Nap Time! ..Do you get tired after reading?


Thanks for the good advice about grounding.Yes,I often get thirsy too,and very tired.The only exeption is when reading with Brian Froud´s Faeries´Oracle;that doesn´tire me for some reason.


I often get tired during long sessions with clients. Mostly because we're conversing so much and really getting deep into the cards on the table that I forget to drink the water I always have with me! With me, if I'm absorbed in something mentally and spiritually, I forget everything else til its over. (I've been known to go from waking up in the morning until 7pm at night without eating, simply because I was writing.)

I don't get tired with short readings though - even when there are many consecutive short readings. And often, a reading means I get a free drink, so I stay hydrated that way. :D



I've got a new system for things that drain me of energy deeply, like performing or priestessing. I do a grounding beforehand and set up a constant stream of energy from the earth that i ask to stay flowing throughout the event. Therefore the energy I spend is not my own but energy i am chanelling. It works really well, i last a lot longer and feel better after.


Great! I think everyone's said their peice on this :)

Must ground.. need water.. Got it ;) I haven't been doing so bad lately though.. I think it's cause I've just been using the Fey

Thanks for the suggestions! Much appreciated