most asked questions?


What I find troubling is not the relationship questions in general, but the "Will my extra-marital affair work out?" or "Will he leave his wife for me?" questions. Who needs to throw the cards? 98 times out of 100 the answer is Heck, NO.



I would say that the number one reason why people consult the tarot is to find out about their love lives.And to be honest I do to.It's not that your "an unromantic old bat" it's just probably that you are tired of being asked those questions.


Baroli52 said:
Now that would be something. Do we have such an animal? I will have to check it out. I would say that Love/Romance/Relationship questions are on the top, followed by career, then money.

There are also quite a few ppl asking "When is the right time for getting a baby?" or "How can I develop spiritually?"


Francesca said:
What I find troubling is not the relationship questions in general, but the "Will my extra-marital affair work out?" or "Will he leave his wife for me?" questions. Who needs to throw the cards? 98 times out of 100 the answer is Heck, NO.Francesca

Yes, that's it!!!


One that makes me ache a little is folks who are in a bad situation, but cannot/will not extricate themselves. And ask 'will it get better?' But it has been going on for years and you are pretty sure it won't get better unless something pretty major happens.