Musty cards, a cure anyone?


Is the "must" something that can spread to other items? Is it caused my mold? I have a slightly musty old book that I like but I'm afraid the must will spread to other books. I can't see any visible mould or foxing on this book.

If I get rid of the odor have I gotten rid of anything that could spread to other books?



bicarbonate of soda is great (also great for fridge odors and cleaning marks off glasses)


A bowl of vinegar placed next to the deck might help to remove the musty odour.



I have a deck that also smells "musty" to me. I think it is a mildew kinda smell. If you use baking soda, how do you?? Plastic baggy? I've heard tea tree oil works, but to? Cotton ball saturated with the oil, in with the cards....? I grew up in such a DRY climate that mold and mildew just couldn't know NOTHING...:D

Myrrha said:
Is the "must" something that can spread to other items? Is it caused my mold? I have a slightly musty old book that I like but I'm afraid the must will spread to other books. I can't see any visible mould or foxing on this book.

If I get rid of the odor have I gotten rid of anything that could spread to other books?



kitty litter

just want to second PaganX's suggestion of silica kitty litter, it's a neutral method that can help remove the odor without adding another odor on top. I've only used it on books, and only used the silica version of litter that's like little beads, not the clay version.


Would the silica bead litter work well if it was made into little sachets and tucked into the larger storage boxes?


Hey, that's a great idea! I can't see why it wouldn't work, unless it depends on contact being made between the beads and the stinky object. But hey, it can't hurt to try!

cardlady22 said:
Would the silica bead litter work well if it was made into little sachets and tucked into the larger storage boxes?

Dusk Till Dawn

People that have musty books with mold on them use the Frezzer. Wrap them in a zip lock bag, and stick them in there for about 48 hours. That works.


I was asking more along the lines of making up my own silica packets like what gets enclosed when you buy other items. For the prevention side. Most websites I find are shipping silica dessicant packets in commercial venues/amounts. I don't need a case or anything! :grin:


My suggestion was going to be for Bicarbonate Soda, but I see 214 red had the same idea.
It's cheap, you can get it from your local supermarket in the baking aisle. If it was my problem and I was going to try the bicarb, I'd be spreading the cards as best I could on a tray of some sort and sprinkling the bicarb all over them, and every now and then I'd muss them about to ensure that all cards were covered at some point. I'd leave them like this for a day or two, take them out, dust them off, shuffle them up and take a whiff to see whether or not their condition had improved.
If the smell wasn't totally gone but an improvement was detected by your nose-ometer, then I'd repeat the process as necessary till it was all gone.
Worth a try at least I reckon and shouldn't cost you more than a couple of bucks in the attempt. Weigh that up against the cost of replacing smelly decks and it seems worthwhile to me.