New book on Enrique Enriquez

Le Fanu

Great news. A must. Thanks... Hope it's at amazon uk too.

ETA; doesn't look like it. :(


I found it - search on its title, not its author. They can get it they say, but it will take a while to deliver.

Le Fanu

Seen it! Thanks


I had never heard of him , his ideas seem interesting ,right up my alley , "careful considerations of chance with choice"... but I alredy have a coiuple of books making line u_U

le sigh ... why cant we read this for college again?


Thanks for posting this, Herzog. Just in time for Christmas, I wonder who would like to buy it for me.


Im very excited too. This will be a book worth reading again and again.


I hate to ask, but will there be a hardcover version? I already know that this will be a book worth reading again and again.....


Unsure about a hardcover, might just be softback


has anyone got a copy of tarology yet??? Really intrigued to see if its a good follow up to his previous ebook.