Once Upon A Time Cards

Little Baron

Anyone heard of these. Saw them while I was paying for a book in Borders today.

From what I could see, you get over a hundred cards, which you fit together as a story, as part of a game. But I am sure that the componants of the story could be used as an oracle.

Would just be interested to see what the images are like.

Can't find pictures anywhere and having trouble downloading what I can. They are published by Atlas. There are some where you can draw your own but that is not the set I am talking about. It is the second edition I saw, for £15.



I think I have heard of these cards somewhere, but I have not ever seen them. Thanks for the info. on them---they seem pretty cool, and also not very expensive! are you planning to purchase a set of these for yourself? I'd be interested in knowing how well they work out for you. keep us posted.


ok yes the OCD one bought them.....I thought they might be fun to play with my daughter....of couurse she will need to learn to read first but hey minor issues....
thanks Lb I'll tell you what they look like when I get them unless someone already fills you in :D


Not available at Amazon.ca or Chapters. Whew I am safe.

Little Baron

franniee said:
ok yes the OCD one bought them.....I thought they might be fun to play with my daughter....of couurse she will need to learn to read first but hey minor issues....
thanks Lb I'll tell you what they look like when I get them unless someone already fills you in :D

Oh yes. Please do. I was just curious, but didn't want to spend the money until I had seen a little more.



Amazon US carries them, and there is also an addition pack for the "dark tales" to mix in with the regular deck. Has trolls and such. I have added these to my wishlist. Could be a really fun game to play with friends! Thanks LB!

6 Haunted Days

Oh my this looks like a really fun fun game! Also I am certain they would make great oracles....the story would just flow. I wish there were more scans.


The obvious tie-in being the Magic Realist Fairytale Tarot and the Gothic one they're working on.

No mention of actual card size? If there are over 100 cards, they are probably tiny cards or no bigger than a playing card deck?

There's a lot of detail in the cards from what little we've seen--could be hard to see?

Little Baron

From what I gathered from the actual pack, the cards did not look like the front cover. They were sparcer. But there is only about two pictures on the cover. Maybe I will try and get Borders to open up a pack [wishful thinking].