often confused about the strength card


Strength is Fortitude which in English might be called "courage," and it's one of the "cardinal virtues (along with Temperance, Justice, Prudence, although this list can vary a little).

... which has often made me wonder, given that the Mediaeval mind thought in sets and the deck is full of sets (emperor and empress, sun, moon and star, pope and papess, etc), whether there wasn't originally a set of Fortitude, Temperance, Justice and Prudence, and us moderns have lost the Prudence card after the ancient Italian period and before the Marseilles period.

And that makes me wonder what other cards or sets-of-cards we've lost.


May I ask how you interpret this card for feelings?
Whose feelings? I know that there are a lot of time you see questions about a card standing for "feelings" here, but there are a lot of spreads with that position and they're not all the same. Are we talking your feelings *about* something or someone? Or are we talking about how you're feeling right now just sitting in front of your computer? Or are we talking about how your feelings were in the past in regards to a situation? Or how your feelings will be in the future towards it?

We're back to what Mystica7 pointed out. That it depends on the question and context. Cards are not static. We can tell you what they're generally about, but specifically requires we know more about this position of "feelings." In some instances it might even mean that you are literally feeling physically healthy and "strong."