One Deck Wonder Resurrected

Tarot Orat

Hi every one!! I am 1 month in exactly and feeling great! My Tarot of Vampyres and my Otacle of Shadows and Light are plotting together and giving me what I need to hear each day. Lus I actually did some readings for my other half and they have all rang true.

This weekend I am going to a local Rock & Gem show and so gonna take my decks so they can soak up the crystal energies and I might get them out and do some readings if people want.

Good to see do many new people starting this tread. Keep it up you al!!

Congratulations! I know what you mean about them plotting together too! I bet the rock and gem show will really be amazing and you'll get all kinds of energy from the crystals in yourself and the decks. What a great opportunity!


I am enjoying my Thoth experience very much, but I really want to buy a deck. What can I buy, people? I have pretty much stayed away from Tarot Deck threads for a few weeks now...I don't even know why I want to buy a new deck. I just do!


I am enjoying my Thoth experience very much, but I really want to buy a deck. What can I buy, people? I have pretty much stayed away from Tarot Deck threads for a few weeks now...I don't even know why I want to buy a new deck. I just do!
I rarely buy decks, but I'm thinking about the Tarot of the Holy Light. You might be interested in the fact that the card which represents the deck's author, Christine Payne-Towler, is the Queen of Swords. The artist, Michael Dowers, put Christine's initials on that card. One problem is that the deck is pricey, especially outside the US.

The author claims that the deck is the latest evolution of deck design in the tradition of Etteilla and Pappus and represents the esoteric philosophy of Continental Freemasonry. That bothers me a bit, because I want to know how true these claims are before I break the piggy bank.


I rarely buy decks, but I'm thinking about the Tarot of the Holy Light. You might be interested in the fact that the card which represents the deck's author, Christine Payne-Towler, is the Queen of Swords. The artist, Michael Dowers, put Christine's initials on that card. One problem is that the deck is pricey, especially outside the US.

The author claims that the deck is the latest evolution of deck design in the tradition of Etteilla and Pappus and represents the esoteric philosophy of Continental Freemasonry. That bothers me a bit, because I want to know how true these claims are before I break the piggy bank.

I just went and looked at it and first thought was, 'Oh my God that is a creepy deck!' Which is exactly the first thought I had about Thoth. I think this 'creepy' feeling might actually be recognition that there a lot of 'stuff' going on there, deep stuff. Important stuff. Stuff that changes you. Tarot of Holy Light looks like another deck I'd have to approach the way I have done with the Thoth, by feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Good suggestion! (I'm afraid to go and look at the price, though.)

Tarot Orat

I think this 'creepy' feeling might actually be recognition that there a lot of 'stuff' going on there, deep stuff. Important stuff. Stuff that changes you.

The two decks that I've worked the most deeply with and gotten the most out of have been supremely creepy and uncomfortable - the Dark Carnival and the Templar Tarot - and that shuddery feeling I get from some of the cards is exactly what tells me there's something really important to look at closely. Whether I want to or not!

Madame Squee

Guess what deck I bought today.... only WAKING THE WILD SPIRIT! It was going really cheap for book and cards on Amazon Marketplace. Before I had even thought about it I had clicked and bought it!
Don't ever sell or trade it away! It will haunt you! There's something about it. :bugeyed:

So my culling is going well ha! Well I have sold 2 decks to Elendil and posted them today, so actually my collection has gone down in net volume by 1! :p

I can see this is going to be an arduous process...
It's called baby steps. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's much better than rushing in and regretting later. :love:

Also OMG I laughed so hard at the thought of you dragging around a bin of all your fave decks! I can totally relate though. You need a magical Mary Poppins bag!
I would be crabbing about my bad back and aching feet the whole time. :p I forgot about Mary Poppins' magical bag. It would be perfect!!! :love:

Lil Red

There has been so much talk of Tarot of the Vampryes that I'm thinking in getting it. It had also been in my wish list as well. The cards are gorgeous and it has a pull in it like it takes you to another world. I'm ready to buy it but I'm holding in my urges until I finish up my 3 months.

Now, with my Ghost & Spirit tarot it has been good to me and I'm getting pretty insightful readings. There will be times when I question the card of the day but at the end of the day it makes perfect sense. I feel confident in doing face to face readings with it but I worry that people may feel repulse with this deck. It may not have the best of faces but it still a pretty good deck to read intuitionally. It also doesn't help that it has some of my favorite myths and legends like the black dog, the headless horseman, la llorona, and etc.


My One Deck Wonder projects continues to provide vindication that I picked the right deck for me and that I can comfortably continue with it, possibly even for several months to come, without feeling bereft of other decks.

I have many built-in long-term obstacles (the obstacles are my own self, you see) and the Grail quest is an apt analogy for my attempts to conquer them. Hell, it's an apt analogy for most struggles to reach a goal; that's why the tale's been in high circulation for a good few centuries.

The ODW Daily Draws thread is a great place to hang-out with my buds Tarot Orat, Disa, kalliope and aurarcana. I invite others to join us.


Chiriku, I saw you mention that you were considering scanning or photographing cards for your draws. Since I'm a fan of seeing the cards in others' spreads, I want to encourage this!

I also have a tip for making it easier for anyone who has a smartphone who would like to start doing this:
--Get yourself a free Dropbox account if you don't already have one.
--Install Dropbox on your computer, and on your phone.
--Turn ON the "instant upload" feature in the Dropbox app on your phone. (You can set it to only upload when on a wireless network so you don't eat up your data.)
--Your photos will then be synced to your Dropbox folder on your computer.
--Don't forget to periodically delete or transfer your uploads out of your Dropbox folder so you don't run out of space, and so the uploads list doesn't get unmanageably long.

This way, as soon as you snap a picture of your spread it will upload the photo to your account. When you go to your computer to post your Daily Draw, your photo will be waiting for you in your Camera Uploads folder. You'll probably have to adjust the size of your image to be within Aeclectic's limit (I do). (If you have a Mac, I'd suggest quickly opening up the image in Preview and using the Adjust Size option in the Tools menu. There is a standard 1024x768 option in the drop-down that almost always works, and Preview is lightweight and fast compared to most image editing software.)

These are very useful tips; I thank you, kalliope. Part of the reason I drag my feet so much on my online/electronic tarot journaling is because I mentally insist on having images of the card to accompany each entry, and it's a pain in the neck to have to email myself photos from my smartphone, log on to email on the computer, download them, and then upload them to whatever forum I'm writing in.

I actually do have Dropbox installed for a one-time share with someone but I recall something limiting my usage of it---I think it was a low allowed capacity for uploaded files, at least at the time.


These are very useful tips; I thank you, kalliope. Part of the reason I drag my feet so much on my online/electronic tarot journaling is because I mentally insist on having images of the card to accompany each entry, and it's a pain in the neck to have to email myself photos from my smartphone, log on to email on the computer, download them, and then upload them to whatever forum I'm writing in.

Can you take the pictures off your smart phone and put them right on the computer? Hook the phone up to the computer and transfer the files straight from the phone to the computer? Seems quicker than emailing?

Tarot Orat

It's my one-month anniversary with the ODW! It's been such a great addition to my life, I'm so glad I started it. And I really enjoy interacting with everyone else on the journey :) This and the Daily Draws thread are the first places I go on AT in the morning. I've been learning a lot and making great connections.

Anyone on the fence about doing an ODW...I highly recommend you join us!!! There's nothing quite like it :D