Nov 08 - Intuitive Oracle Exchange - memries & moonspirit


Hi guys,

Just getting your thread up and running. Please see below for suggested spread. If you have any problems, please drop me a pm.

x Huredriel

Sign-up will close on Friday 7th November 2008 and partners will be assigned on that date. Readings and feedback need to completed by Sunday 30th November 2008.

Spread for this round:

OK, this month I thought that since this group was originally set up to learn, we'd try something different. Now please note I am not trying to tell anyone how to read, nor how long their readings should be!!! The suggested spread is below, but what I thought would be nice, would be to see how much you can get from one card ...... not including the description ;) ......... sit with the card ....... takes notes of what flows through your mind when it's quiet ....... go away, come back to the card the next day ........ write a bit more ........ and so on, for at least a week ........ bet you have more than a few lines by then ....... after all, this is an intuitive group, so it doesn't matter if we get weird things, thoughts that don't seem to match the traditional meanings ...... it doesn't matter if its a curve ball and is wrong ........ if it helps us learn, it can't be bad :) ........ ok, enough waffling:

LET LOVE SPEAK - by our very own Elven

“Let Love Speak”.
I created this spread for one of the oracle reading groups - but it can be used with Tarot Majors and works just as well

‘Let Love Speak’ is about allowing a message from 'Love' to come through to the reading as purely as possible.

This is a ONE card Reading.

:) To allow ‘Love to Speak’ requires nothing but the intuitive choice of the Oracle or Deck from the Seeker, and the freedom to allow the message to flow intuitively. To allow "Love to Speak" will enable you to know what ever it needs to tell you, in as free a form as possible.

It is not about a certain topic related to Love, such as partners, children, pets or new relationships. By allowing ‘Love to Speak’ directly, your intuition enables the message to bypass personal obstacles and receive the essence of the message in its highest form.


:) The Seeker chooses the Oracle or Tarot Deck for the message to come through.
:) Shuffle the deck remaining open to allow Love to deliver its message to you.
:) Cut the deck into two piles and place the first pile on top of the second pile of cards.
:) Read the card on the top of the deck - This is a one card reading.


Hello Moonspirit, I am looking forward to us reading for each other this month.


Me as well. :) This is my first study group circle in a long time.


I have all the Oracle decks listed if you push on my picture. If you let me know which one you would like me to use then I will use that one.

I may not be able to be online later in the month. I did not know that when I signed up but feel if I do it soon it will be just fine. I would still have time to contemplate as suggested by Huredriel.


I'm really new to oracles and only have one I think would work for me intuitively. The deck I wanted to use was Ask Your Guides by Sonia Choquette. I hope that is ok with you?

All of your oracles look so interesting! The three that really stood out to me were

Power Animal Oracle
Medicine Cards (animal)
Sacred Path

Any one from those three would be great!

That is fine about the time frame. I will try to get yours done earlier as well.

Also Happy Belated Birthday!! :heart: Your birthday is a day after my twin brothers. :)


Oh thanks very much for the Birthday wishes. Tomorrow night is my dinner so not over yet.

The Sonia Choquette cards you have sound very interesting. By all means use those.

I will use my Medicine Cards as I like them very much as well.
I guess questions are not included in this reading so will just wing it !

Going off to shuffle and draw one card for you now !


Hello Moonspirit. The card I drew for you from the Medicine Cards is Owl. It is a picture of a Barn Owl descending with its claws open.

I am not sure I have given the reading properly so please let me know if any of it applies to you.


Call out of the blue unexpected.
Landing on your feet always.

As the Owls wings extended far out from its body create a shadow much larger than the bird on the ground, so your arms will reach for and be magnified as were the Owls, loving and caring for your own.

Owl feathers are silent.. in silence much can be done. I wonder if you are inclined to be a silent person ?

Owl bridges the gap between the now and the spiritual as well. It is a sign of magic and all possibilities. Are you interested in that as well ?

With its big eyes there is nothing that it does not see as Owls vision is 360o degrees I think. I would think you do not miss too much either and use the wisdom brought by Owl to your life style.

Because Owl is a nocturnal bird they live quite a secluded life.
Does this draw any comparison for you or do you even prefer evenings to mornings >

P.S. Next day.. I have your card sitting out and his eyes are so big and I realized the old saying " eyes are the windows of the soul" but what does that mean ? I see such love for those close to you. Not love for outsiders but held under your wings they are safe in the shadow of your wings.
Safe secure, on guard, a fighter, silent in battle but swift with justice. Driven by love that is the answer I am looking for.
You are driven by Love !!!!


Here is your reading.

Hi Memries

I haven't been in a study group for a very long time so I hope my reading reads ok. I wrote things down over the week so I might repeat myself a few times.

Oracle Reading with Ask Your Guides Oracle

Card Picked: Self-Esteem Guardian Angel Michael

Colors: Purples Pinks Blues and some orange and white.

First Quick Impressions Intuition love relationships Others protection guidance Angel wings covering you.

The image shows An angel orangish pink in color. It's pink and white wings are outstretched and touching together at the bottom. The wings are covering another figure, Purple in color. I feel the purple figure represents you. The purple figure's arms are outstretched on each side of the body. A big pink heart floats in front of their chest. The figure is standing on a pink square box and facing the figure and Angel is a small crowd below. They seem to be looking up at the toward the angel and purple figure. Their colors are various purples and blue.

The Background colors of this card: Pinks at the top merging into lilac and then sky blue at the bottom around the crowd.

I'm thinking of communication Love Relationships. Speaking to others. Guiding others with love and an open heart..... kind of fits this months theme :) You are being protected and guided by your guides to open your heart and use your intuitive talents to guide others in some way. I keep thinking of communication of some kind. The Blue for some reason also makes me think of the cold. Do you have some type of opportunity this winter to express or use your intuitive talents for a group of people? Maybe this just means participation in the study groups. Do you feel some doubts about your talents with intuitively communicating with others? This card leads me to believe that you have a strong intuitive gift and are guided and closely connected to your spirit guides. Maybe you have a knack for helping others with their self-esteem by connecting with them easily with your loving nature. The figures in the crowd seem very much captivated by the figure on the pink box who stands in front of the angel.

The Angel seems to be placing their hands on the back of the figure. This gesture reminded me of Reiki Healing. The Angel is healing the heart chakra of the purple individual. Healing and energizing this chakra. The heart shape that floats in front of the purple figure has a vibrant pink color. I don't see any green in the image ( green also seems a healing color to me ) but the border around the scene is green and white. This makes me feel like the whole scene is represents Healing. The Angels heals and empowers you and you extend that loving energy out towards others. Another idea that pops up. Do you find people look up to you? The images show the purple figure and angel elevated from the crowd. The crowd below looks up toward them. So I'm reminded of a position of influence.

I thought of the image suggesting to be gentle to others as well as yourself. The pink on the wings look redder tonight in this light and makes me think of a soreness or sensitive area. I also noticed the open palms of the purple figure in front of the Angel seem really dark. Do you connect and sometimes absorb others pain easily? Could it be because of a deep wound you have suffered in the past? This could make your healing communication skills all the more effective and I think one reason why others feel a connection. Don't be afraid to step into that spotlight!



It is very important to me that you picked St. Michael for the reading. I have been connected to St. Michael at various times
in my life.

Since I am going through a difficult time health wise right now it is most comforting to know about St. Michael and the healing hands.

I think your reading was most accurate.. people do look up to me as I am the Mother in the family ...because of my age I have an extended network of friends.
I am an Empath and have done work in the area of healing and wholeness.

Thanks for the reading it was very accurate. You have a wonderful gift.


memries said:
Hello Moonspirit. The card I drew for you from the Medicine Cards is Owl. It is a picture of a Barn Owl descending with its claws open.

I am not sure I have given the reading properly so please let me know if any of it applies to you.


Call out of the blue unexpected.
Landing on your feet always.

As the Owls wings extended far out from its body create a shadow much larger than the bird on the ground, so your arms will reach for and be magnified as were the Owls, loving and caring for your own.

Owl feathers are silent.. in silence much can be done. I wonder if you are inclined to be a silent person ?

Owl bridges the gap between the now and the spiritual as well. It is a sign of magic and all possibilities. Are you interested in that as well ?

With its big eyes there is nothing that it does not see as Owls vision is 360o degrees I think. I would think you do not miss too much either and use the wisdom brought by Owl to your life style.

Because Owl is a nocturnal bird they live quite a secluded life.
Does this draw any comparison for you or do you even prefer evenings to mornings >

P.S. Next day.. I have your card sitting out and his eyes are so big and I realized the old saying " eyes are the windows of the soul" but what does that mean ? I see such love for those close to you. Not love for outsiders but held under your wings they are safe in the shadow of your wings.
Safe secure, on guard, a fighter, silent in battle but swift with justice. Driven by love that is the answer I am looking for.
You are driven by Love !!!!

I am very shy and reclusive so the Owl definitely makes sense. I know people see owls probably a lot if they are native to the area but I believe I've only seen two owls out in the open. Both times I was alone driving my car. One was sitting in the middle of the road and was really big. Scared me at first. The second was a small one who jump out from a tree in front of my car as I turned into my driveway. It had a little white face and stared at me for a few minutes then flew away. I always wondered about those two
sightings and if they had any significant meaning for me. You are right about me being protective of my family. Driven by love. Sigh.....Yes.... hidden somewhat but true. I don't always admit it but I am a romantic at heart.
Thank You Memries :heart: