one important moon phase ("by the full moon", "by the new moon"). It's worked many times for me that way. You can always draw another card to clarify timing to see if it's a lunar month or a key phase in the lunar month.

Astrologically, The Moon card in the GD system is not ruled by Cancer, but by Pisces.


I tried drawing another card, and based on it (8 of Cups-Druidcraft) sense is that the period The Moon might be referring to is a lunar phase...perhaps close to the full moon.

The clarifying card also stands for Moon in Pisces, which will occur on the 17th of this month. Thanks for that idea, Sophie. It'll be interesting to see if it works out that way or not!



On August 28th there is going to be a full lunar eclipse, with the moon in Pisces and it occurs about two days after the moon turned full in Aquarius. Eclipses are usually fairly important events, and an eclipse in the most spiritual (yet elusive) sign of the zodiac should be interesting.

I got the Moon couple with a nine and an ace of wands about two weeks ago, and I also got a feeling that it will be smart to keep an eye on the Moon. As for timing ideas... I got either July 18th (moon in Virgo, three days before the Moon reaches first quarter and ten days before the Full moon in Capricorn- the Sun will be in Leo by then) or August 18th (curiously enough, that day Venus goes from being an "evening star" into being a "morning star", that usually heralds a period in which you can get moving after stagnation), around those days.

I've definitely gotten enough cards speaking of something happening once the sun enters Leo later this month, the Moon telling to watch out make lots of sense to me.


to me, and this is only my opinion, the moon is one month, one moon cycle.


GoddessArtemis said:
I tried drawing another card, and based on it (8 of Cups-Druidcraft) sense is that the period The Moon might be referring to is a lunar phase...perhaps close to the full moon.

The clarifying card also stands for Moon in Pisces, which will occur on the 17th of this month. Thanks for that idea, Sophie. It'll be interesting to see if it works out that way or not!
Actually, the Moon will be in Pisces on the 31st July, a few hours after the full moon.


In a month..

I second fudugazi's opinion on the Moon. When timing is concerned, it tells you that the event in question will occur by the next moon phase, ie. new moon, full moon. Or quite simply...28 days.