Mystic Faerie Tarot

6 Haunted Days

willowfox said:
Can anyone explain why the author claims that the 2 wands means a partnership?
I have never seen anyone else say that the 2 of wands has to do with forming a partnership.

Again I have no idea. She also wrote the companion book for the Gilded and her interpertations for some of the cards vary widely from the normal RWS type meanings. I guess they're just her personal take on the cards? If it bothers you, I would just ignore it and use your normal interpertations and intuition.

Usually this card means to me personal power, calling the shots, being inventive and striking out. Taking the lead. Those kind of things. And if it involves another person, then you're usually in charge. But none of this equates to a "partnership" in my opinion. So I am stumped as well. Perhaps because the card suits tell a story, this one had to be more about partnership or something.


willowfox said:
Can anyone explain why the author claims that the 2 wands means a partnership?
I have never seen anyone else say that the 2 of wands has to do with forming a partnership.
Yes, I know that meaning for the 2 of Wands, and it does apply very well in some cases. It can be a partnership formed around a project, or between two friends, or even lovers. In the Shining Tribe, Rachel Pollack has the 2 of Trees (Wands) as meaning two lovers separated but who will get back together eventually.

In some decks, that meaning is more obvious than others - for instance, showing roots intermingling (the DruidCraft, the Shining Tribe).


willowfox said:
Can anyone explain why the author claims that the 2 wands means a partnership?
I have never seen anyone else say that the 2 of wands has to do with forming a partnership.
Looking at the number #2 from a numerological perspective and at characteristics of the element of Fire this meaning can be derived. It can be a partnership in an creative endeavor for example.


magenta said:
This deck is anything but fluffy, when you start doing readings with it: I have gotten some truly OUCHY messages from it ...I think we falsely beleive that the more complex something the better and deeper it is and what I actually have found, in my experience, is that spiritual truths are simple and clear...

I absolutely agree with magenta here! I have had this deck some weeks now and while it is too early days to say much yet, I already know that this is a powerful deck. It may be a bit fluffy (and slightly even new agey) on the surface but so far I have got some *really* good readings from it.

Moreover, this is the first deck in a long time that I do not wish to change in any way! (I am generally a compulsive deck trimmer..I am usually very much for Altered Art :D) The card size is good, the borders work well with the artwork, the cardstock is good..
I am not a faerie person at all. This is the first time *ever* that I am listening to faerie people so I think that in itself is a sign of a special deck:)

6 Haunted Days

hemera said:
Moreover, this is the first deck in a long time that I do not wish to change in any way! (I am generally a compulsive deck trimmer..I am usually very much for Altered Art :D) The card size is good, the borders work well with the artwork, the cardstock is good..
I am not a faerie person at all. This is the first time *ever* that I am listening to faerie people so I think that in itself is a sign of a special deck:)

I have to agree with you there. I love the size, perfect! And so far no warping like other Llewellyn decks (llewellyn and gilded have both warped, my new gilded is warping like a banana no matter what I try). I alter a lot of decks and books as well. It's compulsive if I am irked by something, no irritants here! Also the colour scheme is just up my alley. Not so much pastels as....hard to put the chemistry into words. Soft, magical, dreamy and unusual.

I would say it's the 2nd best Faery deck out there right now (Tarot of the Sidhe is defo FIRST!! Now if they would just print it! Ahhh the agony).


I can't wait for to get my hands on this deck!It is beautiful!

A great add to my collection!



study group anyone??

I have been working with this deck for some weeks now and I love it more every day <3
It is fluffy and cute and happy *and* also deep,deep deep.. It´s just amazing.
Anyone interested in a study group for this deck?

Little Baron

I am not a fairy person either. And I get the feeling that this is quite a feminine deck. Am I right? Or wrong? What do the knights look like here? And the kings? I am struggling to find images of what you guys are talking about. I have seen a few, which felt a little wishy-washy to me, but am interested in seeing it on a bigger scale.



Little Baron, I would say this deck is *very*feminine. (So, you just wait patiently for your Kaos Tarot :joke: )
There are much more females than males in this deck (I always count my decks to see the ratio of females versus males) and most of the males are rather cute and soft. (I would not give this deck to my sons but definitely to my daughters!!) The women in this deck are both beautiful and powerful, which is rare in tarot.
Often women are either just displaying their breasts and buttocks (Lo Scarabeo does a lot of this and sadly also Ciro Marchetti) If women have any power in tarot they are also often lacking in beauty and grace (e.g. in many feminist decks).
There are not many decks that show female beauty together with true inner power. In my opinion this deck is one of the rare gems.

And to answer your question about the knights: Three out of four are females! The same is true for the knaves (=pages).

Little Baron

hemera said:
And to answer your question about the knights: Three out of four are females! The same is true for the knaves (=pages).

Oh, that is disappointing. I don't really get anything from the images that I have seen already, but since there has been so much interest here, I thought I would ask a few questions.

I shall go and sit patiently and wait for Kaos to hit my neck of the woods instead, hehe.