Nov 08 - Intuitive Oracle Exchange - memries & moonspirit


memries said:
It is very important to me that you picked St. Michael for the reading. I have been connected to St. Michael at various times
in my life.

Since I am going through a difficult time health wise right now it is most comforting to know about St. Michael and the healing hands.

I think your reading was most accurate.. people do look up to me as I am the Mother in the family ...because of my age I have an extended network of friends.
I am an Empath and have done work in the area of healing and wholeness.

Thanks for the reading it was very accurate. You have a wonderful gift.

Thanks so much for the feedback. I'm glad some things made sense but am sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. I had a feeling Angel Micheal had a big significance but I didn't know enough about him or his attributes to really write anything specific. That is really amazing that you have had past connections with this Angel. Very Healing energy from Him and he seems to be very protective of you. :heart:


Yes St Michael was with me when my husband died to the point that on his memorial stone I had a picture of St. Michael air brushed in.

Funny about the owl with the white face, that is the owl in the card I chose for you. They are barn owls and they have white faces.. at least I think they are. Not all have the white face.
I am unable to send a picture but maybe the Medicine Cards are online somewhere to see the pictures.
That is very strange it should come to you again. A definite message. (It is the little owl in the side of the picture).


  • untitled owl.bmp
    245.7 KB · Views: 76


Dear MoonSpirit!
Please put out the cards that you drew for memries reading and pray for her!
I do not know, if you can access the subscriber forum and read the prayer threads but I just started one for Memries, who is a personal friend of mine!
Here is what I wrote:

Hi Everyone!
I am sad to let you know, that I received very disturbing news about Memries:
She went into the hospital for routine surgery but took a stroke and is not doing too well!
Please include her into your prayers and I will try to find out more and let you know...
Very worried and praying!


I just responded to your PM and prayers are being sent to Memries. Thanks for letting me know. :heart: