Newbie Questions


Wow, that was absolutely awesome. Thanks! I particularly liked the fact that the cards know I'm trying to learn. It makes me feel Mentored. Protected. It gives me a warm fuzzy.

I can't help but marvel again and again how effectively--almost effortlessly--the Tarot achieves what all the conventional paths take years to achieve, sometimes failing disastrously.

You've given me many gems, Thirteen. I should probably mention that today I did a three-card spread. I drew the 2 of Swords (which had already turned out true by the time of the reading--I had decided to use a vacation-day, and in fact had already called it in), the 10 of Swords (perhaps referring to the flurry of posting and studying I've done this afternoon and evening) and finally, the Ace of Disks.

Thirteen, I believe that you and the other good people on this forum were that Ace of Disks.

By the way, your Reversals posts are a godsend. I wish I had found them before I spent money at Amazon. I purchased a book solely on the subject of reversals. I could've saved that money, lol. Oh, well. I'm still waiting for the book to come in. Waiting avidly, in fact, because I got a few boxes' worth of goodies coming from Amazon. A Thoth deck, my second deck ever. (The first was--is--a Universal deck.) Several Thoth guides, including the one written by Mr. Crowley himself. And Sir Frazer's The Golden Bough.

I am licking my chops.