Overcoming back-to-back reading fatigue


I am a member of a "Mommy Message Board" and as a holiday gift to anyone interested I offered to do readings via email. I have gotten so many inquiries and most of them are multi-part questions. I only have time to do 3-4 a day and it is mentally draining (although very rewarding because it gives me good practice time). How do I maintain the energy needed to do the readings back-to back (these are not simple questions either, most involve marital states, whether there are more children in the future, jobs, etc). I am drinking mint tea to see if that helps and I burn my beeswax candle too to provide good energy in the room.

I am thinking of "auditioning" for a psychic fair next year and if I got it I would be doing readings almost non-stop for 4-6 hours! How do you do that without getting frazzled?

Help for the weary please!


You stay with small readings----three cards------one question. If you don't, you'll get "multiple questioned" to death. Drink plenty of water is always advice I see people give. A three-card one-question reading is a very generous gift and won't overtax you. People tend to try to squeeze several questions in and that's actually quite greedy, especially when you've offered free readings. Just stick with three cards, one question. You might sometimes have to draw an extra card or two as a clarifier, but at least you've got a realistic limit set.


you were very kind to offer this! If you choose to do it again next year give them some upfront guidelines in how phrase a question, and indicate the answers Tarot gives are about self-empowerment, not tell me the future as most uninitiated believe, based on what they've seen in B-movies. Then limit the readings to 3 cards, based on a focal part of their question of they continue to ask multi-part queries.

Seasons Best, be good to yourself.


Could you perhaps ask for a 15 minute break in there? It's not much, but it'll do you a world of good!

I fully support the recommendations to do 3-card 1 question readings. And bring lots of bottled water or make sure there's a drinking fountain nearby. Maybe bring a quick snack mix, like unsalted peanuts and chocolate chips (personal favorite) or something that really gets you going for between the readings. Ask for a second to munch. And treat yourself afterwards.

If things go badly, be like card 12---Hang in there. ;) (I was thinking about him while stuck in a bad traffic jam today)

Best of luck!


That's a wonderful idea about offering a gift to people in the form of a Tarot card reading.


I have to agree with Lyric. Water, believe it or not is key to staying reasonably fresh, and not become fatigued. When I started to do readings again almost a year ago on this site, I would get the worst headaches, right in the front of my head. I find now when I do multiple readings that keeping 'Ye old water bottle' close by. It helps a lot.



Imagine now reading in a psychic holistic fair/event, where you read face-to-face for strangers for 8-12 hours a day. Sometimes they're lined up.

Seriously, if you're getting wiped out doing it (reading), over the net - you may want to seriously examine your life.

What are you putting into your body?

If you're getting wiped out doing 3 net readings a day - you're seriously unhealthy, most likely clinically dehydrated…

Energy for the room?

What about the reader? One cannot provide a service for the sitter if you’re concentrating on the room more than yourself.

I apologize for upsetting you, however I think some serious needs are being ignored (and at your sitters’ peril).

Improve the diet, increase water consumption, lay off the coffee tea and soda, more exercise and fresh air (I'm deadly serious here), and ground when reading please.


Water is definitely something I do not drink enough of (I don't drink much of anything actually and that is not good). Thank you Umbrae for your candor. I will take all of your wisdom to heart. I have a large glass of water right next to me now and will make it a habit to have it with me whenever I am reading. I will also look into my diet as well to see how I can make it healthier.

Glass Owl

I read somewhere that one big reason why the labels on pain relievers stress that we should drink a full glass of water with their pills is because, a lot of the time, the person with the headache is simply dehyrated and needs water. The water gets rid of the headache! I have found that when I don't get enough water, it definately makes it harder for me to concentrate and when I get caught up in tarot or AT, I have to remind myself to take breaks and drink water.

I have a hard time drinking a lot of fluids but I need to for medical reasons. If you hate drinking water (like me) there are others things you can do to get those fluids in. My doctor helped me with this.

The best thing is to drink slips of water a lot. Don't go long stretches without water, especially in warm weather and while exercising. For some reason my kidney really acts up in the winter though so its important to remember that even when you are cold, you still need water. Drink a lot of water when you first wake up in the morning too--it helps start the day right. And by the time you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. The same thing with food--smaller meals at regular intervals are important.

Don't forget you can add lime or lemon to your water. I absolutely love metromint water (peppermint water and now they have a spearmint one.) You can get it in many health food stores.You can make your version by brewing mint tea (don't let it steep too long) and then refrigerating the results. Honey Vanilla Chamomile tea tastes great cold also if you dislike hot tea. (Chamomile is good for the stomach and is soothing for the nerves.) I drink tea a lot and it helps. I usually have a cup of tea while I read but I keep the cup on the floor so I don't accidently spill any on the cards.

If you have to drink soda, limit how much and stay away from ones with dyes--stick with the ones that you can see through. This is less taxing on the body because it is hard on the kidneys to filter that. Also try to watch how much juice, soda, alcohol, etc you are drinking because they have a lot of sugar and will affect your blood sugar levels. And when those levels get high, it usually results in hunger and a desire for even more sugar!

If you think that your readings are just taxing you spiritually and mentally,
maybe it's just that you are juggling too many different things and you are feeling overwhelmed. If so, you may need to cut back on some things and/or look into meditation, relaxation techniques. And we can't forget the importance having some time for yourself to regroup and getting enough sleep! There are also vitamins and herb out there that may help you in regards to mental clarity and focus.


Wow - Lots of great advice in this thread. I also used to get headaches after doing readings for a while. Found out it was a combination of a couple of things. Dehydration - I read somewhere that many people in developed countries where munchies are always available mistake the sensation of thirst for hunger. We snack when we should drink a glass of water.

Also, it turns out that I needed reading glasses. I'm 24, so this came as a bit of a surprise. But, I would also get headaches after working on the computer for a while, or reading a book. My vision isn't bad enough that its noticable but after a while it would start to be a strain. Now, I have reading glasses, but I only use them if I'm going to be doing something like reading cards (or something else) for a whiiiiiiiile.