new deck how to shuffle


Lillie said:
I go through the deck and whenever I find two cards in sequence I take one and shove it into a random place in the deck.

Then when I have gone through the whole deck and I know that there are none in order I give them a good shuffle in case some of them want to get back in order.

just in case
:D And this is what I do after my ^above^ instructions!

. . . And then I turn around and put 'em all back in order again and do it all over again! }) I love playing with my cards!

\m/ Kat


This is sort of a slight variation on Thorhammer's suggestion, I remember when I was in primary school (a long, long time ago, seriously) there was this game when you had an empty egg carton, and there was like little balls, or whatever it was. You put a ball in a cup (or whatever they are called) one at a time, in a sequential method. Where it stops, you pick up that pile from the cup, and just keep going. Eventually you will run out. Not sure if it was half a dozen or a dozen egg carton, but essentially that doesn't matter, you can kind of do that with the cards, have say 10 stacks (however you want basically), however long you want to.

Or, you could "accidentally on purpose" drop the cards, and play 78 card pick up :p

One that I do, quite tedious, but I usually do it when I am watching the TV, is to put one card on top, the other one on the bottom, all the way through the deck, do that a few times, and then just shuffle as usual. Then after that, perhaps do what Lillie said.


I like to look through the cards in order once and then either:

Deal them face up into seven piles so I can see each card again. I like the number, no other reason. Collect them up and then hand over hand shuffle a little while before cutting and picking the card underneath to represent what I can achieve with the deck, putting the cut back where it came from. Then I look at the card on the bottom of the deck to see what it is and think about what that might be telling me.


Turn the stack face up and pass each card from one hand to the other one at a time, putting each card in a random place out of order as I go. Works much the same as the method above really but it is easier with smaller cards. Then continue as per first method, shuffle hand over hand etc


ps Use to swirl the cards but not so much now as I do like to use the time to look through the deck.

pps if I'm using reversals then I usually do the above first, then cut the deck in half, reverse half and shuffle hand over hand to mix upright and reversed cards. Then repeat until I feel OK about it.


thanks for all the suggestions guys

think i am going to deal them into several piles a few times, that should do it

its the tarot of dreams, its huge, i can't shuffle normally :D


I believe in that the more you handle the cards the better you'll work with them so i just shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, and when I get bored I'll put them down for five minutes and start again.

Each new set of cards I have had so far must have had about an hours worth of shuffling in the first day or two alone


Willow Huntermoon

thorhammer said:
You can do that :D it's fun.

If, however, you're feeling more meditative, start by "dealing" the cards into five piles, then do it again and again till they're thoroughly mixed . . .

\m/ Kat

That's exactly how I do it too.