page of swords as advice


I got the page of swords as advice for how to find love. I am very confused about this.

Could it mean I need to be more analytic?


How to find love. Page of Swords. Hmm. Electronic media; phone or internet.


In the RWS deck, the page is holding their sword close to their heart, but not covering it ( To me, this says be cautious but be open to those who approach you. Be discriminating, but not cold.

Also, learn from your past, get rid of old patterns that don't serve you in any way and/or are detrimental. If some negative "theme" or little behaviors pops up again and again (patterns) in your past relationships (like jealousy) try figuring out why they occurred, and if you can, find a way to alleviate them so they don't happen again.


Just a friendly tip since you are asking a lot of questions about individual cards that likely already have some thread(s) existing somewhere for them:

You can do a google search like this " <insert whatever you are looking for in here>" For example, typing in " page of swords as advice" returns related threads, including one on exactly this topic.


How to find love--Page of Swords: keep your eyes open and your mouth closed.


The Page of any suit is a child probably around 12 years old. Children are rather innocent in the ways of the world (although sometimes I wonder these days) and aren't inclined to try to be seductive or predatory or constantly trying to find a mate. They just are who they are and they can more easily accept someone else for who that person is without judging everyone by the yardstick of whether they're competition for a potential mate or are mate material like older people sometimes tend to do. They're vulnerable and aren't afraid to be vulnerable as many adults have become. They don't put up the walls and play the coy games that adults do.

I'm not talking about the little kids who wear makeup, too-short skirts, net stockings and thigh boots with a head full of knowledge they shouldn't have gained and normally wouldn't have "in the wild" without all the explicit movies and raunchy pop stars. I'm talking about a child as he or she is in a healthy environment.

So think of a studious child who likes literature and is somewhat of a word maven. They like to "know stuff" and probably have more interest in Harry Potter than Harry down the street unless he's into books and things, too. They'd rather go to the library or a museum or roller skating than a Hannah Montana concert. They wear "regular" clothing, not clothing that's meant to be flashy or seductive. Even if they might have a little crush now and then, they like friendship the best and find it most interesting.

When you think about it, that's pretty darned good advice on how to find love. Don't go looking for it and it will find you. That's the best kind.


I'm going to have to disagree with keeping your mouth closed. ;) Normally I would say the Page of Swords is more observant and quiet, but I think when it comes to finding love, you have to be assertive and ask those questions that are sometimes uncomfortable to ask, and do it with a child-like innocence. Don't agree with someone for the sake of agreeing and maintaining that equilibrium - start a small ruckus if you have to, in order to get the truth... don't be afraid to disagree and poke around in a person's business in a way that others might be afraid to (you are considering getting close to that person afterall).


I'm going to have to disagree with keeping your mouth closed. ;) Normally I would say the Page of Swords is more observant and quiet, but I think when it comes to finding love, you have to be assertive and ask those questions that are sometimes uncomfortable to ask, and do it with a child-like innocence. Don't agree with someone for the sake of agreeing and maintaining that equilibrium - start a small ruckus if you have to, in order to get the truth... don't be afraid to disagree and poke around in a person's business in a way that others might be afraid to (you are considering getting close to that person afterall).

But remember that back in the days when there were really Pages, kids were taught to be seen and not heard, so they might be precocious and pushy with someone of their own age once in awhile but not in your face and determined to be in someone else's business, even if it were another child. Especially girl children wouldn't be that likely to be outspoken and plucky towards a boy, and boys would be respectful of girls, not pushy. They did follow the example of their elders when it came to male/female dealings, and ladies were ladies and men were chivalrous. That wasn't playing coy games, that was the way society functioned for the higher classes and Pages were in training at court among the higher class. If a girl got "all up in your business" and you were a boy, you'd lose respect for her and have nothing to do with her. If a boy did it with a girl, she'd try to avoid him like the plague. It's really not all that much different now.


Amanda_04 said:
I'm going to have to disagree with keeping your mouth closed.
The reason that came to me for this question was because the Page of Swords often tends to talk before thinking, which comes with his immaturity. He's wielding this huge sword of [the beginnings of] knowledge, but often doesn't know how to use that knowledge wisely or discreetly yet. That will come as his energy progresses to the Queen or King of the suit, I think. So, as advice, what came to me from the energy of this page was to try to avoid that kind of behavior, since it would seem counter-intuitive to me that acting that way--speaking out of turn and telling secrets one shouldn't--would do more to repel love than to attract it.

As sage advice for how to attract or go after love, the rest of what you said is right on the money. This Page may not be mature enough to see that yet, though.

Again--just my opinion for how I'd read this card as advice.


Ever-ready to parley!

I got the page of swords as advice for how to find love. I am very confused about this.

Could it mean I need to be more analytic?

Analytic? Hell no - a page is young and immature, superficial is the key here!

A page is someone who serves, and swords something that cuts = get thee to a hairdresser, pedicurist, tailor, etc., = look after yourself and the rest will follow; be ever-ready to parley; pamper yourself, get your nails done, your hair cut and a pedicure and always dress in whatever well-fit clothes are suitable for the occasion feeling sazzy, confident, well-groomed and beautiful from head to toes; a fine cut figure whose attention others are blessed to win.