Morally cant read for someone?


There is a lady at our NYC meetup , she really asked questions like " when will he dies and leave me his house?" " when he dies will he leave me a lot of money?"

As a friend of mine described her " she is a bag lady, but prada bags"

I read for her once and felt almost dirty, I will see her again and I dont feel comfortable reading for her. Is this ok to use my own judgment and not read for her based on my own moral values?

Or is it wrong to not read for someone based my my values?

Also what is a nice way of telling her " no"?


Sure, if you don't feel at ease when reading for her, then politely decline to do so in the future. Headaches, dizziness and upset stomachs are all handy excuses and can clear up quite quickly once she has gone away. So, no need to say "no", just get dizzy or something when she next enters your space.

Astraea Aurora

Using your judgment works in your daily life, right? You make friends with someone you like and who seems to ride on the same wave like you do. And you avoid people that are suspicious, right? OK, so your judgment works fine for you, who know within a few moments who you like and don't like. So I think it is totally ok not to read for her if you don't feel comfortable doing so. The relationship between reader and client is often times so subtle and intimate (about sharing things with the reader you wouldn't tell anobody else) that it is absolutely about sympathy and antipathy. If you don't like her or don't share her opinion on important things (such as the life and death of others) - don't read for her. Go with your gut. (I would do - not read for her, you know.)

How to tell her might take you some good and heavy thinking. I would quite frankly tell her "I don't like how you think about life, possessions, values ... and I'm not at all confident reading for you in this given frame. So I won't read for read. End of the discussion."
If you think first and talk secondly, what about "I don't read about death." or "It seems my values and opinions differ a lot from yours. I think I can't read for you. We are too differently."

Best wishes and good arguments, Astraea Aurora :grin:


coyoteblack: As a reader, I do not see our purpose to judge another where choice of topic concerned. That tends to automatically preclude our level of service &/or impact the reading skill (by placing blockages or limitations).

& this not about the self.

IF, however, a reading subject uncomfortable or against the personal ethics, simply state "I do not do readings on subjects of that nature--" & fill in the blank: finances, health, death, birth, whatever.

That is honest yet diplomatic. Does not undermine the integrity as a reader nor as an individual.


Thank you all , really good advice so far.


Yes, don't do it if you don't feel comfortable.

You can always use excuses. Like the headache thing or Oops! I forgot my cards today. I use the excuse that I'm too tired.

But it is my experience that most of my querents only get from the reading what they want to take from it. And I do get tired of the love questions from my one querent. If she would realize that she's not ready for love (no self esteem) and would work towards fixing her problems so that she could recognize the right kind of man... but you know, some of them are just so lost and not ready to face the real problem. What can we do really?

Keep on truckin' and hope one day they get it.


coyoteblack said:
There is a lady at our NYC meetup , she really asked questions like " when will he dies and leave me his house?" " when he dies will he leave me a lot of money?"

As a friend of mine described her " she is a bag lady, but prada bags"

I read for her once and felt almost dirty, I will see her again and I dont feel comfortable reading for her. Is this ok to use my own judgment and not read for her based on my own moral values?

Or is it wrong to not read for someone based my my values?

Also what is a nice way of telling her " no"?

Is this that woman with the Marseilles deck that always finds us? Blondish and dirty looking?

She gives me the WILLIES! That first time I met up with you guys she was there and she creeped me out so badly! She came over - you weren't there - and my sister said I was ICE cold to her. Scion was brief with her but I was ice cubes....not rude just not giving her an inch at all - she really made me nervous and not many people do that.

Don't read for her. Tell her that you are with your friends and are really just focusing on them today. I would love to read for you but I am too busy with my friends. That is what i would say.

Something about her is not right - stay away....don't encourage her. Don't make eye contact when you guys get there. That is what did us in the first time....and if she does manage to get to you just politely decline! Say Oh how sweet of you to ask me but I have such a headache I coudln't possibly - or my spirit guides told me no readings today - or whatever....she never stays the whole time.... LIE! It's easier!

Have fun! I will miss you guys on sunday! :heart:


A bag lady with Prada bags is exactly right.

The tricky thing with this woman (if I know the woman to whom CB is referring) is that she's a sort of casual parasite, NOT a client. She drifts into our NYC gatherings and subtly, slowly attaches herself to one or more of us. INevitably she tries to con someone into giving her free readings on an endless loop.

Creepy and unsettling and weirdly passive. And doesn't take no for an answer... Questions tend to focus on ways to get money or objects from people or on how to force people to do things.

My plan is that if she asks me again, I'm going to tell her my fees start at $100 an hour. Parasites never pay.



oooh better way Scion excellent!!


Scion and Fran that is exactly the person I am talking about. I felt bad pawning her off on Eva the last time so I thought I would be kind and try.

Egad I felt dirty !! So now I know I wont offend the group if i am just blunt with her and explain i cant read for her. I dont have that stare of your scion so I will try on of the methods mentioned here.