Morning Sky Spread


As I awoke this morning I glanced out my bedroom window and was greeted with a most beautiful sight: the orange glow of breaking dawn, the balsamic moon crescent, and the planet Venus all brightly illuminating the sky within the frame of my window. The moment was so perfect and so peaceful, I was inspired to create - and this is a rare event for me indeed. Creativity is not my strong suit, or even my weak suit - it's more like my unlikely to happen suit. The idea of a simple tarot spread came to mind.

I prefer short, easy spreads (3 or 4 cards) and I am always seeking spreads that I can do daily or weekly. This is what I came up with (it took me most of the morning - I mentioned the "not creative" part, right? :rolleyes:).

Morning Sky Spread

Rosy-fingered Dawn– A new day and the chance to start over/ do better. In what way will this day be an improvement over previous days?

Balsamic Moon – The Balsamic phase of the moon is a time to pull back into yourself to reconnect with inner sources of strength. What inner strength will I call upon today?

The Morning Star – Venus rising. How will love and beauty touch my life today?

Of course, the Balsamic moon limits the spreads appropriateness to that particular phase of the lunar cycle, but that's ok by me. Thank you for allowing me to share. :)


Just saw this and will try :) thanks as a newbie i like the small spreads to try


How lovely. I saw the Venus peeping over the hills from my bedroom window this morning and it made me so happy. Thank you for this spread!


Oh, lovely! I love the Rosy-fingered Dawn :love: (Hemera-as Goddess of Day- is her daughter :) ) This is going straight to my notebook.


I didn't know about Hemera! And I thought I was firm in Greek mythology!!!

Dusk and dawn are such wonderful times of the day. Whenever I'm further up North, I enjoy them. Where I live now, we have about ten minutes of either dusk or dawn. You blink and it's over. Wonderful celebratory spread.