NPR says psychics are the new psychologists. Are we?


alec said:
Some of the people looking for "psychic advice" want us to make the decisions for them. This is particularly destructive and sometimes unethical. In doing readings for others, it can come up subtly more often than one might think.

I think that is a huge understatement. For me it comes up more often than not and not subtly at all. Should I...? :(


IheartTarot, yes, some people can be quite persistent, can't they? :)


I dont know why people hate the word psychic so much, its simply a word that means you can read energy, but somehow it has turned into this dirty word that is spat out by people, so people pick a touchly feely word like 'intuitive' etc.
I am psychic and proud, i am happy to say i am, because how can i be a medium if i am not psychic, i cant so i embrace it.

I love being psychic, i believe most people are psychic and dont know it. I believe there are different levels of psychic ability, from intuitive upwards. Intuitives use tools because its easier for them to have a focus, i think the more you practice the less you need them, but you might still want to use them.
Look at how much good psychics can do, look at the what the therapies that use this ability can do (Psychosynthesis, family constellations ).

I dont give people 'psychic advice' or 'mediumship advice' i simply give the message or the situation as it is, and people decide what to do, i am not their guidence counsellor, people need to think for themselves, not expect someone to give them answers


alec said:
Have you seen this NPR story:

As a trained therapist (not currently practicing) and tarot reader, I've struggled a lot in the past with the "psychic" label. Clients/querents seem to want and need to think of us as psychics. What we are doing is helping them connect to the divine, and to make sense of their lives in an efficient and cost-effective way.

Now, I'm starting to think that I should stop trying to "push the river" and just embrace it.

Anyone else struggling with this?

To get back to the main question, yes thanks I saw it via your facebook link.

I wish I was psychic! By that I mean exceptionally psychic as I do believe we all are psychic to some degree. Maybe one day...

I don't think anyone should call themselves a psychic Tarot reader unless they are exceptionally psychic as some customers do know the difference and are looking for something that they cannot do for themselves. If I chose a Tarot reader because they called themselves psychic and they were no more psychic than I am, I would be unimpressed.

Sadly, the vast majority of the public (where I live anyway) do not really know what the word means and that is unfortunate. :(


Great topic!

I've actually had the mental debate over whether or not to allow myself to be called psychic-- it's come up a lot in the past few months. I'm really hesitant about donning that title because somehow I don't feel like I've yet achieved that level, let alone really am it through and through. I guess my notion of what is psychic is completely off from what the majority of people believe (whether right or wrong) and I do get asked bluntly if I'm psychic or not. I always get intimidated and just wanted to say 'I'm not that cool!'

But, maybe as franiee said, it's just easier to accept the term and go with it. It might be easier for me, too.