Musty cards, a cure anyone?


I'd use the method Gregory keeps recommending in answers to these sorts of questions: separate all the cards and air them out on a flat surface for a while, then when they have aired and dried (mustiness is usually a function of microbe life, so dry 'em out and starve 'em out), then shuffle the deck really well and place in a box that has something pleasantly fragrant in it: dried rosemary from the garden or even packaged-up incense sticks, if you're of a mind.

None of my cards have ever got musty. Ever. I'm a bit paranoid about cards and moisture, though, so I look after them really, really well, keeping them away from *all* sources of humidity.


I haven't read this entire thread so forgive me if I reiterate. Keep in mind that *must* is a form of mold & if you store that musty deck with your other decks, the mold may reproduce in that airtight plastic container you have them in, thus spreading the contagion to all your decks. Just because you've never had a problem with that method of storage before doesn't mean it can't happen.

ana luisa

Baking Soda would be my choice. I use it for every smell in the house, from fish to mold. And, as said before, it' s quite cheap and harmless.


Pagan X said:
In the kitty litter section of your local grocery you can find litter that is silica beads. Soaks up odors wonderfully. If you put a layer of the litter in a paper grocery sack laid out sideways and set the cards out on the litter and let that sit for a week or so where dry air circulates that will probably remove the odor with no risk of fading.

Works well in athletic shoes and refrigerators too.
I do this with second hand books that have a wiff about them, it works like a dream.


Air tight plastic is not good for cards.... think condensation..... If you must - make sure you add some silica packs....