Nov 08 - Intuitive Oracle Exchange - rcb30872 & Keigh


Hi guys,

Just getting your thread up and running. Please see below for suggested spread. If you have any problems, please drop me a pm.

x Huredriel

Sign-up will close on Friday 7th November 2008 and partners will be assigned on that date. Readings and feedback need to completed by Sunday 30th November 2008.

Spread for this round:

OK, this month I thought that since this group was originally set up to learn, we'd try something different. Now please note I am not trying to tell anyone how to read, nor how long their readings should be!!! The suggested spread is below, but what I thought would be nice, would be to see how much you can get from one card ...... not including the description ;) ......... sit with the card ....... takes notes of what flows through your mind when it's quiet ....... go away, come back to the card the next day ........ write a bit more ........ and so on, for at least a week ........ bet you have more than a few lines by then ....... after all, this is an intuitive group, so it doesn't matter if we get weird things, thoughts that don't seem to match the traditional meanings ...... it doesn't matter if its a curve ball and is wrong ........ if it helps us learn, it can't be bad :) ........ ok, enough waffling:

LET LOVE SPEAK - by our very own Elven

“Let Love Speak”.
I created this spread for one of the oracle reading groups - but it can be used with Tarot Majors and works just as well

‘Let Love Speak’ is about allowing a message from 'Love' to come through to the reading as purely as possible.

This is a ONE card Reading.

:) To allow ‘Love to Speak’ requires nothing but the intuitive choice of the Oracle or Deck from the Seeker, and the freedom to allow the message to flow intuitively. To allow "Love to Speak" will enable you to know what ever it needs to tell you, in as free a form as possible.

It is not about a certain topic related to Love, such as partners, children, pets or new relationships. By allowing ‘Love to Speak’ directly, your intuition enables the message to bypass personal obstacles and receive the essence of the message in its highest form.


:) The Seeker chooses the Oracle or Tarot Deck for the message to come through.
:) Shuffle the deck remaining open to allow Love to deliver its message to you.
:) Cut the deck into two piles and place the first pile on top of the second pile of cards.
:) Read the card on the top of the deck - This is a one card reading.


Hey Keigh

Do you want to follow the way huredriel suggested? If that is the case, then I will start ASAP, and after a week, I will get back to you ;). Would that be alright? If not, we can cut it down to a few days, if necessary.

Oh yeah, lovely to be partnered with you :D




rcb30872 said:
Hey Keigh

Do you want to follow the way huredriel suggested? If that is the case, then I will start ASAP, and after a week, I will get back to you ;). Would that be alright? If not, we can cut it down to a few days, if necessary.

Oh yeah, lovely to be partnered with you :D


Yes - let's follow the week thing. I've never done a reading that way before. I'll get started ASAP too. I'm going to use my Attuned: A moon cycle deck for this as the images seem to speak to the topic.

Looking forward to this - as always, I'm delighted to be paired up with you!


reading for Bec with Attuned: A Moon Cycle Deck


Here's your reading...though I may come back and add to it if something new strikes me.

What message or information does Bec need to know about Love?

The Sun (image attached for your reference)

The sun in this card has eyes wide open, though they seem to be seeing something no-one else can see. It's if it is looking either far into the future or else deep inside. When I look the sun's right eye (on the left side of the card) almost looks teary - as if the sun is profoundly moved by what it sees.

The sun's hands are crossed in front and one holds gently a heart while the other seems to be soothing or caressing the moon. It seems to me that there are a couple of messages to you here Bec. One is that you must love your self - completely. The feeling I had the the sun is looking inside itself and also the caressing of the moon (which is your subconscious/unconscious self - your inner self) seems to me to be talking to you about your need to treat your whole self with TLC - show yourself some gentleness and take the
time to listen to your body and spirit as they tell you what you really need.

The other message seems to be one of loving your opposite - as if there is a counterpart to you that lives outside of yourself (another person, perhaps) who seems to be your polar opposite in many ways. You are female, they are male. If you are practical then they are flighty - or have a tendency to be a dreamer. By accepting and treating this opposite with infinite care and tenderness, love will blossom.

For some reason, the above comment also makes me feel that it's an extension of the self-love bit as well. As if your practical-self needs to accept your dreamer-self. Both parts of you need expression and acceptance.

The sun image itself is very dynamic. Rays of yellow, deep reddish-brown, green, and blue surround and it are sent out to nourish the people and places that surround it. This makes me feel as though you find yourself nurturing others - and while this may at times make you tired - it is how you love. You are a giver and those in your life who are the recipients are better for having you around.

The spiral and the mini-sun (almost looks like the inside of an orange) on the sun's forehead feel as though the message is about bring light to your dreams, the ones that you hold dear, but keep silent about. They want to be brought out in the open, to become real. You can nurture and give life to them they same way you nurture and give life to those important to you.

Some fo they rase from the sun are coming from the it's open mouth - as if you are being asked to speak of your love to those who are most important to you. Use your words as well as your actions to let the people in your life know how you feel about them (this includes YOU - so talk kindly to yourself, deserve it).

Hope this makes some sense to you!


  • Sun.gif
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Hey Keigh

I used the Fairy Ring and drew the Leprechaun.

Don't replace something when all is needed for it is to be fixed. Take joy in all the things that you do, however mundance it may be. Typical leprechaun thing to say, pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Maybe that suggests we have to endure hardshi[s and heartache to get the true riches. Speaking of true riches, simple things in life, things that may not have to be "bought". Take pleasure in nature, look at nature and see the pure beauty that it holds. Maybe you need to "get back to nature" so to speak.

I heard somewhere that even though you might not want to smile, smile anyway. Eventually what makes you want to smile, some chemical in the brain, I think, will kick in because you are smiling. Fake it, until you make it, in a sense. Remeber it takes a lot more muscles to frown that it is to smile. Laughter is the best medicine, find ways to laugh, watch funny movies, read funny books, share jokes with friends, do whatever it takes to make you laugh and smile.

Someone said this to me, as a passing comment. The gold is buried underneath the rainbow. As to what that means, I still have no idea. I will mull over it and to figure out what it means. Maybe it means that you don't have to go far to get your pot of gold, you don't have to try to get to the elusive end of the rainbow. It is, well, right under your nose, in a manner of speaking. In other words you don't have to think about I will be happy when I get this, etc. You can be happy with what you have, what you already have in your possession. Another thing that made me think about was the gold is in you. Burined underneath the rainbow, one can think that you aura can be alike a rainblow, you think?

Life is what you make of it. The first time I heard this was from some person that I really didn't want to hear it from. And my initial reaction was that they were being selfish and that they have no way of knowing what I have to deal with on a day to day basis. However bad my situation is, I do try to find the good in not necessary that particular situation, but situations and what not that is around me either connected to or removed from the difficult or bad situation. However, I do rather enjoy the interactions I have with people that are around me, whether that is online or real life. I am rather a private person, but I do thrive on those interactions. I know that is not related to you, but I'm trying to show you that although things may seem all but lost, there are other areas that can bring you joy, you just have to realise where that is. I guess another thing is to have a gratitude diary, which I'm supposed to be doing, but haven't started, procrastination - my worst enemy!

Become more environmentally conscious. Spend more time outside, in your garden or maybe go for a walk in the bush, woods or forest, whatever the case may be. Perhaps get away from the rush of the city or urban life, take a holiday to some quite rural place. Unwind and relax. Find the time to do so, you would feel better for it.

Do things that are good for your soul. Do things that give you joy, work towards whatever your true heart's desires are. By doing these things, you would begin to feel better about yourself and your whole life would seem to be more full of colour, rather than some dull, drab existence that you must endure. Keep working on your soul, find just little things that bring you peace and joy. Make time for these things to do, even if it means saying no to other people's demands and eliminate things that clutter up your life. You can still do things for others, but not to the point where it is harmful to you, or depletes/saps you of your essence and energy. In other words do things that you want to do. If it is something that you really, really must do try to make it fun, make a game of it, anything just something that doesn't make it seem like drudgery. And iof there are things that you feel you muxt do, look at them and really look at it and identify whether it is actually necessary.

Another little side note, something else that was said, or sent to me, something about you have to go through the shadows to get to the sunrise or dawn.

That is all I can come up with for now.

Thanks for letting me read for you, it was fun.

I hope this makes sense and that it helps.




Keigh said:

Here's your reading...though I may come back and add to it if something new strikes me.

What message or information does Bec need to know about Love?

The Sun (image attached for your reference)

The sun in this card has eyes wide open, though they seem to be seeing something no-one else can see. It's if it is looking either far into the future or else deep inside. When I look the sun's right eye (on the left side of the card) almost looks teary - as if the sun is profoundly moved by what it sees.
I have been told by someone else that I really need to look inside, something which I have been avoiding, but she said it must be done so I can see what a wonderful and beautiful person I really am. The essence of me, what I was born like, in a manner of speaking, before all the "garbage" has been dumped on top of it. You know, the criticisms and what not that have come my way from others, that I have taken on board.
Keigh said:
The sun's hands are crossed in front and one holds gently a heart while the other seems to be soothing or caressing the moon. It seems to me that there are a couple of messages to you here Bec. One is that you must love your self - completely. The feeling I had the the sun is looking inside itself and also the caressing of the moon (which is your subconscious/unconscious self - your inner self) seems to me to be talking to you about your need to treat your whole self with TLC - show yourself some gentleness and take the
time to listen to your body and spirit as they tell you what you really need.
Yes, again, I have been told that I need to do the positive affirmations, be more positive in my thinking, because the negative thinking comes from my ego, and that is my downfall! Well, anyone's downfall for that matter. I have had a horrible week, and I have been very hard on myself, and beat myself up for a few things, basically letting things slide, and not reading things properly. Thinking that all was lost when I didn't fill in an application form on time, thinking that it needed to be done on Friday, only to discover that it needed to be done on Monday. I gave myself a real bashing over that, let me tell you, it wasn't pretty, saying that I was stupid, and all of that.
Keigh said:
The other message seems to be one of loving your opposite - as if there is a counterpart to you that lives outside of yourself (another person, perhaps) who seems to be your polar opposite in many ways. You are female, they are male. If you are practical then they are flighty - or have a tendency to be a dreamer. By accepting and treating this opposite with infinite care and tenderness, love will blossom.
I would say that would be me, another side of me, that is the dreamer and flighty. I tend to be a bit more rational, down to earth and practical. The other side of me that is a dreamer and flighty doesn't come out a lot. It does, but it is own fleetingly. I know it is there, I know that is part of me, I'm pretty sure that it is not another person, if it is, it might be a family member, not entirely sure. Convinced that it is part of me!
Keigh said:
For some reason, the above comment also makes me feel that it's an extension of the self-love bit as well. As if your practical-self needs to accept your dreamer-self. Both parts of you need expression and acceptance.
Yes. I agree. But I do tend to think that yes, it is alright to be dreamy and flighty, but at the end of the day, it gets me nowhere. Thinking that this might happen, and all of that, and in the end it doesn't, makes me feel a lot worse. I have become very pessimistic about my future, I would like for this and that to happen, but I just feel that it is just not going to happen! This is what I have, and this is exactly what I am going to have, nothing more, nothing less, this is it!
Keigh said:
The sun image itself is very dynamic. Rays of yellow, deep reddish-brown, green, and blue surround and it are sent out to nourish the people and places that surround it. This makes me feel as though you find yourself nurturing others - and while this may at times make you tired - it is how you love. You are a giver and those in your life who are the recipients are better for having you around.
Yes, I am a giver. Unfortunately I have a tendency to take it to far. I take the needs and wants over mine, and end up feeling very, very depleted. I know when it has got to the point when I have done it more than I should, I get despondent, depressed, stressed and get sick very, very easily. With minor things like colds and flus, and another thing that I know when I have taken it to far is my shoulder really, really plays up, used to be my guts, but now it is my shoulder! It's hurting now!
Keigh said:
The spiral and the mini-sun (almost looks like the inside of an orange) on the sun's forehead feel as though the message is about bring light to your dreams, the ones that you hold dear, but keep silent about. They want to be brought out in the open, to become real. You can nurture and give life to them they same way you nurture and give life to those important to you.
What's the point? It's not going to happen!
Keigh said:
Some fo they rase from the sun are coming from the it's open mouth - as if you are being asked to speak of your love to those who are most important to you. Use your words as well as your actions to let the people in your life know how you feel about them (this includes YOU - so talk kindly to yourself, deserve it).
I am not much of a talker, I am a doer! I show people how much I care about them, I don't tell them. I do try, but I feel really awkward doing so. Yes, I will try to talk to myself more kindly *sigh*

Thanks Keigh, for a wonderful reading, but I have had a shocking week!





Hey Bec - I was so sure that I'd finished my round before leaving on my I see that I owe you some feedback. I'll reread your post and get back to you asap. So sorry!!!! :|



feedback - late but posted!!!!

rcb30872 said:
Hey Keigh

I used the Fairy Ring and drew the Leprechaun.

Don't replace something when all is needed for it is to be fixed. Take joy in all the things that you do, however mundance it may be. Typical leprechaun thing to say, pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Maybe that suggests we have to endure hardshi[s and heartache to get the true riches. Speaking of true riches, simple things in life, things that may not have to be "bought". Take pleasure in nature, look at nature and see the pure beauty that it holds. Maybe you need to "get back to nature" so to speak.

I heard somewhere that even though you might not want to smile, smile anyway. Eventually what makes you want to smile, some chemical in the brain, I think, will kick in because you are smiling. Fake it, until you make it, in a sense. Remeber it takes a lot more muscles to frown that it is to smile. Laughter is the best medicine, find ways to laugh, watch funny movies, read funny books, share jokes with friends, do whatever it takes to make you laugh and smile.

Someone said this to me, as a passing comment. The gold is buried underneath the rainbow. As to what that means, I still have no idea. I will mull over it and to figure out what it means. Maybe it means that you don't have to go far to get your pot of gold, you don't have to try to get to the elusive end of the rainbow. It is, well, right under your nose, in a manner of speaking. In other words you don't have to think about I will be happy when I get this, etc. You can be happy with what you have, what you already have in your possession. Another thing that made me think about was the gold is in you. Burined underneath the rainbow, one can think that you aura can be alike a rainblow, you think?
I just spent a few very pleasant days getting back to nature and it is quite a restorative. I didn't realize how much I needed the infusion of life and energy that nature gives, so nice call Bec! I also realized that the difference between a good mood/bad mood (smile or frown) is often in the choice you make. You can choose to be in a bad mood over something....or you can just roll with it and be in a good mood. The good mood may seem like a hard thing to put on at times, but I've discovered it's immensely more enjoyable than being a grump!

As to the pot of gold being buried under the rainbow....I think this is just a timely reminder that there is no store where I can buy the happiness that I already have. My true gifts are my family - and I love them without reserve. Thanks for the timely reminder. As for my aura....I've never been able to see it and no-one else has ever told me what color it is. But since I often feel like multiple people....a rainbow one makes sense!!
Become more environmentally conscious. Spend more time outside, in your garden or maybe go for a walk in the bush, woods or forest, whatever the case may be. Perhaps get away from the rush of the city or urban life, take a holiday to some quite rural place. Unwind and relax. Find the time to do so, you would feel better for it.
I just took that holiday and feel rejuvenated....well, not my muscles - which are sore!!!! - but my psyche.
Do things that are good for your soul. Do things that give you joy, work towards whatever your true heart's desires are. By doing these things, you would begin to feel better about yourself and your whole life would seem to be more full of colour, rather than some dull, drab existence that you must endure. Keep working on your soul, find just little things that bring you peace and joy. Make time for these things to do, even if it means saying no to other people's demands and eliminate things that clutter up your life. You can still do things for others, but not to the point where it is harmful to you, or depletes/saps you of your essence and energy. In other words do things that you want to do. If it is something that you really, really must do try to make it fun, make a game of it, anything just something that doesn't make it seem like drudgery. And iof there are things that you feel you muxt do, look at them and really look at it and identify whether it is actually necessary.
This is very timely advice. I am so often pulled into giving of myself to others - sometimes to excesses that drain me - so I will try to hold my boundaries. I will also work on finding time to focus on self-joy....on fulfilling my soul with small acts of kindness - some turned inward, and some turned out. That should do it!
Another little side note, something else that was said, or sent to me, something about you have to go through the shadows to get to the sunrise or dawn.
Very very true....all of life has it's dark moments and I've certainly had my share. Keeping this in mind though...will help me navigate through them with more hope.

Thanks for this reading....and please forgive my late feedback! I truly thought I'd finished all my reading/feedback commitments before heading out on holiday.



Thanks Keigh for the feedback.

I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday. I want one :(. I've just had a very stressful week, last Thursday was the appeal hearing that I had with the Department of Housing and Works to get my application for government funded housing re-established. And just yesterday I had a rent inspection, plus I was sick, so I had to get the place sorted out, while feeling like death warmed up. No point anyone asking anyone to help, either because they won't help or I would feel forever in debted to them, not because of how I feel, it is the guilt trips that are layed on me.

I have been a single mother to a boy with an intellectual handicap for 7 years, with very little help from family, except from mum, but that is usually at a price, not monetary, just the way that she makes me feel so small. Unfortunately it is one of those situations where you are damned if you do, and damned if you don't. I need the help, she is the one that offers it, but then she makes me feel that I wish I didn't! Then there is other places that I can get help, and they are agencies. No other family member helps, and there are friends that can help, but in their situation they have it worse than me, so I really don't want to put on them, I usually feel that I should be helping them, but I have difficulty dealing with the stuff that I have to deal with, as it is. So, I really don't want the extra load added on to me.

There are other things, I need a holiday, minus little man. But I also need money for that, which I just don't have!



PS The weather in Perth has been a bit odd, it is supposed to be summer, but at times it feels like winter, cold, in Perth standards at any rate, over cast, raining, etc. I suffer with SAD, so the times when it is overcast I can be very negative. No doubt when I did the feedback was during one of those overcast bursts ;)


((((((((((Bec)))))))))) If I lived near you....I'd be there in a heartbeat! Hope that you get the help and the break you deserve (guilt free!).