My year card - Judgement?


OK from what I have gathered, well, this would be mine

30th August

3 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 21

But then since I haven't had my birthday yet, that would make it 20.

Well, so far, it has been a bit of a rollercoaster!

I don't know, not even sure if that is right, but after looking at everyone else's.....


I'm heading into the Judgment Year in a day! Don't tell me it's been a rollercoaster. I've been on one for a few years and I want OFF the ride! It's supposed to be a year of healing, letting go, and rising from the ashes of all you're leaving behind (for the better).

You're coming up to The World card in 6 months - hang tight, Bec!



GoddessArtemis said:
I'm heading into the Judgment Year in a day! Don't tell me it's been a rollercoaster. I've been on one for a few years and I want OFF the ride! It's supposed to be a year of healing, letting go, and rising from the ashes of all you're leaving behind (for the better).

You're coming up to The World card in 6 months - hang tight, Bec!

Thanks GA

It has been bad and good, admittedly. But as usual, just feel so burdened with a lot of things, sure, I get some good advice here and there. that's all well and good, but..........

Lots of endings, and I guess a lot of beginnings too. But the endings seem to stick out more like a sore thumb. Disasters in the love life, choosing the wrong men, well, at least I have more of an idea of what my ideal is, by experiencing my non-ideal! If that is how you put it! A lot of things staring you in your face, but at the same time sort of feel powerless to do something about it, well, maybe not that powerless. Depression sucks!

Argh, not saying any more, what's the point?


Hugs and loving vibes to you!

I'm having a tough year too... let me see, 10+3+2007=13. Death.

Well, that figures. :(

At least after this comes temperance. But it is a long time to October. Sigh.


Yes, it is a long time until October! Oh well, what can I say, just have to roll with the punches, I guess, and wait for the "good stuff" when they come your way (if you recognise the "good stuff" that is :laugh:)

Thanks autumnsdaughter.


You have the same birthday as my mother.

30 + 8 + 2008 - I make it 48, reduces to 12-The Hanged Man. That makes you in your year 11 until the 30th August - Justice or Strength depending on which system you follow. Rollecoster fits Strength best!

My mother has definitely been in a Strength year, so much going on in her life!


Argh, I am confused now, I thought you were supposed to add up the single numbers, not the whole numbers, like 3 + 0 + 8 = 11, as opposed to 30 + 8 =38.

Yeah, you are right, it does seem to fit Strength better than Judgement.

Thanks Fudugazi


Because the year card is a 1 or 2-digit figure, I don't reduce 2-digit figures as I add up. I reduce 4-digits to two, in line with the logic above. Some people just use the last two digits of the year, I use the whole 4, but reduce them to 2-digits, then add them to the other 1 or 2 digit figures, and reduce them to 1 or 2 digits between 1 and 22, with 22 being the Fool for this exercise.

But in this case, you also get the same result if you don't reduce the last figure (the year) to two digits.

**+ 8
+ 2008
= 12

Well, think about it - you'll have a nice rest from the 30 August!


Yes, that makes sense. But at the same time it is slightly different to numerology, but at any rate, both of them would give me the same answer, and that would be 3, but yet again if it was before my birthday it would be 2 one way, and 11 the other way, as you don't reduce 11 or 22 in numerology. That is what is confusing for me - the difference in calculation, like which one should you use. Because as you can see, each give a different answer, hence different card, especially if it is going to be reduced to a number to the value of 22.